Feature #14500
Updated by Chrystian Klingenberg over 6 years ago
As a user I would like to have an access to API tokens so that I can mange them Acceptance criteria: - table with column: UUID, Api Client UUID, API Token, Created by API address, Default Owner, Expires at, Last used at, Last used by IP address, Scopes, User ID - help button in top right corner (modal - att. api token - help) - more options icon with: Attributes, Advanced, Remove - attributes modal: Create at, UUID, API Client ID, API Token, Created by IP address, default Owner UUID, Expires at, Last used at, Last used by IP address, Scopes, Updated at, User ID Mockup: https://3czrf1.axshare.com/#g=1&p=15_1_1_admin_panel_-_api_tokens&c=1