


Story #13833

Updated by Chrystian Klingenberg over 6 years ago

As a user I would like edit name and description of a project 
 so that I can personalize it according to my goals. 

 Acceptance criteria: 
 - modal with inputs "Project name" and "Description"  
 - collection name must be unique so it need to be validated 
 - after successful action, snackbar appears with information that "Project has been edited". 

 User flow: 

 1a. Right click on project inside the table and choose "Edit project". 
 1b. Right click on project inside tree context menu and choose "Edit project". 
 1c. Click on "More options" icon in the table and then choose "Edit project". 

 2. Click on "edit project". 

 3. Edit project. 

 4. Click on "Save" button. 

 5. Project name is validated. 

 5. (successful action) Snackbar appears with information that "Project has been edited".
