Update API documentation re permission link deduplication
Issues rerunning workflows with UsePreemptible changes from true to false
ticket management
Preserving destination still not working consistently
Searching for processes shows them all as "Cancelled"
[Process view] Re-run workflow
Unhandled 404 on process details page
Explore using codegen loader to speed up a-c-r initialization time for large workflow
crunch-run commits log collection at container start
Get actual instance price information by calling AWS APIs
a-c-r uploads workflow files + dependencies to a collection & executes from that instead of packed workfows
a-c-r handles resource range requests (especially CPU) and adjusts requests based on what is in InstanceTypes list
Python SDK cookbook explains its examples better
Establish guidelines for wb2 UI design
Update wb2 Use Cases and Personas
Redesign process info panel
keep-balance experimental single-chunk mode
Transfer cwlviewer database dump
FUSE should return a different error when attempting to create a file in a project
Better documentation of interaction between priority 0 and container state
arvados-dispatch-cloud should respect Containers.MaxComputeVMs
Use collection properties instead of links to tag docker images
SaltStack install integrates with prometheus/grafana
github repo for arvados-cwltest
Add some basic documentation about wb2 to user guide
Properly document what should be done with dockerhub's arvados/jobs:latest image from 2 years ago
Untag arvados/jobs:latest from docker hub
build-packages is failing because arvados-cwl-runner is assigned version 2.5.0 instead of a 2.6 dev version
CLI, python, CURL examples show every example code twice
Supposedly empty project descriptions have <p><br></p>
WB2 sharing screen, shared user name is too long and makes it hard to read and difficult to click
Python SDK reverses option 1 / option 2 between "install" and "test" sections
ArvadosClientAuthorization#list doesn't honor filtering by owner_uuid
Fix memory leak in Python SDK Collection class
Empty user created emails
Support "enum" inputs to workflows
Check salt formula's login-sync cron job setup.
GUI crashes on a certain workflow
Container request in "draft" state shows toplevel processes in its subprocess panel
Panel that lists configured instance types
Can select folder to recursively upload all the files to Collection
Show container request "reused" status
Re-work picking dialog into 3 panel view
arv-federation-migrate supports LoginCluster type migrations
Write docstrings for arvados.stream
Access to editing inputs on "draft" tasks
Write docstrings for arvados.timer
Write docstrings for arvados.keep
Write docstrings for arvados module
Write docstrings for arvados.config
Write docstrings for arvados.cache
Write docstrings for arvados.crunch
Write docstrings for arvados.errors
Write docstrings for arvados.vocabulary
Support Ubuntu 22.04 LTS
Document a process by which you would set up a service account
Document all of arvados-client's commands
document arvbash
Upgrade notes includes links to patches of what changed in install templates between versions
Stale cache wb2 in collection file list
Text for playground onboarding page on arvados.org
Turn data organization patterns deck into documentation page and/or blog post
Long error or warning messages run over the containing box
Collapse middle breadcrumbs with ellipse when window too narrow
Frozen project error messages have poor visibility
Document arv-copy usage and format
Write docstrings for arvados.util
Write docstrings for arvados.events
Write docstrings for arvados.collection
Write docstrings for arvados.arvfile
Write docstrings for arvados.api
Can programmatically distinguish between final outputs (results of top-level containers) and intermediate outputs.
Update browser title to reflect current main panel view
Recursive delete of workflow & associated intermediates
packer compute image builder script should take an explicit arvados package version to install instead of latest in selected package repository
Should be possible to promote a workflow run via arvados-cwl-runner to a published workflow with one click
[Crunch2] [Workbench] Browse and show tools using the GA4GH tool registry API
Copy workflow
Support "pull image" container request
keep_cache_disk runtime constraint is undocumented
Advanced search requires limiting to project
Federate container token cannot access resources on other clusters
Display 'Workflow' records in the Project listing
virtual machines admin failing when federated user home cluster is inaccessible
a-c-r set TTL on final output collection
Advanced search should have full set of selectable columns
Move project dialog not sized correctly
Copying a folder in collection file browser results in empty folder
Workbench 2 uses replace_files API
Rendering user names in project columns
Support multi-select operations
Linkable view panel for registered workflows
Include modified_by_user_uuid in project details
Strategy to generate Python SDK docstrings based on API docs
Simplify/streamline InternalURLs/ExternalURL situation
Can we use better terms for a group_filter and projects
User guide update planning
Should be able to pick directories within collections
Merge workbench2 history into main Arvados repo
Review/update development process wiki page
Python SDK must have docstrings for all public interfaces
When filtering objects in project listing when in "Share with Me" project - filtering to just see virtual projects doesn't seem to work
Document ~/.config/arvados/settings.conf
UX improvement: Left hand side tree state management.
Running a workflow from WB2 exposes secret inputs
Misleading 'Too large file' error message on file upload
remove "choose" flow from the registered workflow run page
Users deactivated externally show up as "Setup" instead of "Inactive", due to cached permissions?
Offer to un-trash items, instead of "not found" dialog
Display count of container attempts and make it easy to access past logs
Scoped token doc is out of date
UX redesign ideas
[Collection view] Provenance, used by for collections
Frozen project UI follow-up improvements
ability to migrate arvbox to arvados-server boot dev mode
Support picking workflows uploaded as collections with type: workflow.
--create-workflow creates or updates collection with metadata
Cannot stream stdin to arv-put with --update-collection
Update help text on docs for CLI tools
Remove old keepstore S3 driver on arvados 2.6.0
add prebuilt container images for Arvados releases
Directly shared collection with write permission cannot be modified
Evaluate ideas for integrating help into wb2
Sharing dialog improvements followup
Add support for publicly shared collections (anonymous user)
Render fields of user profile from config
project not shown in hierarchy on the left of wb2
Be able to inject additional documentation text into WebDAV/s3 info dialog
Indirectly trashed item's context menu show editable actions
Determine ownership of objects within wb2
Render live graphs of container crunchstat in wb2
Menu item ordering
Stale-while-revalidate caching strategy for requests
Workbench should have all collection updates result in new versions
Displays "Your project is empty." instead of "Nothing matched the search" when a search doesn't find anything
Use count=none & keyset paging
Feature to toggle "detailed rows" in project view
"Shared" option in sharing dialog is confusing
[login federation] post-trashing collection UX bug
[login federation] trashing collections: snackbar issues
[login federation] Not Found modal when looking at trashed collection
Issues with interactively deleting project from Workbench 2 from Project Browser
Way to determine owner to be able to request access
display lingers after error
Direct navigation to federated objects
Browsing trash produces spurious errors
Object's description display & editing is inconsistent & lacks textile support
Navigate to the newly created collection when extracting files from an existing one
User with can_manage access can drop own permissions by making "private"
Copying container request gets error
Create filter group based on an advanced search query in the UI
edit 'properties' of container requests
Enhance share popup dialog design
User edit page
should be able to view files in browser
Cannot execute a registered CommandLineTool, only Workflow
[Workbench] Admin - Adding a new user to the group.
"Setup shell account" doesn't work
"Log in as user" doesn't work
[Running a workflow] Inputs inside subprocesses are not displayed.
Workbench2 doesn't show inputs then #main object is not a Workflow
[Process view] Logs are difficult to reach
[Workbench2] Identify critical paths that require end to end tests
Projects & collections creation fail when trying to use a preexisting name
[login federation] search interface incorrect notification
“process type” column on listings doesn’t differentiate between parent and child processes
Missing ‘create empty collection’ feature: The new collection dialog shouldn’t require files to be uploaded.
Compare 2 collection versions
Uploading of folder structure into collection is not working
[Workbench 2] Search for & execute workflows defined on federated clusters
Panel showing available instance types on the cluster
[Admin functionality] Admin cannot see another user's content inside the trash
[WB2] Copying a collection with files in subdirectories fails
[WB2] Notify the user when websockets service is disabled
Responsive layout, reflows based on window width
[Workbench] Child containers run on federated clusters do not show up
"Load more" button on search results page always shows
Right clicking on a node in the navigation tree should select it
[WB2] Add create data collection to context menu for projects
[Running a workflow] Pre-defined collections do not show up in the list and cannot be deselected
[Workbench2] Non-admin users can access admin pages via urls
[Workbench2] Cluster label colors
[Workbench] Uploader should have a timeout
Custom Enum Type in the workflow breaks the Workflow runner Wizard
Read only fields shouldn't be sent to the api server
Combine selected collections
[WB2] Provide capability to use CSV file to populate inputs of workflow
[workbench2] submit workflows via WES
[Workbench] Import CWL workflow
[Spike] Evaluate alternatives for Composer functionality in Workbench2
[Workbench2] Linking to collections in input object display, recording uuids of input collections
[Workbench 2] Add support for setting trashIntermediate value on workflows
[Data operations] Chooser supports browing/picking projects/collections on federated clusters
[docs] Document admin user management features of workbench2
[Data operation] Folders upload
[Data operations] Missing info in the sharing page
[Workbench] Show expand icons only for expandable tree nodes
[Workbench] Version/ Debugging info
[Navigation] Investigation - Notification system
[Navigation] Notification system (process end, shared with someone)
[Workbench] System status information
[Data operation] Outputs expiry (collection view)
[Data operations] Details panel - activity tab
User doesn't appear in user list after "New user" dialog
[Bug][Graph] Cwl graph edges are not painted
[Workbench2] Unit testing
[Workbench2] Integration testing
Advanced view (API response) missing data
User page for admins doesn't work correctly
Owner field in Details pane should contain name and should link to correct location
Search bar filter shouldn't persist after clicking into a new project
[Data operations] After adding a description on existing project "show full description" is not visible until is refreshed
[Data operations] Adding no-predefined value
[Running a Workflow] Advanced Menu of a process is not working
[Workbench2] Fix user management UI
[WB2] Update to React 16.9
View file in browser
[Workbench2] Improve error handling and reporting
WB2: starting process should also show in which project the process would be started
[Workbench] Change the content inside the owner column from uuid to Projects and user names
[Data operations] Filter project tree from projects that a resource cannot be moved to
[Vocabulary] Disable default use of vocabulary.json.
[Data operations] Make a copy (projects)
[Running a workflow] Dropdown filter
Error on requests with large query in URL
[workbench2] Test run, package building & deploy integration
Advanced Search editor keeps adding search terms instead of replacing
[Workbench2] Show the version number in workbench2
Virtual Machines menu: Explain how to configure ssh to go through switchyard
[WB2] Show correct arvados version/commit
Assigning a portable data hash to a project tree
Workbench 2 Design Guidelines
Investigate running NextFlow using TES on Arvados
Versioning registered workflows
Update Python SDK documentation
Login cluster with only arvados-controller & no fallback to Rails
Stream Keep data to minimize latency and memory usage
Easy install via OS package
Better spot instance support
Faceted search of metadata
WB2 usable on small screens / mobile
External access to web services running in containers
WGS Demo Works in WB2 and Is Updated to Reflect WB2 Features
WB2 Workflows / containers feature parity
WB2 Descriptions, project & collection operations
Collection check in / check out
Single-click install & subscription via cloud marketplace
Reorganize user guide, update for wb2
Workflow runtime/cost visibility and forecasting
Actionable insight into keep usage
Improve container image handling
Manifest format improvements
Scalable + reliable container logging
Research Object provenance (CWL-PROV)
Computing on external data
Workbench2 federated browsing
Arvados Overview Video (Big Picture Video)
CWL support, docs, training, website
Avoid configuration skew between different services and hosts
WB2 user/group management features
Vocabulary checking of properties by API server/controller
Improved error detection/reporting
WB2 collections page feature parity
Run Keepstore on local compute nodes
Keep-web supports S3 compatible interface
Workbench2 feature parity with Workbench
Developer shell inside running container
Replace and delete sso-provider
Documentation and marketing refresh
Redesign permission table updates
[cwl] test 221 in the 1.2 conformance suite is failing on singularity
[controller] should log the user uuid used for the request
Cypress tests for federated scenarios
Turn manual testing plan for WB2 into tickets to write cypress tests
[go services] should log the uuid of the token used for each request (and if available, the uuid of the associated user)
rails background tasks scaling issues
Test coverage plan for combinations of slurm/lsf/cloud singularity/docker
[config] simplify AnonymousUserToken configuration
Enforce memory limits using Singularity + cloud
[art] run jenkins release build steps with a set of parameters
[tutorial] reuse is not working
[tutorial] inconsistencies/roadbumps
[api] [controller] remove reader_token support
[SDKs] Wean all components off old arvadosclient and keepclient libraries
cwltool 'id' changes packing behavior
Inconsistent upload behavior between wb1 and wb2
Write better prefetch tests
Custom naming for scatter steps
Go FileSystem / FUSE mount supports block caching & prefetch
User merge & migration support on LoginCluster federations
Config option to make crunch-run use Go FUSE driver when all mounts are read-only
Mishandled Azure error?
arv-put converts properties aliases to vocabulary ids
support secret_environment
Controller should monitor its own memory usage and pause requests handling when memory usage is high
drop legacy columns and tables
engine configuration too big > 1048448 with singularity
Remove perl SDK, tests, dependencies
WebDAV uses replace_files API
"Responsible person" link is wrong
[api] remove replay_job_log rake task
Get input collection uuid or metadata
Structured type checking for properties
Rendering rich descriptions
Feature to inject additional info into wb2 details panel
Algorithm to repack small files into larger blocks
PySDK API Client wrapper methods that automatically translate properties using a vocabulary
Turn code cookbook into liquid template & include files separately
Access live container logs through arvados-client and crunch-run container gateway
a-c-r uses arv-put internally to upload dependencies
use subject identifier (username etc) in "identity_url" instead of "email" for login
Synchronize configuration on multi-node cluster
New user mode for Workbench (for use on Playground)
Container runtime metrics API
[go sdk] describe + implement desired Go SDK
[go sdk] update documentation
[deduplication report] add project support
Ensure Etag can be used and honor If-Match header in updates
Ability for admin to purge old versions of a collection
[LSF] use btop to adjust relative priorities of arvados jobs
Reusing workflows/steps is too slow
Remove docs/code for unsupported AsyncPermissionsUpdateInterval
Ability to share a link to the "Get API Token" dialog in WB"
run Theia interactively for development on shell and/or compute nodes
run interactive Jupyter on shell and/or compute nodes
Research framework for interactive tutorials that overlay the app
Arvados CV for "Study Type" property not active
Advanced Dialog on collections shows the manifest_text as null
WB2 collection UUID in project URL shows blank page
Docker containers are always removed
Workbench allows setting values with leading and trailing whitespace in property values
Cache negative token lookups in federation/OIDC
Sharing dialog shows all permissions including indirect and allows searching for users by name
Requesting object by uuid should return 403 instead of 404
[workbench2] forces relogin on every new window/tab
arvados-server config-dump | arvados-server config-check -config=- spurious warnings
Handle unreachable API server better on startup
[doc] describe the block packing algorithm used by our various Keep clients (arv-put, python sdk, keep-web, arv-mount)
cwltest results for Arvados produces badges which can be linked to from commonwl.org
[k8s] start using an ingress
add example of readRDS() to arvadosR help
Add Kubernetes testing to CI
"arvados-server init" can set up a single-node production cluster
"arvados-server init" can use a local root CA to sign certificates
[Release] Auto-sync the arvados gem dependencies on RailsAPI and Workbench1
Export health checks as Prometheus metrics
Accept release info changes in docker recipes
"Copy selected into collection" incorrect behavior
[cleanup] remove AssignNodeHostname from the configuration. Also from the documentation.
Advanced Search in ARV PROD GUI non-functional
Data Collection page on 2.3.0 rc2
[crunch-run] handle out-of-diskspace on the compute node better
Proof of concept Arvados single-node AMI
ARV GUI: perform operations on files selected via the filter
Enable file sorting in Data Collection
global search results link to wb1 not wb2
Arvados "display in new tab" shows outdated data
Read-only users can't open file in new tab
Should the Loading Progress bar always be shown?
Create Mountainduck Bookmark files not working
Re-run process on arvados throws error
Workbench2 search shows all sites even if just searching in one site
"NanoCPUs can not be set" Docker error
User Attributes Dialog are incorrectly displayed
"Shared with me" Tree keeps expanding even if I closed it intentionally
Different content size of collection & files in wb2 vs wb
Issue with sharing settings of "open access" new projects
"copy selected files into collection" function in WB2 extremely slow
add search option to input selection when running a workflow
expose saved searches as browsing option on the left side
Multi-select collections and projects to delete them
[doc] the compute node image doc does not take releases into account
Support Docker ENTRYPOINT on Singularity in crunch-run
Parameter on get_permissions API to return every user and group with permissions
Ability to specify a % of compute instance price that user is willing to go over from cheapest
[servers] add logging with automatic rotation to user-specified directory
Display of long names can be improved on WB2
Workbench2 Trash is not listing all trashed items
[Crunch] add CWL extension to limit the number of concurrently running jobs during a scatter
[a-d-c] the arvados_dispatchcloud_queue_entries prometheus metric should report actual instance types
Document configuration items for customizing text in Workbench
[deployment][provision][documentation] explain how to use a custom/existing postgresql RDBMS
investigate separate socket timeouts waiting for connection and HTTP response in Python SDK
[a-d-c] slow down retries when CreateInstance returns non-quota/non-throttle errors
[a-d-c] [AWS] add option to spin up (spot) instances in more/all availability zones in the region
endpoint to show why container requests didn't reuse
Investigate plugins for redmine templates
[deployment][arvados-formula] selinux breaks many installation steps
[api] remove unused last_used_at and last_used_by_ip_address columns on api_client_authorizations table
[packaging][centos7] systemctl daemon-reload should be run by the post-inst script when upgrading packages on centos 7
[controller] always returns an empty "unsigned_manifest_text" field for collections
[api] reqid not always being recorded in the api server log
Mark individual collections with permission to download through keep-web.
[deduplicationreport] negative number in the "saved by Keep deduplication" report
Create filter group from advanced search
design: add complex structures to structured vocabulary
design: Add type checking to the structured vocabulary
[arv-mount] requests manifest text multiple times when mounting collection
[ws] memory management issues
[controller] memory management issues
[deployment][arvados-formula] shell node centos-7 packages
[workbench] uploader is hardcoded to X-Keep-Desired-Replicas: 2
[container shell] confusing error "channel 3: bad ext data" when forwarding tcp traffic into a container with API: false
When @AutoSetupNewUsers: true@ new users' username is added as email
[API] bug in libyaml / Pysch used by API server to parse yaml
[a-d-c] EC2 driver supports AssumeRole
[crunchstat-summary] Add arv-mount FUSE ops time
[FUSE] Access shared/ is inefficient
[SDKs] Improve wording of Keep error messages in Python SDK
crunch-run handling non-group readable files in output directory
[CWL] Does not distinguish between keep references to File and Directory when selected in Workbench template
[nodemanager] Only looking at first 100 queued jobs
[crunchv2] Improve crunch-run environment reporting
[API] Don't create an index if it exists already. Will break install if we manually added it,
[Workbench] Bad dashboard time formatting - 60m == 1h
R SDK submit to Bioconductor
crunch-dispatch-slurm uses a surprising number of file descriptors, and stops dispatching when it gets a "too many open files" error
keepstore -help entry for -dump-config is unclear
arvbox warn if running as root or on OS X
[Crunch2] [crunch-run] Prune old images before installing image for current container
Upgrade jQuery to a supported version
[Controller] Delegate new container requests to other clusters based on location of input data
Switch all Workbench tests from PhantomJS to Selenium/Firefox
[CWL] Run from original CWL, not packed
[API] "DefaultReplication: 0" should be an error
[FUSE] occasional deadlock in tests.test_unmount.UnmountTest.test_replace
[FUSE] Unhandled exception while getting discovery doc
Out of the box routing (NGINX) standard as part of basic install
[keep-web] Support more S3 write APIs: DeleteObjects, POST object
[keep-web] S3 PutObject response should have content MD5
[packaging][centos] build packages for centos8
[keep-balance] replication level distribution should account for volumes' built-in replication
[deployment][arvados-formula] add sudo examples to use arvados as a pam source for shell nodes
Copying a project with a docker image doesn't copy the docker metadata
[keep-web] Accept /t=token/c=collection/path (currently only /c=collection/t=token/path)