Feature #17756
closedInitial implementation of LSF dispatcher
Similar to crunch-dispatch-slurm. Should be packaged as a subcommand of arvados-server, though.
Use Arvados SDK "Dispatcher" class to interact with API server.
Start with basic dispatch to queue (bsub) and monitoring.
Stub out commands to support unit testing (as done with slurm).
Test on 9tee4
Updated by Peter Amstutz over 3 years ago
- Target version changed from 2021-06-23 sprint to 2021-07-07 sprint
Updated by Tom Clegg over 3 years ago
- Status changed from New to In Progress
- add DispatchLSF: InternalURLs: "": true to Services section in /etc/arvados/config.yml
- add Containers: RuntimeEngine: singularity in /etc/arvados/config.yml
- systemctl stop crunch-dispatch-slurm
- install ...path/to/arvados-server /usr/local/bin/arvados-dispatch-lsf
- arvados-dispatch-lsf
- submit a container request
{"Listen":"[::]:9009","PID":29877,"Service":"arvados-dispatch-lsf","URL":"","level":"info","msg":"listening","time":"2021-07-02T17:17:50.230755112Z"} {"PID":29877,"level":"warning","msg":"FIXME: checkLsfQueueForOrphans","time":"2021-07-02T17:17:50.230759598Z"} {"PID":29877,"level":"info","msg":"Submitting container 9tee4-dz642-unjdidp7zb08qdm to LSF","time":"2021-07-02T17:17:56.390746354Z"} {"PID":29877,"level":"info","msg":"bsub command [\"sudo\" \"-E\" \"-u\" \"crunch\" \"bsub\" \"-J\" \"9tee4-dz642-unjdidp7zb08qdm\" \"-R\" \"rusage[mem=757MB:tmp=640MB] affinity[core(1)]\"] script \"#!/bin/sh\\nexec 'crunch-run' '--runtime-engine=singularity' '-cgroup-parent-subsystem=memory' '9tee4-dz642-unjdidp7zb08qdm'\\n\"","time":"2021-07-02T17:17:56.390943355Z"} {"PID":29877,"level":"info","msg":"bsub finished","stdout":"Job \u003c190\u003e is submitted to default queue \u003cnormal\u003e.\n","time":"2021-07-02T17:17:56.426583960Z"} {"PID":29877,"level":"info","msg":"Start monitoring container 9tee4-dz642-unjdidp7zb08qdm in state \"Locked\"","time":"2021-07-02T17:17:56.426686121Z"} {"PID":29877,"level":"info","msg":"container 9tee4-dz642-unjdidp7zb08qdm changed state from Locked to Running","time":"2021-07-02T17:19:27.781201740Z"} {"PID":29877,"level":"info","msg":"container 9tee4-dz642-unjdidp7zb08qdm is done","time":"2021-07-02T17:19:28.828679722Z"} {"PID":29877,"level":"info","msg":"Bkill(190)","time":"2021-07-02T17:19:29.389316198Z"} {"PID":29877,"level":"info","msg":"container 9tee4-dz642-unjdidp7zb08qdm job disappeared from LSF queue","time":"2021-07-02T17:19:30.389644004Z"} {"PID":29877,"level":"info","msg":"Done monitoring container 9tee4-dz642-unjdidp7zb08qdm","time":"2021-07-02T17:19:33.836542040Z"}todo/tbd:
- dispatching to docker doesn't work, even though docker-via-slurm works on the same compute nodes
- "2021-07-02T15:15:27.602617730Z error in Run: While loading container image: While loading container image into Docker: Got permission denied while trying to connect to the Docker daemon socket at unix:///var/run/docker.sock: Post "http://%2Fvar%2Frun%2Fdocker.sock/v1.21/images/load?quiet=1": dial unix /var/run/docker.sock: connect: permission denied"
- my guess is bsub sets up the user's primary group (or the groups that user has on the submitting node), which wouldn't include docker in this case. I tried adding groups with "bsub -G docker" but that group doesn't exist on the submitting node, so: "Bad user group name. Job not submitted."
- is this a blocker, or should we just document for now that lsf+docker isn't yet supported?
implement checkLsfQueueForOrphans (see checkSqueueForOrphans)- propagate arvados container priority to lsf job priority (strategy might depend on lsf config)
add doc pageadd deb/rpm package
Updated by Tom Clegg over 3 years ago
17756-dispatch-lsf @ 8145fbe8e6ab99184fcd41dea042ede63e9ff0d5 -- developer-run-tests: #2566
- update docs: add DispatchLSF: InternalURLs: "": true to Services section in /etc/arvados/config.yml
- priority?
Updated by Tom Clegg over 3 years ago
- Target version changed from 2021-07-07 sprint to 2021-07-21 sprint
Updated by Nico César over 3 years ago
review @ 3b63632698de9868a501191e8989f14c23e4e743
I think documentation for BsubArgumentsList should take the form of array [] instead of a list. This is correct in config.yml documentation. An even better option for sysadmins will be a string as in "-C 0.." since is likely they will copy and paste from some working integrations. Internally can be transformed to an array.
How does a non existant BsubSudoUser in compute node error comes up? I'm thinking of a newly added misconfigured compute node in an already working cluster. also will be good if there is a good way to check that a compute node is properly configured (maybe arvados-client diagnostics should have this chec?)
func (disp *dispatcher) runContainer()
seems slightly convoluted the first block with a bunch of nested if's and else's and error handling is unclear to me. I like the x, err := foo ; if (err != nil) { return... }
style because it gives a "line of sight" in the same column number all errors to be returned instead the 7 tabs/spaces while nested.
in runContainer, what will be the case that ok false? shoudn't we log this?
case updated, ok := <-status: if !ok { done = true break }
Also I noticed that we check if Priority 0 {} else {}
; can Priority be negative at any point? I remember sometime we had issues with slurm and some negative priority cases, but that could all be something from the past.
Updated by Peter Amstutz over 3 years ago
- Related to Story #16304: LSF support added
Updated by Peter Amstutz over 3 years ago
- Target version changed from 2021-07-21 sprint to 2021-08-04 sprint
Updated by Tom Clegg over 3 years ago
- Change example yaml formatting from list to array:
BsubArgumentsList: ["-C", "0"]
- Nested if's and else's addressed by moving the two copies of the "no suitable instance type" reporting code from c-d-slurm/lsf into sdk/go/dispatch.
- Check Priority<1 instead of ==0 (just in case it happens, although it shouldn't).
I tried "sudo -E -u postgres bsub echo ok" on a test cluster and LSF seemed to just leave that job in PEND state (maybe waiting for a compute node to appear that has that user?). I don't see any complaints about it in the LSF logs. Not sure how hard we should try to help troubleshoot this, but at least I added a note to the config file comment & install doc page.
Updated by Nico César over 3 years ago
review @ efc1846a758929bdb57b87bdbb3f757f8907c69b
LGTM ready to merge
Updated by Tom Clegg over 3 years ago
- Status changed from In Progress to Resolved
- % Done changed from 0 to 100
Applied in changeset arvados|5d56a1af42f64df57ef7a1bcef6d016ff2310900.