


Bug #5500

Updated by Peter Amstutz almost 10 years ago


 2015-03-17_21:29:22 tb05z-8i9sb-2e16dypy0eg7m59 15615 50 stderr You are using pip version 6.0.6, however version 6.0.8 is available. 
 2015-03-17_21:29:22 tb05z-8i9sb-2e16dypy0eg7m59 15615 50 stderr You should consider upgrading via the 'pip install --upgrade pip' command. 
 2015-03-17_21:29:22 tb05z-8i9sb-2e16dypy0eg7m59 15615 50 stderr     Hash of the package (from (db87123118b60fecc4b91288e9f988c0) doesn't match the expected hash 09d8e8016911fc40e2e4c58f1aa3ec24! 
 2015-03-17_21:29:22 tb05z-8i9sb-2e16dypy0eg7m59 15615 50 stderr     Bad md5 hash for package (from 
 2015-03-17_21:29:22 tb05z-8i9sb-2e16dypy0eg7m59 15615 50 stderr /tmp/crunch-job-work/.arvados.venv/bin/pip --quiet install -I /tmp/crunch-job/opt/python failed (): exit 1 signal 0 at - line 198. 
 2015-03-17_21:29:23 tb05z-8i9sb-2e16dypy0eg7m59 15615 50 stderr srun: error: compute1: task 0: Exited with exit code 29 
 2015-03-17_21:29:23 tb05z-8i9sb-2e16dypy0eg7m59 15615 50 child 11234 on compute1.1 exit 29 success= 
 2015-03-17_21:29:23 tb05z-8i9sb-2e16dypy0eg7m59 15615 50 failure (#1, permanent) after 44 seconds 

 2015-03-17_23:59:15 tb05z-8i9sb-2e16dypy0eg7m59 15615 105 stderr srun: error: Task launch for 381.108 failed on node compute1: Communication connection failure 
 2015-03-17_23:59:15 tb05z-8i9sb-2e16dypy0eg7m59 15615 105 stderr srun: error: Application launch failed: Communication connection failure 
 2015-03-17_23:59:15 tb05z-8i9sb-2e16dypy0eg7m59 15615 105 stderr srun: Job step aborted: Waiting up to 2 seconds for job step to finish. 
 2015-03-17_23:59:17 tb05z-8i9sb-2e16dypy0eg7m59 15615 105 stderr srun: error: Timed out waiting for job step to complete 
 2015-03-17_23:59:17 tb05z-8i9sb-2e16dypy0eg7m59 15615 105 child 13887 on compute1.16 exit 1 success= 
 2015-03-17_23:59:17 tb05z-8i9sb-2e16dypy0eg7m59 15615 105 failure (#1, permanent) after 7 seconds 
