Bug #13617
closed[a-n-m] labels in instances in AWS are confusing
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(Total: 0.00 h)
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Release relationship:
since ticket #7478 spot instances show up:
Jun 12 21:13:13 env[11286]: 2018-06-12 21:13:13 arvnodeman.jobqueue[11289] INFO: {'real': <NodeSize: id=m4.large, name=Large Instance, ram=8192 disk=0 bandwidth=None price=0.1 driver=Amazon EC2 ...>, 'preemptable': False, 'name': 'Large Instance', 'extra': {'cpu': 2}, 'scratch': 32000, 'price': 0.1, 'ram': 7782, 'bandwidth': None, 'cores': 2, 'disk': 0, 'id': 'm4.large'} Jun 12 21:13:13 env[11286]: 2018-06-12 21:13:13 arvnodeman.jobqueue[11289] INFO: {'real': <NodeSize: id=m4.large, name=Large Instance, ram=8192 disk=0 bandwidth=None price=0.1 driver=Amazon EC2 ...>, 'preemptable': True, 'name': 'Large Instance', 'extra': {'cpu': 2}, 'scratch': 32000, 'price': 0.1, 'ram': 7782, 'bandwidth': None, 'cores': 2, 'disk': 0, 'id': ''}
but it's confusing to know in the wishlist which one is being referred:
Jun 12 21:17:13 env[11286]: 2018-06-12 21:17:13 JobQueueMonitorActor.140593208914768[11289] DEBUG: Calculated wishlist: Large Instance, Large Instance Jun 12 21:17:13 env[11286]: 2018-06-12 21:17:13 NodeManagerDaemonActor.e1a8b77a0365[11289] INFO: Compute Optimized Eight Extra Large Instance: wishlist 0, up 0 (booting 0, unpaired 0, idle 0, busy 0), down 0, shutdown 0 Jun 12 21:17:13 env[11286]: 2018-06-12 21:17:13 NodeManagerDaemonActor.e1a8b77a0365[11289] INFO: Compute Optimized Quadruple Extra Large Instance: wishlist 0, up 0 (booting 0, unpaired 0, idle 0, busy 0), down 0, shutdown 0 Jun 12 21:17:13 env[11286]: 2018-06-12 21:17:13 NodeManagerDaemonActor.e1a8b77a0365[11289] INFO: Compute Optimized Double Extra Large Instance: wishlist 0, up 0 (booting 0, unpaired 0, idle 0, busy 0), down 0, shutdown 0 Jun 12 21:17:13 env[11286]: 2018-06-12 21:17:13 NodeManagerDaemonActor.e1a8b77a0365[11289] INFO: Double Extra Large Instance: wishlist 0, up 0 (booting 0, unpaired 0, idle 0, busy 0), down 0, shutdown 0 Jun 12 21:17:13 env[11286]: 2018-06-12 21:17:13 NodeManagerDaemonActor.e1a8b77a0365[11289] INFO: Compute Optimized Extra Large Instance: wishlist 0, up 0 (booting 0, unpaired 0, idle 0, busy 0), down 0, shutdown 0 Jun 12 21:17:13 env[11286]: 2018-06-12 21:17:13 NodeManagerDaemonActor.e1a8b77a0365[11289] INFO: Extra Large Instance: wishlist 0, up 0 (booting 0, unpaired 0, idle 0, busy 0), down 0, shutdown 0 Jun 12 21:17:13 env[11286]: 2018-06-12 21:17:13 NodeManagerDaemonActor.e1a8b77a0365[11289] INFO: Compute Optimized Large Instance: wishlist 0, up 0 (booting 0, unpaired 0, idle 0, busy 0), down 0, shutdown 0 Jun 12 21:17:13 env[11286]: 2018-06-12 21:17:13 NodeManagerDaemonActor.e1a8b77a0365[11289] INFO: Large Instance: wishlist 0, up 0 (booting 0, unpaired 0, idle 0, busy 0), down 0, shutdown 0 Jun 12 21:17:13 env[11286]: 2018-06-12 21:17:13 NodeManagerDaemonActor.e1a8b77a0365[11289] INFO: Large Instance: wishlist 2, up 0 (booting 0, unpaired 0, idle 0, busy 0), down 0, shutdown 0
Updated by Lucas Di Pentima almost 7 years ago
- Assigned To set to Lucas Di Pentima
Updated by Lucas Di Pentima over 6 years ago
- Status changed from New to In Progress
Updated by Lucas Di Pentima over 6 years ago
- Target version set to 2018-06-20 Sprint
Updated by Lucas Di Pentima over 6 years ago
Updates at 0275a6282 - branch 13617-anm-instance-type-logging
Test run:
Talked with Nico about using size ids instead of size names when logging, as different instance types can have the same cloud assigned name.
Updated by Peter Amstutz over 6 years ago
Yes, I agree it should definitely be logging the arvados instance type. Does this affect what is returned by the status endpoint as well?
Updated by Lucas Di Pentima over 6 years ago
- Status changed from In Progress to Resolved
- % Done changed from 0 to 100
Applied in changeset arvados|4f1e8828caf40af5a80ca8189c46a6cdfe8d541f.