Development and testing with Docker » History » Revision 8
Revision 7 (Tim Pierce, 03/11/2014 05:12 PM) → Revision 8/14 (Tim Pierce, 03/11/2014 05:31 PM)
h1. Installing a Development Arvados Instance
Arvados is primarily intended as a system to be run on large server clusters. For developers, we have provided a process to build and deploy the Arvados system in "Docker containers": on a single machine.
# Download the Arvados source and switch to the appropriate branch.
## @git clone git://
## @cd arvados/docker@
## @git checkout 2221-complete-docker@
# *Install the Arvados servers in Docker containers.* The full process of configuring and building a Docker instance of Arvados is documented in the "docker/": file in the source distribution.
# *Install the client SDKs.* After following those instructions, install the client libraries on your workstation as well:
## *RVM* -- if you do not already have RVM installed on your workstation, install it now.
### @sudo apt-get install curl libcurl3 libcurl3-gnutls libcurl4-openssl-dev python-pip@
### @curl -sSL | bash -s stable@
### @source ~/.rvm/scripts/rvm@
### @rvm install 2.1.0@
## Install the arvados-cli gem:
### @gem install arvados-cli@
### @sudo pip install --upgrade httplib2@
Once you have installed the servers and started them with @arvdock start@, and installed the client libraries, you should be able to work through the "user tutorials": to upload data into Arvados and run simple Crunch jobs in debug mode.