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Sarah Zaranek, 10/05/2022 02:00 PM

Use Cases for WB and Collections/Projects (Keep)

Note: these are not full use cases, simplified to just give more of the what and not a lot of the why or who. We will be boiling these up into higher-level use cases. This is more a list of items that should be included in all those higher-level use cases. We want to not only ensure these use cases can be done in WB2 but the experience is equivalent or hopefully better in WB2 than in WB1.

Creating New Collections
Summary: Users want to create a new collection in WB.
Details: Wants to make collection in from any of the data sources:
  • From data already in an existing collection
  • From a subset of files in an existing collection
  • By combining files from different subsets of different collections
  • By Uploading files from my desktop
  • From the results of a already run workflow
  • By downloading data from another source into a collection
Annotating Collections
Summary: User wants to annotate their collections with such details as sample
name, sample type, sequencing method, species, etc.
  • User wants to add annotations/metadata to existing collection
  • User want to verify the added metadata to the collection
Examining Collection Files
Summary: User is viewing a collection and wants to examine the files and extract the data or metadata.
  • User wants to find certain files within the collection
  • (visually,using search (basic and advanced search using regexp, etc)
  • User want to View or download certain files with the collection using a UI
Sharing Collection Files
Summary: User wants to share the Files in a Collection
  • User wants make the collection available for downloading via ftp, s3 or other 3rd party application
  • User wants to share the collection with others (by name) in their organization, others via a defined group, to everyone in their organization, or publicly. Users want those they share the collection with to have: Read permission, Write permissions, Manage permissions
Finding Existing Collections
Summary: User want to find an existing collection
Details: User wants to find the collection by one of the following ways:
  • By Browsing to the project that contains the collection
  • By searching the UUID of the project - and then looking through the items in the collection
  • By searching the UUID of the collection
  • By searching the collection name
  • By searching the PDH
  • By searching the collection metadata
  • By searching for the workflow that produced it
  • By a URL that can share that points to the project on WB

Identifying Collections
Summary: User needs to ID the collection for use as inputs to a workflow and/or inputs to a command using the API or CLI
Details: User wants to find these specific file IDs
User wants to get the collection UUID
User wants to get the collection PDH
User wants to get the collection metadata

Editing an Existing Collection
Summary: User wants to modify a collection for use in their new project.
Details: User will want to
Copy over an existing collection to a new project
Remove files in their collection to suit their needs for their new bioinformatics task.
Add files from either their desktop or from another collection into this new collection

Editing the File Structure of An Existing Collection
Summary: User wants to adjust the file structure of an existing collection to work better as an input to their analysis tools
Details: User will want to
Remove files from folders to have them in all in a single flat directory
Separate different subsets of files and place them in folders

Verifying Correct Collection
Summary: User wants to download data from a collection, and want to make sure the collect they found is the correct collection
Details: User may want to check the following:
UUID and/or PDH
file contents
collection “version”
lineage of the collection (i.e. if the collection was generated as the result of a workflow - which workflow created this collection)

Creating Projects
Summary: User is working in the Arvados Workbench and needs a new Arvados project for a new analysis project they are working on.
Details: The user wants to do the following
Create new project
Create a subproject within the new project (e.g. For Testing vs Final Runs)
Name the project/subproject
Add description of the project
Add metadata to the project
Extract UUID of Project for use in workflow inputs or various command line/SDK/API functionality.
Copy a URL that can share to others that points to the project
Mark the projects as “favorites” to be able to it more easily

Moving or Creating Items within Project
Summary. A User wants to set up their project to do their work. They want to move all relevant existing data and workflows as well as upload new data and create new registered workflows.
Details: Users may want to:
Copy existing collections and register workflows into this project
Create new collections within the project
Create new registered workflows in that project
Run workflows in this projects having the output, logs and other created artifacts contained within this project

Archiving or Sharing a Project
Summary: Now that the work is finished and the user has the results they need. They want to get the project ready for sharing with their organization, with those outside their organization or even possible publicly in a publication.
Details: Users may want to
Clean up the project by removing old collections, logs, processes and subdirectories that are not necessary to keep.
Edit the name or metadata for the project
Freeze the project
Share the project with others in their organization, to everyone in their organization, publicly. These are possible configurations:
Others have read permission
Others have write permissions
Others have manage permissions

Identifying an Existing Project
Summary: User needs to identify the correct project in which to run their workflow. They think they found the correct project they want searching on the project name.
Details: The user then may want to:
Find the UUID of the project
Examine aspects of the project to double check it is the project they want to use. They might want to:
Check the contents of the project
Check the project description
User might want to see the history of the project (*not currently available)
User might want to see the metadata for the project
Check to see if the project is frozen

Finding a Project or Subproject
Summary: A user logs back into Arvados after a break and would like to find the project they were working on previously.
Details: Those users would may want to find this project by
Searching for UUID, metadata or the project name
Navigating through the project/subproject hierarchy to find the project
Skimming through projects marked as their “Favorites”
Look for projects owned or created by a specific user (* Not Currently available)

Use Cases for WB and Workflows (Crunch)

Submitting Workflows to Arvados Without Command Line
Summary: User wants to submit a workflow to run on Arvados without having to use the command line. The workflow CWL file either lives in a git repository or on the user’s local machine or in a collection on Arvados. (* Currently this is not available on WB)
Details: The user will want to indicate to Arvados which workflow they want to run and have Arvados
Parse the CWL file and generate an interactive form to fill out with input values and then submit the workflow via Workbench
Upload a YML file of input values to upload or direct Arvados to an existing YML file in an Arvados collection and then submit the workflow via Workbench.

Monitoring Submitted Workflows
Summary: User submits a workflow to run on Arvados using the command line. They want to monitor the workflow that they submitted using the Arvados Workbench.
Details: The User will want to
Find the running workflow
Through search
Via Project Navigation
Check the workflow’s current status
If run successfully, find output collection
If run successfully, look at how long it took to run
If run successfully, estimate costs (* currently only available for CommandLine)

Debugging Workflows - Part I
Summary: User submits a workflow to run on Arvados using the command line. They find out that the workflow and it did not run not run successfully. They want to figure out why it failed.
Details: The User may wants to:
Examine logs
Examine inputs
Examine command
Examine CWL (* CWL not yet available)
Check to see which docker container was used
Run crunch-run stats interactively on WB (*Currently only available via the command line) or have those plots available on WB.

Debugging Workflows - Part II
Summary: A User is updating a workflow workflow and the workflow has now stops running after a series of changes. The User needs to compare the new workflow to the old workflow to see why it failed.
Details: The User may need to
Examine old workflow runs and backtrack to see when was the workflow last working
Determine what is the difference between the last working workflow and the broken workflows main process . This could include comparing: Inputs, Command, Resource Allocation, Node Type, and Docker Image metadata.
Determine which steps (if any) were re-used from the working workflow
Determine which steps failed in the new workflows
Determine if any big differences between the different workflows steps
Look at information passed to the steps including Inputs, Command, Resource Allocation
Find and compare logs from the relevant workflow steps Compare Docker image metadata (docker image ID, name, version, dockerfile)
Need to compare compare crunch-run stats between jobs (*Currently only available via command line)

Integrating Git Commit Information with Submitted Workflow
User has been working on changes to an existing workflow. They have been submitting workflows managed in a git repository. The workflow stops working or returning different outputs. The User would like to
Find the relevant git commit information for the commit version of the workflow run on Arvados that worked
Find the relevant git commit information for the version of the workflow that is returning different results or not working

Calculating Workflow Costs
Summary: A User ran a big job and is now worried about how much it cost to run. Details: The user wants to
Find the container request UUID of the workflow
Run the cost analyzer to see how much it cost to run the entire workflow
(* Currently not available in WB)
Run the cost analyzer to see which step is costing the most money
(* Currently not available in WB)
See if it would be possible to run workflow on less expensive instances (using information now only possible from the command line)
Estimate how much would it cost to run another similar workflow
(* Currently not available in Arvados)

Creating a Register Workflow Using Workbench
Summary: User wants to create a registered workflow interactively using the WB (* Only currently available using command line).
Details. The user may want to:
Share registered workflow with others in their organization
Set default values for the workflow
Define the name, metadata and descriptive text for the register workflow

Finding a Registered Workflow
Summary: User wants to run a registered workflow created by their colleague. User needs to find this workflow.
Details: The user may want to find the workflow by
Name, metadata or unique identifier
A URL shared by the creator of the register workflow
Looking Inside “project” that contains all the available shared workflows

Specifying Inputs to a Registered Workflow
Summary: User wants to use the WB to submit a registered workflow made by
their collaque to run on Arvados .
Details: The user wants to:
Specify the inputs for the register workflow to use
Use the default inputs (if provided)
Identify the project the workflow should “run” in (i.e. where the outputs, logs and other collections should be stored)
See details about which registered workflow they are running to help guide them with to provide the proper input (eg. Registered workflow , name, description, etc.)

Examining A Running Workflow
Summary: User notices that their workflow has been running a long time and wants to check up on it.They would like to figure out if workflow is hung or is progressing along. If progressing, the user may want to try and figure out why the workflow is running slower than expected.
Details: The User may want to examine the following on WB
Real time logs
Resources used
Steps run so far and their outputs/inputs
Real-time values of RAM, CPU usage etc currently
(* Not available in WB)

Rerunning Old Workflows  
Summary: A User has successfully run a workflow on Arvados using the command line and would like to rerun that old workflow.
(*Not Currently Available in WB)
Details: User may want to specify:
New Inputs
New Resource Requirements
New Docker Container
Canceling a Running or Queued Workflow
Summary: User has submitted a workflow to Arvados via the command line and releases that they accidentally used the wrong inputs or an outdated function that the workflow leverages. They want to cancel the workflow before it wastes time and resources.
Details: User would like to
Find the running workflow on WB
Have an easy (single-button) way to cancel workflow on WB
Have a way to verify that the workflow was canceled

Checking Workflow Inputs or Requirements
Summary: User is examining output results of a workflow and wants to remind themselves which input parameter they used for the model they ran in the workflow.
Details: User would like to
Trace output collection to process that created it (i.e. container)
Find and examine the inputs to the workflow or workflow step run in that container

Updated by Sarah Zaranek over 2 years ago · 27 revisions