Bug #11769
Updated by Peter Amstutz over 7 years ago
When running both crunch-dispatch.rb and crunch-dispatch-slurm, crunch-dispatch.rb will attempt to cancel the container jobs:
2017-05-26_15:42:29.81657 scancel: error: Kill job error on job id 51: Access/permission denied
2017-05-26_15:43:30.26123 scancel: error: Kill job error on job id 51: Access/permission denied
2017-05-26_15:44:30.28978 scancel: error: Kill job error on job id 51: Access/permission denied
This is because it is looking for slurm jobs that match the generic uuid regex and not the job regex specifically:
squeue_uuids = squeue_jobs.select{|uuid| uuid.match(HasUuid::UUID_REGEX)}.
select{|uuid| !@running.has_key?(uuid)}