



Feature #14812


[Workbench1] Load configuration from cluster config file

Added by Peter Amstutz about 6 years ago. Updated about 5 years ago.

Assigned To:
Target version:
Start date:
Due date:
% Done:


Estimated time:
(Total: 0.00 h)
Story points:
Release relationship:


At startup, Workbench should
  1. execute arvados-server config-dump < /etc/arvados/config.yml (if that fails, error out)
  2. load the resulting YAML document
  3. use that document (instead of .../config/application.yml etc) as the application configuration
The main dev tasks are
  • Loading the new config at startup
  • Changing the config key uses to the new keys
Implementation notes:
  • If .../config/application.yml exists, values there should take precedence. This should be done with the same code used in RailsAPI. "config dump" and "config diff" rake tasks should be provided, just like in RailsAPI.
  • Install guide and upgrading/release notes need to be updated to ensure the "arvados-server" package is installed on the workbench host.
  • Update Arvbox to install arvados-server.

Subtasks 2 (0 open2 closed)

Task #15395: Review 14812-wb1-new-configResolvedPeter Amstutz07/02/2019

Task #15450: Fix packaging (ops)ResolvedWard Vandewege07/02/2019


Related issues 3 (0 open3 closed)

Related to Arvados - Story #13648: [Epic] Use one cluster configuration file for all componentsResolved

Related to Arvados - Support #15449: Workbench and API server packages depend on arvados-serverResolvedWard Vandewege

Blocked by Arvados - Story #13996: [API] Migrate RailsAPI to new cluster config fileResolvedPeter Amstutz03/26/2019

Actions #1

Updated by Peter Amstutz about 6 years ago

  • Status changed from New to In Progress
Actions #2

Updated by Peter Amstutz about 6 years ago

  • Status changed from In Progress to New
Actions #3

Updated by Peter Amstutz about 6 years ago

  • Related to Story #13648: [Epic] Use one cluster configuration file for all components added
Actions #4

Updated by Peter Amstutz almost 6 years ago

  • Blocked by Story #13996: [API] Migrate RailsAPI to new cluster config file added
Actions #5

Updated by Peter Amstutz almost 6 years ago

  • Description updated (diff)
Actions #6

Updated by Peter Amstutz almost 6 years ago

Actions #7

Updated by Peter Amstutz almost 6 years ago

  • Subject changed from [Workbench1] Use cluster config to [Workbench1] Use safe config from controller
  • Description updated (diff)
Actions #8

Updated by Tom Clegg over 5 years ago

  • Subject changed from [Workbench1] Use safe config from controller to [Workbench1] Load configuration from cluster config file
  • Description updated (diff)
Actions #9

Updated by Tom Clegg over 5 years ago

  • Description updated (diff)
Actions #10

Updated by Tom Clegg over 5 years ago

  • Description updated (diff)
Actions #11

Updated by Tom Morris over 5 years ago

  • Target version changed from To Be Groomed to Arvados Future Sprints
  • Story points set to 2.0
Actions #12

Updated by Tom Clegg over 5 years ago

  • Blocked by deleted (Feature #15000: [controller] publish safe config)
Actions #13

Updated by Tom Morris over 5 years ago

  • Target version changed from Arvados Future Sprints to 2019-07-03 Sprint
Actions #14

Updated by Peter Amstutz over 5 years ago

  • Assigned To set to Peter Amstutz
Actions #15

Updated by Peter Amstutz over 5 years ago

  • Status changed from New to In Progress
Actions #16

Updated by Tom Clegg over 5 years ago

Instead of a full-on template approach, perhaps we can support two options for the keep-web URLs:
  1. Leading *, like "https://*" or "https://*--collections..../", means replace the leading * with the relevant UUID/PDH
  2. No leading *, like "", means append /c=uuid_or_pdh
For webshell, the options might be
  1. Leading *, like "https://*", means replace the leading * with the relevant VM name
  2. No leading *, like "", is an error, or means no webshell support
Actions #17

Updated by Peter Amstutz over 5 years ago

Tom Clegg wrote:

Instead of a full-on template approach, perhaps we can support two options for the keep-web URLs:
  1. Leading *, like "https://*" or "https://*--collections..../", means replace the leading * with the relevant UUID/PDH
  2. No leading *, like "", means append /c=uuid_or_pdh
For webshell, the options might be
  1. Leading *, like "https://*", means replace the leading * with the relevant VM name
  2. No leading *, like "", is an error, or means no webshell support

So basically, instead of search-and-replace for '%{uuid_or_pdh}' it would search-and-replace for '*' ? Changing this means both migrating the existing config and changing how Workbench interprets it to the new config, so there should probably be a better reason to change it than just aesthetics.

Actions #18

Updated by Tom Clegg over 5 years ago

Peter Amstutz wrote:

So basically, instead of search-and-replace for '%{uuid_or_pdh}' it would search-and-replace for '*'?

I'm trying to get away from "tell us how to make a URL" in favor of "tell us which domain names / TLS certs you have, and we'll use that information to build URLs that work."

So, instead of the two typical examples being
  • https://%{uuid_or_pdh}
they would be
  • https://*

In the second case, Arvados would know (without being told by the config file) how/when to append the .../c=UUID part.

Actions #19

Updated by Peter Amstutz over 5 years ago

14812-wb1-new-config @ cf98484b422c29dfa251da5a176e18096f09aa7a

  • Migrate wb1 application.yml to new config structure
  • Update wb1 code to new config structure.
  • Update both wb1 and API server to get configuration by running "arvados-server config-defaults" and "arvados-server config-dump"
  • Update config.go and defaults file for a few keys that were missed before
  • Restructure a couple config items to accommodate the "no lists" design rule
Actions #20

Updated by Tom Clegg over 5 years ago

  • Update both wb1 and API server to get configuration by running "arvados-server config-defaults" and "arvados-server config-dump"

You can get defaults (with a cluster ID of your choice) by doing something like this

echo 'Clusters: {aaaaa: {}}' | arvados-server config-dump -config -

I wonder if it would be better for apiserver/wb1 to use that?

There are probably other uses for a "arvados-server config-defaults" command but I wonder if they would be better served by outputting the literal text complete with comments, samples, etc.

Actions #21

Updated by Peter Amstutz over 5 years ago

Tom Clegg wrote:

  • Update both wb1 and API server to get configuration by running "arvados-server config-defaults" and "arvados-server config-dump"

You can get defaults (with a cluster ID of your choice) by doing something like this


I wonder if it would be better for apiserver/wb1 to use that?

Ok, I had tried "echo '{}' | arvados-server config-dump -config -" and but got "config does not define any clusters". I didn't think to provide a bogus cluster id. Your trick works, so I'll see if I can use it.

There are probably other uses for a "arvados-server config-defaults" command but I wonder if they would be better served by outputting the literal text complete with comments, samples, etc.

I originally wanted to just dump the literal text, but I needed the SAMPLE sections filtered out. Since I can get that with your empty cluster trick, I will change config-defaults to just print the text.

Actions #22

Updated by Lucas Di Pentima over 5 years ago

Made a quick grep of configuration usage and found:

  • There’s a mention of profiling_enabled config on apps/workbench/app/models/arvados_api_client.rb:64 that seems to not be migrated
  • There’s a mention of api_response_compression on apps/workbench/app/models/arvados_api_client.rb:104 that it is already migrated to Workbench.APIResponseCompression
  • There’s a mention of testing_override_login_url on apps/workbench/app/models/arvados_api_client.rb lines 239 and 240 but it seems is for testing purposes only, so I’m not sure if it belongs to the cluster config. Mentioning it just in case.
  • There’s a mention of enable_public_projects_page on apps/workbench/app/views/application/_breadcrumbs.html.erb:34 that’s already migrated to Workbench.EnablePublicProjectsPage
  • Side note: there’s a mention of Rails.configuration.include_accept_encoding_header_in_api_requests on apps/workbench/test/controllers/application_controller_test.rb:452 … it seems to me that this test doesn’t do anything useful, as I didn’t find any mention of that configuration anywhere.
Actions #23

Updated by Lucas Di Pentima over 5 years ago

A couple more comments:

Actions #24

Updated by Peter Amstutz over 5 years ago

Lucas Di Pentima wrote:

Made a quick grep of configuration usage and found:

  • There’s a mention of profiling_enabled config on apps/workbench/app/models/arvados_api_client.rb:64 that seems to not be migrated


  • There’s a mention of api_response_compression on apps/workbench/app/models/arvados_api_client.rb:104 that it is already migrated to Workbench.APIResponseCompression


  • There’s a mention of testing_override_login_url on apps/workbench/app/models/arvados_api_client.rb lines 239 and 240 but it seems is for testing purposes only, so I’m not sure if it belongs to the cluster config. Mentioning it just in case.

I added that because arvados_login_base is always derived from Services.Controller.ExternalURL (as /login on controller) so it didn't make sense to have two configuration keys, but there was one test which relied on being able to override the login separately to provide a stub server.

  • There’s a mention of enable_public_projects_page on apps/workbench/app/views/application/_breadcrumbs.html.erb:34 that’s already migrated to Workbench.EnablePublicProjectsPage


  • Side note: there’s a mention of Rails.configuration.include_accept_encoding_header_in_api_requests on apps/workbench/test/controllers/application_controller_test.rb:452 … it seems to me that this test doesn’t do anything useful, as I didn’t find any mention of that configuration anywhere.

This test was added in #5556 and then the configuration key was changed to "api_response_compression" in #6087 but the test was never updated. I updated the test to use APIResponseCompression.

Actions #25

Updated by Peter Amstutz over 5 years ago

Lucas Di Pentima wrote:

A couple more comments:

I moved it to Collections, thanks.

  • Commented debugging log on apps/workbench/app/views/jobs/_show_log.html.erb:83


Actions #26

Updated by Peter Amstutz over 5 years ago

  • Target version changed from 2019-07-03 Sprint to 2019-07-17 Sprint
Actions #27

Updated by Lucas Di Pentima over 5 years ago

Just in case you didn't see it yet, tests failed with the following message at the workbench install phase: Collections.TrustAllContent expected Boolean but was NilClass

Actions #28

Updated by Peter Amstutz over 5 years ago

14812-wb1-new-config @ fe06b864a537f5b6440a50bf85af9bc93d7aae80

Fixed issue identified in review, fixed some other test issues.

Actions #29

Updated by Lucas Di Pentima over 5 years ago

Tried to start arvbox and I'm getting this on the workbench's log:

2019-07-03_19:41:11.16087 + bundle exec rake npm:install
2019-07-03_19:41:12.95978 Called 'load' without the :safe option -- defaulting to safe mode.
2019-07-03_19:41:12.95980 You can avoid this warning in the future by setting the SafeYAML::OPTIONS[:default_mode] option (to :safe or :unsafe).
2019-07-03_19:41:12.97944 time="2019-07-03T19:41:12.979368150Z" level=warning msg="deprecated or unknown config entry: Clusters.x7k6z.NodeProfiles" 
2019-07-03_19:41:12.97946 time="2019-07-03T19:41:12.979436278Z" level=warning msg="deprecated or unknown config entry: Clusters.x7k6z.PostgreSQL.Connection.client_encoding" 
2019-07-03_19:41:12.99627 rake aborted!
2019-07-03_19:41:12.99630 NoMethodError: private method `warn' called for nil:NilClass
2019-07-03_19:41:12.99639 /usr/src/arvados/apps/workbench/lib/config_validators.rb:11:in `validate_wb2_url_config'
2019-07-03_19:41:12.99640 /usr/src/arvados/apps/workbench/config/arvados_config.rb:191:in `block in <top (required)>'
2019-07-03_19:41:12.99640 /var/lib/gems/ruby/2.3.0/gems/railties- `instance_eval'
2019-07-03_19:41:12.99641 /var/lib/gems/ruby/2.3.0/gems/railties- `configure'
2019-07-03_19:41:12.99641 /var/lib/gems/ruby/2.3.0/gems/railties- `configure'
2019-07-03_19:41:12.99641 /usr/src/arvados/apps/workbench/config/arvados_config.rb:183:in `<top (required)>'
2019-07-03_19:41:12.99641 /usr/src/arvados/apps/workbench/config/application.rb:25:in `require_relative'
2019-07-03_19:41:12.99642 /usr/src/arvados/apps/workbench/config/application.rb:25:in `<class:Application>'
2019-07-03_19:41:12.99642 /usr/src/arvados/apps/workbench/config/application.rb:23:in `<module:ArvadosWorkbench>'
2019-07-03_19:41:12.99642 /usr/src/arvados/apps/workbench/config/application.rb:22:in `<top (required)>'
2019-07-03_19:41:12.99642 /usr/src/arvados/apps/workbench/Rakefile:9:in `require'
2019-07-03_19:41:12.99642 /usr/src/arvados/apps/workbench/Rakefile:9:in `<top (required)>'
2019-07-03_19:41:12.99643 /var/lib/gems/ruby/2.3.0/gems/rake-12.3.2/exe/rake:27:in `<top (required)>'
Actions #30

Updated by Lucas Di Pentima over 5 years ago

Reviewing updates at c12b6b6 now produces the following error:

2019-07-03_20:39:50.82684 rake aborted!
2019-07-03_20:39:50.82686 workbench2_url config is not an HTTP URL:
2019-07-03_20:39:50.82687 /usr/src/arvados/apps/workbench/lib/config_validators.rb:11:in `validate_wb2_url_config'
Actions #31

Updated by Peter Amstutz over 5 years ago

Lucas Di Pentima wrote:

Reviewing updates at c12b6b6 now produces the following error:


It is supposed to do that. I think you wrote those validators originally?

Actions #33

Updated by Lucas Di Pentima over 5 years ago

Yes, that error came from a custom application.yml file on apps/workbench/ that I use for testing purposes that got copied to the arvbox directory.
Pulled latest changes and deleted that file and tried again. Now I'm getting this error:

2019-07-08_14:15:20.71583 + RAILS_GROUPS=assets
2019-07-08_14:15:20.71584 + bundle exec rake npm:install
2019-07-08_14:15:22.55011 Called 'load' without the :safe option -- defaulting to safe mode.
2019-07-08_14:15:22.55013 You can avoid this warning in the future by setting the SafeYAML::OPTIONS[:default_mode] option (to :safe or :unsafe).
2019-07-08_14:15:22.56996 time="2019-07-08T14:15:22.569857621Z" level=warning msg="deprecated or unknown config entry: Clusters.x7k6z.NodeProfiles" 
2019-07-08_14:15:22.56998 time="2019-07-08T14:15:22.569916267Z" level=warning msg="deprecated or unknown config entry: Clusters.x7k6z.PostgreSQL.Connection.client_encoding" 
2019-07-08_14:15:22.58376 rake aborted!
2019-07-08_14:15:22.58377 ArgumentError: bad argument (expected URI object or URI string)
2019-07-08_14:15:22.58392 /usr/src/arvados/apps/workbench/config/arvados_config.rb:60:in `block in <top (required)>'
2019-07-08_14:15:22.58393 /usr/src/arvados/apps/workbench/lib/config_loader.rb:71:in `block in migrate_config'
2019-07-08_14:15:22.58393 /usr/src/arvados/apps/workbench/lib/config_loader.rb:69:in `each'
2019-07-08_14:15:22.58393 /usr/src/arvados/apps/workbench/lib/config_loader.rb:69:in `migrate_config'
2019-07-08_14:15:22.58394 /usr/src/arvados/apps/workbench/config/arvados_config.rb:167:in `<top (required)>'
2019-07-08_14:15:22.58394 /usr/src/arvados/apps/workbench/config/application.rb:25:in `require_relative'

If you already tried this branch on arvbox, I don't want to keep stalling this merge because of local problems. My arvbox test attempt is being done on a freshly new instance (on its own newly created ~/.arvbox/14812/ directory), without any override config file.

Actions #34

Updated by Lucas Di Pentima over 5 years ago

Trying arvbox with 3100cf66fee222eed832bd813cc0b7430bed0f93

Getting this error:

2019-07-08_15:26:16.06279 + RAILS_GROUPS=assets
2019-07-08_15:26:16.06281 + bundle exec rake npm:install
2019-07-08_15:26:29.46300 Called 'load' without the :safe option -- defaulting to safe mode.
2019-07-08_15:26:29.46302 You can avoid this warning in the future by setting the SafeYAML::OPTIONS[:default_mode] option (to :safe or :unsafe).
2019-07-08_15:26:29.58167 time="2019-07-08T15:26:29.581537970Z" level=warning msg="deprecated or unknown config entry: Clusters.x7k6z.NodeProfiles" 
2019-07-08_15:26:29.58169 time="2019-07-08T15:26:29.581652890Z" level=warning msg="deprecated or unknown config entry: Clusters.x7k6z.PostgreSQL.Connection.client_encoding" 
2019-07-08_15:26:29.65491 rake aborted!
2019-07-08_15:26:29.65565 NoMethodError: undefined method `keep_web_url' for #<Rails::Application::Configuration:0x000055f3f81cc180>
2019-07-08_15:26:29.65567 /var/lib/gems/ruby/2.3.0/gems/railties- `method_missing'
2019-07-08_15:26:29.65568 /usr/src/arvados/apps/workbench/config/load_config.rb:61:in `block in <top (required)>'
2019-07-08_15:26:29.65568 /var/lib/gems/ruby/2.3.0/gems/railties- `instance_eval'
2019-07-08_15:26:29.65568 /var/lib/gems/ruby/2.3.0/gems/railties- `configure'
2019-07-08_15:26:29.65568 /var/lib/gems/ruby/2.3.0/gems/railties- `configure'
2019-07-08_15:26:29.65568 /usr/src/arvados/apps/workbench/config/load_config.rb:20:in `<top (required)>'
Actions #35

Updated by Lucas Di Pentima over 5 years ago

Tried starting arvbox with 1a021e2c70aafe29222a2970ec97347f4f55e340 and it worked great!

What I think may be missing is to update the documentation, the workbench install guide and some upgrade instructions on the release notes, what do you think? (I think I forgot to check for this on the API server story)

Actions #36

Updated by Peter Amstutz over 5 years ago

Lucas Di Pentima wrote:

Tried starting arvbox with 1a021e2c70aafe29222a2970ec97347f4f55e340 and it worked great!

What I think may be missing is to update the documentation, the workbench install guide and some upgrade instructions on the release notes, what do you think? (I think I forgot to check for this on the API server story)

Updated documentation 14363bc8381266de4ad0b8db7f32f0859adaaece I updated the API server documentation as well because I forgot to do that previously.

Actions #37

Updated by Lucas Di Pentima over 5 years ago

Some minor comments on the documentation updates:

  • Install API section:
    • Under “Set up the database” the documentation mentions the database.yml file and how to configure it.
    • Under "Collections.BlobSigningKey” header, there’s still a mention of the application.yml file: “...Generate a random value and set it in application.yml."
  • Install Workbench section:
    • Under “Configure Piwik” header, there’s a missing word on “Piwik is optional, and can be ??? to gather usage…"
  • Migrating Configuration section:
    • Under “Workbench” the database.yml file is mentioned but it really isn’t used by workbench.

With that, it LGTM. Thanks!

Actions #38

Updated by Ward Vandewege over 5 years ago

  • Related to Support #15449: Workbench and API server packages depend on arvados-server added
Actions #39

Updated by Peter Amstutz over 5 years ago

  • Status changed from In Progress to Resolved
Actions #40

Updated by Peter Amstutz about 5 years ago

  • Release set to 22

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