Story #18249
Updated by Ward Vandewege about 3 years ago
User had trouble because they cloned from github and got the development branch. Did not understand that 2.2-dev is actually a release branch.
Suggested change:
* X.Y-dev should be called X.Y-release
* -make latest stable branch (e.g. "2.3-release") the default branch for github (add to release checklist)-
Need to rename branches & adjust references from X.Y-dev to X.Y-release
Things to update:
* (though, this is now handled by art)
* rename branches
* rename github branches
* arvados git repo `pre-receive` and `post-update` hooks
* local checkouts for everyone -> notify team
* doc: `_includes/_branchname.liquid` and `install/arvbox.html.textile.liquid`, also in the old release branches!