Bug #16329
Inconsistent upload behavior between wb1 and wb2
Added by Peter Amstutz over 4 years ago.
Updated almost 2 years ago.
Estimated time:
(Total: 0.00 h)
Release relationship:
A colleague asked for guidance on how to replace files in collections. She reported that in WB1 when uploading a file with the same name as a already existing file, the file is not replaced but instead a new file with the extension " (1).extension" is created (see screenshot).
I tested how the behaviour is in WB2 and there the file is replaced without asking for confirmation.
I think a good solution would be to leave the decision to the user whether the file should be replaced or saved with an extension. But at least the two workbenches should do it in the same way.
- Description updated (diff)
- Project changed from Arvados Workbench 2 to Arvados
- Target version set to 2022-03-30 Sprint
- Release deleted (
- Category set to Workbench2
- Assigned To set to Daniel Kutyła
- Target version changed from 2022-03-30 Sprint to 2022-03-16 sprint
- Target version changed from 2022-03-16 sprint to 2022-03-30 Sprint
- Target version changed from 2022-03-30 Sprint to 2022-04-13 Sprint
- Target version changed from 2022-04-13 Sprint to 2022-04-27 Sprint
- Target version changed from 2022-04-27 Sprint to 2022-05-25 sprint
- Target version changed from 2022-05-25 sprint to 2022-06-08 sprint
- Target version changed from 2022-06-08 sprint to 2022-06-22 Sprint
- Target version changed from 2022-06-22 Sprint to 2022-07-06
- Target version changed from 2022-07-06 to 2022-07-20
- Target version changed from 2022-07-20 to 2022-08-03 Sprint
- Target version changed from 2022-08-03 Sprint to 2022-08-17 sprint
- Target version changed from 2022-08-17 sprint to 2022-08-03 Sprint
- Target version changed from 2022-08-03 Sprint to 2022-09-14 sprint
- Target version changed from 2022-09-14 sprint to 2022-09-28 sprint
- Target version deleted (
2022-09-28 sprint)
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