Workbench authentication process » History » Revision 8
Revision 7 (Peter Amstutz, 11/15/2014 02:16 PM) → Revision 8/26 (Peter Amstutz, 11/15/2014 02:39 PM)
h1. Workbench authentication process
# When the user goes to workbench, it checks for a session or @?api_token=xxx@ in the URL for the API token. If no API token is found, the user is directed to the workbench "welcome" page.
# The "welcome" page has a "log in" button that directs the user to the API server login URL, with a @?return_to=xxx@ link embedded in the URL.
# The 'login' endpoint goes to @UserSessionsController#login@ in the API server. This redirects to @/auth/joshid?return_to=xxx@
# @/auth/joshid@ is intercepted by the "OmniAuth": Rack middleware and invokes the @josh_id@ OmniAuth strategy.
** The @josh_id@ OmniAuth strategy is implemented in @arvados/services/api/lib/josh_id.rb@ and is a subclass of @OmniAuth::Strategies::OAuth2@
# OmniAuth starts the "request_phase" of @OmniAuth::Strategies::OAuth2@. This redirects to @#{options[:custom_provider_url]}/auth/josh_id/authorize@ using CUSTOM_PROVIDER_URL defined in @arvados/services/api/config/initializers/omniauth.rb@
# In the sso-provider, @/auth/josh_id@ is routed to @AuthController#authorize@, and is intercepted by @before_filter :authenticate_user!@ (part of the "devise gem":
** devise is configured at @sso-provider/config/initializers/devise.rb@
** @authenticate_user!@ is not explicitly defined but instead monkey patched into the controller in @devise/lib/devise/controllers/helper.rb@
** @authenticate_user!@ calls @warden.authenticate!@ with a scope of @:user@ where "warden": is yet another Rack authentication gem
** @devise :omniauthable, :omniauth_providers => [:google]@ configures @sso-provider/app/models/user.rb@
# @AuthController#authorize@ creates an AccessGrant
h2. Questions
* What is workbench's "secret_token" for?