Bug #14627
closed[crunchstat-summary] job elapsed time wrong for crunch2 jobs
The stop gap mentioned in #12748 Note-1 and implemented in 42017ce7d clearly isn't working.
For the bcl2fasq job e51c5-dz642-6ptvwlrcert9zji, crunchstat-summary reports an elapsed time of 2h8m32s while workbench reports 5h41m. For the HTML format report, two different time axes are used: 2h10m for CPU & mem but 5h40m for net:keep0.
In addition to correcting the elapsed time calculation, we should also fix the graphing so that the same aligned time base is used - at least for all metrics in a single job. We may even want to use the same time base across all jobs, but I'll leave that for a separate ticket.
Updated by Tom Morris almost 6 years ago
- Status changed from New to In Progress
- Assigned To set to Tom Morris
- Target version changed from To Be Groomed to 2019-03-27 Sprint
- Story points set to 0.5
Updated by Tom Morris almost 6 years ago
- Target version changed from 2019-03-27 Sprint to 2019-04-10 Sprint
Updated by Tom Morris almost 6 years ago
- Target version changed from 2019-04-10 Sprint to 2019-04-24 Sprint
Updated by Tom Morris almost 6 years ago
1-line fix ready for review on 14627-crunchstat-summary-elapsed at 7d58d8583516533c6194a91f7b40105fafba3a7
It is based on branch 14939-crunchstat-summary-python3-fixup
Successful Jenkins run at https://ci.curoverse.com/view/Developer/job/developer-run-tests/1202/
Updated by Tom Morris almost 6 years ago
- Status changed from In Progress to Resolved