Bug #13979
closed[Data Operations] Creating Project - name of previously created project is still populating name field when creating another
After creating a project in Arvados Workbench, and attempting to create next project or sub-project, "Name" field on pop-up creation window is already populated by the name of previous project.
1. log in to Arvados Workbench 2
2. Create project
- right-click on "Projects" on left-hand side tree menu
- select "New Project"
- write name and hit "Create a project"
3. Select "New Project" option (either from projects list or by right-clicking on "Projects" again)
4. Observe that "Name" field is populated with the name of previously created project
Observed results:
"Name" field is filled with the name of previous project.
Excepted results:
"Name" field should be empty for user to create new Project.
Updated by Karolina Szymanska over 6 years ago
Chrystian, zobacz swoim projektanckim okiem czy to jest błąd
Updated by Chrystian Klingenberg over 6 years ago
- Assigned To changed from Chrystian Klingenberg to Pawel Kowalczyk
Updated by Pawel Kowalczyk over 6 years ago
- Status changed from New to In Progress
Updated by Pawel Kowalczyk over 6 years ago
- Status changed from In Progress to Closed