Feature #17717
closed[costanalyzer] should be able to do its thing for all computation between 2 timestamps
Added by Ward Vandewege almost 4 years ago. Updated over 3 years ago.
Updated by Ward Vandewege almost 4 years ago
- Status changed from New to In Progress
Updated by Ward Vandewege almost 4 years ago
Ready for review in 05607eae460bab7efc61dd33d1e88b31139a97c7 on branch 17717-costanalyzer-date-mode
Updated by Ward Vandewege almost 4 years ago
- Target version changed from 2021-05-26 sprint to 2021-06-09 sprint
Updated by Tom Clegg almost 4 years ago
Usage message: "cost for all supplied uuid." → "...uuids." (or UUIDs?)
Usage message: the explanation of begin/end seems a bit more verbose than necessary, and doesn't mention the somewhat subtle point that only top-level containers' finish times are considered - would this be better? "...it will calculate the cost for all top-level container requests whose container finished during the specified interval."
Nit: "2006-01-02T15:04:05" is repeated several times, should probably be a const
Nit: as a habit, putting "defer close(uuidChannel)" at the top of the go func() (instead of close() at the bottom) makes it less likely that someone will create a deadlock bug in future by inserting an early "return".
Creeping scope of review: IDK if it's worth refactoring right now, but the long list of return values from parseFlags is getting a bit awkward. This could be rearranged so the parameters are fields in the "command" struct, and (*command)parseFlags() modifies them in place. Another existing debt thing is that we seem to create a *config.Loader and pass it around but never actually use it ... and this is a client-side command so we probably never will use it.
Some sort of progress indicator would be good, if we can get one for cheap. Maybe when getting a date range, sort by finished_at, and mention that timestamp in one of the Considering/Processing/Collecting log messages? Come to think of it, merely sorting by uuid would provide a pretty useful progress indicator.
Updated by Ward Vandewege almost 4 years ago
Tom Clegg wrote:
Usage message: "cost for all supplied uuid." → "...uuids." (or UUIDs?)
Fixed, and I capitalized UUID everywhere in the help text.
Usage message: the explanation of begin/end seems a bit more verbose than necessary, and doesn't mention the somewhat subtle point that only top-level containers' finish times are considered - would this be better? "...it will calculate the cost for all top-level container requests whose container finished during the specified interval."
Thanks, yes, replaced.
Nit: "2006-01-02T15:04:05" is repeated several times, should probably be a const
Nit: as a habit, putting "defer close(uuidChannel)" at the top of the go func() (instead of close() at the bottom) makes it less likely that someone will create a deadlock bug in future by inserting an early "return".
Ah, yes, fixed.
Creeping scope of review: IDK if it's worth refactoring right now, but the long list of return values from parseFlags is getting a bit awkward. This could be rearranged so the parameters are fields in the "command" struct, and (*command)parseFlags() modifies them in place.
Another existing debt thing is that we seem to create a *config.Loader and pass it around but never actually use it ... and this is a client-side command so we probably never will use it.
Oh, right. Removed.
Some sort of progress indicator would be good, if we can get one for cheap. Maybe when getting a date range, sort by finished_at, and mention that timestamp in one of the Considering/Processing/Collecting log messages? Come to think of it, merely sorting by uuid would provide a pretty useful progress indicator.
Good idea. Sorting by container.finished_at would be ideal, but apparently ordering by a field on the container table is when requesting a list of container_requests. Too bad; it works for filtering. So I did the next best thing, sorting by 'started_at', and I added the timestamp to the 'Collecting child container requests' output line.
Ready for another look at 41e0df276eaaa548e692e44cd8f3c27c4692375e on branch 17717-costanalyzer-date-mode. Tests running at developer-run-tests: #2512
Updated by Tom Clegg almost 4 years ago
This should probably be logger.Debugf():
+ fmt.Printf("UUIDS: %s\n", c.uuids)
As an alternative to the SetUpTest func, you could set var Command = command{}
and using a value receiver instead of pointer receiver for RunCommand(). Then RunCommand() wouldn't modify the global variable.
Rest LGTM.
Updated by Ward Vandewege almost 4 years ago
Tom Clegg wrote:
This should probably be logger.Debugf():
I've just removed it, it was leftover from debugging.
As an alternative to the SetUpTest func, you could set
var Command = command{}
and using a value receiver instead of pointer receiver for RunCommand(). Then RunCommand() wouldn't modify the global variable.Rest LGTM.
Done! I'll merge it.
Updated by Ward Vandewege almost 4 years ago
- Status changed from In Progress to Resolved
Applied in changeset arvados|2c843ad3115a94385815dc6925ecee219e3e1a93.