Story #8002
closed[Deployment] python-pyvcf backport is unnecessary
I suggest we stop building it and revoke the previously-published packages. Nothing declares it as a dependency:
(arv)locke % git grep -i pyvcf . docker/compute/Dockerfile:RUN apt-get install -qy supervisor python-pip python-pyvcf python-gflags python-google-api-python-client python-virtualenv libattr1-dev libfuse-dev python-dev python-llfuse crunchstat python-arvados-fuse cron dnsmasq docker/shell/Dockerfile: python-pip python-pyvcf python-gflags python-google-api-python-client \
(We'll need to remove these installs first.) And no Python code imports the module:
(arv)locke % find -name -print0 | xargs -0 dirname | xargs git grep -l vcf crunch_scripts crunch_scripts/GATK2-VariantFiltration crunch_scripts/GATK2-bqsr crunch_scripts/GATK2-merge-call crunch_scripts/GATK2-realign sdk/python/tests/data/1000G_ref_manifest sdk/python/tests/data/jlake_manifest
The results are too much to paste here but the Crunch scripts all have the string 'vcf' in filenames, not from any module import. The Dockerfile suggests we were previously installing this on compute+shell nodes as a convenience for bioinformatics work, but the way we use Docker makes that moot now.
Updated by Brett Smith about 9 years ago
Ward and Peter agree with my assessment on IRC.
Updated by Brett Smith almost 9 years ago
- Category set to Deployment
- Status changed from New to In Progress
- Assigned To set to Brett Smith
- Target version set to 2016-03-30 sprint
- Story points set to 0.5
Bumping in priority because PyVCF has apparently made a broken release that is breaking our builds. e.g.,
Updated by Tom Clegg almost 9 years ago
8002-no-pyvcf-wip @ cf82d85 LGTM, thanks.
If we had used this in arvados/jobs we could worry that someone's pipeline was still relying on it... but apparently, fortunately, we didn't.
Updated by Brett Smith almost 9 years ago
- Status changed from In Progress to Resolved
- % Done changed from 0 to 100
Applied in changeset arvados|commit:1c2af19398b425fb249e6fa8cc909500ce1fa80f.