


Feature #5846

Updated by Brett Smith over 9 years ago

Jobs can get in this state if the arv-put process that crunch-job ran to create the log fails.    See, e.g., qr1hi-8i9sb-yuch10zftex4cip. 

 This happens because _show_log.html.erb has a couple of expressions like @logcollection.files[0][2]@.    In this case, @logcollection.files[0]@ is @nil@. 

 Functional requirements: Workbench should check when a job's log field is nil or the empty collection.    In either of those cases, it should fetch logs from the log table and render those, along with a warning that the logs might be incomplete because of throttling. 

 Implementation: When you go to the live log tab on a pipeline, it gets the last 1000-2000 lines of history.    However, the live log tab for an individual job does not show any history.    The job log should behave similarly to the pipeline instance.
