Support #15019
[Data operations] Process status - filter
Added by Chrystian Klingenberg almost 6 years ago.
Updated almost 5 years ago.
Estimated time:
(Total: 0.00 h)
As a user, I would like to have the possibility to filter processes by their status.
so that I can see the needed data.
Acceptance criteria:
- filters available in Status column
- after clicking on the status label popup appears with checkbox filers
- there are the following process statuses: Failed, Running, Locked Queued, Uncommitted Cancelled, Completed
- Target version set to Workbench2 Q3, Q4
- Status changed from New to In Progress
- Has duplicate Feature #14986: [Data operations] Filtering by process status added
- Description updated (diff)
The current "Locked" and "Uncommitted" statuses don't match the specification in #13776. If it's possible to easily fix that as part of this story let's do that. Otherwise we can create a ticket to fix that first, before doing this ticket, because it doesn't make sense to do the implementation and then immediately have to change it.
- Description updated (diff)
- Assigned To set to Lucas Di Pentima
- Target version changed from Workbench2 Q3, Q4 to 2020-01-02 Sprint
Updates at commit baba7179 - branch 15019-project-view-status-filter
(wb2 repo)
I've based this branch from 15672-subprocess-list-v2
, so I suggest reviewing that one first.
Added Eric's status filtering component to project panel's Status column and tried adding filters to the /contents
endpoint like this one: [['container_request.container.state', '=', 'Cancelled']]
. It worked! Not sure if we already forsee this use case, but didn't find any mention of it on the Arvados docs, maybe we should.
This has the same issue as 15672 where individual processes will live-update from Running to Completed, but the listing isn't refreshed. Perhaps we can solve it the same way, too? Deciding when to refresh the list of processes owned by a project should be basically the same as refreshing the list of processes created by a certain container request.
- Target version changed from 2020-01-02 Sprint to 2020-01-15 Sprint
- Assigned To changed from Lucas Di Pentima to Peter Amstutz
- Target version changed from 2020-01-15 Sprint to 2020-01-29 Sprint
- Assigned To changed from Peter Amstutz to Lucas Di Pentima
#15672 & #15047 have been just merged. Rebased this branch @ commit ba4eb6e.
Lucas Di Pentima wrote:
#15672 & #15047 have been just merged. Rebased this branch @ commit ba4eb6e.
- Status changed from In Progress to Resolved
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