Storing and Organizing Data » History » Revision 2
Revision 1 (Anonymous, 02/25/2014 12:19 PM) → Revision 2/33 (Tom Clegg, 02/25/2014 12:19 PM)
h1. 2014-03-26 Workflow sharing and dev tools h1. Arvados Private Wiki This wiki is internal to Curoverse, Inc. h2. Development Process and Tools * [[Summary of Development Process]] * [[DevOps To Do List]] * [[Release Roadmap]] * [[Sprint Retrospectives]] * [[Gem publishing instructions]] h2. Operations * [[4xphq]] private beta instance * [[Deploying a new Arvados instance]] * [[Updating an Arvados instance]] * [[Running tests]] * [[Tech FAQ]] * [[Distributing encrypted disks]] * [[Cluster install instructions]] * [[Deploy instructions]] -- installing and updating Arvados API server and Workbench on production systems * [[New PaaS user activation]] * [[Setting up a private VM for a user]] * [[gps:Amazon setup and notes]] (in GPS project) h2. System/component designs and specifications * [[Functional components]] and where they live in the source tree h3. Keep * public [[arvados:Keep server]] specification @ Arvados * public [[arvados:Keep index]] design in progress @ Arvados * public [[arvados:Keep manifest format]] specification @ Arvados * [[Keep Specification]] describes current Perl prototype * [[Next generation keep]] * [[Using Keep with S3 backing store]] * [[Keep federation]] h3. Other infrastructure * [[Logging facility]] * [[Metadata database]] * [[EC2 compute node life cycle]] h3. User interface * [[Workbench UI design]] ** [[Presenting a set of jobs]] h3. Accounts and permissions * [[User activation states]] * [[Permissions model]] * [[Terms of Service mechanism]] * [[Pre-activation mechanism]] h2. Research notes - related projects * [[Alternative cluster storage systems]] * [[Alternative MapReduce and cluster scheduling systems]] * [[Remote Procedure Call systems]] * [[Metadata database]] * [[Openstack Notes]] * [[Message bus]] h2. Data curation references * [[Copying PGP data to AWS]] * [[Importing PGP survey data to Arvados]] h2. Admin references h2. Introductory material for people new to Curoverse/Arvados * [[Background Reading]] h2. Customer Development Materials such as a user personas, business strategy information, and notes on customer visits are stored in "Google Drive": (and other places?). h2. Archives These are pages that are no longer active or relevant * [[Release 1]] * [[Meeting notes]] * [[API]] * [[Permission model]] * [[Source tree overview]] * [[Demo 2013-02-05]] * [[Project status]] * [[Ruby client quick start]] * [[Command line examples]] * [[Admin and system API examples]] * [[Explorvos]] sample API client, orvos-explorer * [[Admin Interface]] (from Orvos days) * [[Orvos-server install and bootstrap]] * [[Compute node setup]] * [[Underlying technical decisions]]