Here are two full links that are failing:
From looking at the source, I believe this has to do with the assumption that there is only one file and/or block in the manifest for old-style locators (for example, with a '+K@ant' suffix at the end). The above link has multiple files in the manifest and the regex matching to take out the filename from the manifest isn't working.
if (preg_match('/^(\.[^\s]*) .* 0:(\d+):(\S+)$/', $manifest, $regs)) {
//$passthru_command = "whget ".escapeshellarg("$locator/**/$regs[2]");
$subdir = preg_replace( '/^\.\/?/', '', $regs[1] );
if ( $subdir != "" ) { $subdir = $subdir . "/"; }
$passthru_command = "arv-get --no-progress ".escapeshellarg("$pdh/$subdir$regs[3]");
$fsize = $regs[2];
$ext = preg_replace ('/^.*?((\.\w{3})?(\.[bg]z2?)?)$/', '\1', $regs[2]);
The manifest for the above collection is:
. 7d1d6dcad72711dfff71c79e1d380c1e+2286661+K@ant 0:2286229:Goddu.fna.gz 2286229:432:Goddu.txt
I believe the regex fails to find the first file since the regex is designed to match the first file entry, starting at file offset 0 and making sure there are not more characters after the first manifest file/block entry.
So I think this is a combination of the files being in the 'old' style (that is, having something like a '+K@ant' suffix) and having a faulty regex that doesn't recognize files that have more than one file or block.