



Issues that are open but not currently prioritized for fixing.


Release Backlog

# Tracker Subject Story Points
18311 Bug [cwl] test 221 in the 1.2 conformance suite is failing on singularity
18944 Feature [controller] should log the user uuid used for the request
18697 Bug Cypress tests for federated scenarios
18266 Bug Turn manual testing plan for WB2 into tickets to write cypress tests
18897 Feature [go services] should log the uuid of the token used for each request (and if available, the uuid of the associated user)
18762 Bug rails background tasks scaling issues
18221 Story Test coverage plan for combinations of slurm/lsf/cloud singularity/docker
18937 Feature [config] simplify AnonymousUserToken configuration
17988 Feature Enforce memory limits using Singularity + cloud
18564 Feature [art] run jenkins release build steps with a set of parameters
17845 Bug [tutorial] reuse is not working
17846 Bug [tutorial] inconsistencies/roadbumps
18936 Bug [api] [controller] remove reader_token support
13144 Bug [SDKs] Wean all components off old arvadosclient and keepclient libraries
17918 Bug cwltool 'id' changes packing behavior
16329 Bug Inconsistent upload behavior between wb1 and wb2
18964 Bug Write better prefetch tests
17054 Feature Custom naming for scatter steps
18961 Feature Go FileSystem / FUSE mount supports block caching & prefetch
18788 Feature User merge & migration support on LoginCluster federations
18960 Feature Config option to make crunch-run use Go FUSE driver when all mounts are read-only
18977 Bug Mishandled Azure error?
18576 Feature arv-put converts properties aliases to vocabulary ids
18689 Feature support secret_environment
18969 Bug Controller should monitor its own memory usage and pause requests handling when memory usage is high
18967 Story drop legacy columns and tables
18765 Bug engine configuration too big > 1048448 with singularity
18942 Story Remove perl SDK, tests, dependencies
18871 Feature WebDAV uses replace_files API
18864 Bug "Responsible person" link is wrong
18862 Bug [api] remove replay_job_log rake task
18853 Story Get input collection uuid or metadata
18847 Story Structured type checking for properties
18846 Story Rendering rich descriptions
18841 Feature Feature to inject additional info into wb2 details panel
18840 Feature Algorithm to repack small files into larger blocks
18810 Feature PySDK API Client wrapper methods that automatically translate properties using a vocabulary
18798 Story Turn code cookbook into liquid template & include files separately
18790 Feature Access live container logs through arvados-client and crunch-run container gateway
18726 Feature a-c-r uses arv-put internally to upload dependencies
17772 Feature use subject identifier (username etc) in "identity_url" instead of "email" for login
18685 Story Synchronize configuration on multi-node cluster
18684 Story New user mode for Workbench (for use on Playground)
18677 Feature Container runtime metrics API
18672 Feature [go sdk] describe + implement desired Go SDK
18671 Bug [go sdk] update documentation
18668 Feature [deduplication report] add project support
18623 Feature Ensure Etag can be used and honor If-Match header in updates
18621 Feature Ability for admin to purge old versions of a collection
18620 Feature [LSF] use btop to adjust relative priorities of arvados jobs
18618 Bug Reusing workflows/steps is too slow
18586 Bug Remove docs/code for unsupported AsyncPermissionsUpdateInterval
18548 Feature Ability to share a link to the "Get API Token" dialog in WB"
18516 Story run Theia interactively for development on shell and/or compute nodes
18515 Story run interactive Jupyter on shell and/or compute nodes
18514 Story Research framework for interactive tutorials that overlay the app
18500 Bug Arvados CV for "Study Type" property not active
18499 Bug Advanced Dialog on collections shows the manifest_text as null
18498 Bug WB2 collection UUID in project URL shows blank page
18486 Bug Docker containers are always removed
18481 Bug Workbench allows setting values with leading and trailing whitespace in property values
18345 Bug Activity script crash
18347 Feature Cache negative token lookups in federation/OIDC
18463 Feature Sharing dialog shows all permissions including indirect and allows searching for users by name
18462 Story Requesting object by uuid should return 403 instead of 404
18393 Bug [workbench2] forces relogin on every new window/tab
18385 Bug arvados-server config-dump | arvados-server config-check -config=- spurious warnings
18371 Bug Handle unreachable API server better on startup
18369 Feature [doc] describe the block packing algorithm used by our various Keep clients (arv-put, python sdk, keep-web, arv-mount)
18362 Story cwltest results for Arvados produces badges which can be linked to from
18278 Bug [k8s] start using an ingress
17232 Support add example of readRDS() to arvadosR help
18239 Story Add Kubernetes testing to CI
18341 Story "arvados-server init" can set up a single-node production cluster
18338 Story "arvados-server init" can use a local root CA to sign certificates
18166 Bug [Release] Auto-sync the arvados gem dependencies on RailsAPI and Workbench1
18335 Feature Export health checks as Prometheus metrics
18334 Bug Accept release info changes in docker recipes
18587 Bug "Copy selected into collection" incorrect behavior
18292 Bug [cleanup] remove AssignNodeHostname from the configuration. Also from the documentation.
18280 Bug Advanced Search in ARV PROD GUI non-functional
18279 Bug Data Collection page on 2.3.0 rc2
18262 Bug [crunch-run] handle out-of-diskspace on the compute node better
18255 Story Proof of concept Arvados single-node AMI
18218 Feature ARV GUI: perform operations on files selected via the filter
18217 Feature Enable file sorting in Data Collection
18214 Bug global search results link to wb1 not wb2
18213 Feature Arvados "display in new tab" shows outdated data
18212 Bug Read-only users can't open file in new tab
18211 Feature Should the Loading Progress bar always be shown?
18210 Bug Create Mountainduck Bookmark files not working
18209 Feature Re-run process on arvados throws error
18208 Bug Workbench2 search shows all sites even if just searching in one site
18241 Story "NanoCPUs can not be set" Docker error
18202 Bug User Attributes Dialog are incorrectly displayed
18201 Bug "Shared with me" Tree keeps expanding even if I closed it intentionally
18200 Bug Different content size of collection & files in wb2 vs wb
18199 Bug Issue with sharing settings of "open access" new projects
18198 Bug "copy selected files into collection" function in WB2 extremely slow
18197 Feature add search option to input selection when running a workflow
18196 Feature expose saved searches as browsing option on the left side
18193 Feature Multi-select collections and projects to delete them
18191 Bug [doc] the compute node image doc does not take releases into account
18220 Bug Support Docker ENTRYPOINT on Singularity in crunch-run
18182 Feature Parameter on get_permissions API to return every user and group with permissions
18181 Feature Ability to specify a % of compute instance price that user is willing to go over from cheapest
18174 Feature [servers] add logging with automatic rotation to user-specified directory
18170 Bug Display of long names can be improved on WB2
18168 Bug Workbench2 Trash is not listing all trashed items
18163 Feature [Crunch] add CWL extension to limit the number of concurrently running jobs during a scatter
18161 Bug [a-d-c] the arvados_dispatchcloud_queue_entries prometheus metric should report actual instance types
18150 Story Document configuration items for customizing text in Workbench
18125 Feature [deployment][provision][documentation] explain how to use a custom/existing postgresql RDBMS
18118 Bug investigate separate socket timeouts waiting for connection and HTTP response in Python SDK
18114 Bug [a-d-c] slow down retries when CreateInstance returns non-quota/non-throttle errors
18101 Bug [a-d-c] [AWS] add option to spin up (spot) instances in more/all availability zones in the region
15502 Story endpoint to show why container requests didn't reuse
17969 Support Investigate plugins for redmine templates
18019 Bug [deployment][arvados-formula] selinux breaks many installation steps
18016 Bug [api] remove unused last_used_at and last_used_by_ip_address columns on api_client_authorizations table
18011 Bug [packaging][centos7] systemctl daemon-reload should be run by the post-inst script when upgrading packages on centos 7
18009 Bug [controller] always returns an empty "unsigned_manifest_text" field for collections
18008 Bug [api] reqid not always being recorded in the api server log
17826 Feature Mark individual collections with permission to download through keep-web.
18000 Bug [deduplicationreport] negative number in the "saved by Keep deduplication" report
17838 Feature Create filter group from advanced search
17946 Feature design: add complex structures to structured vocabulary
17945 Feature design: Add type checking to the structured vocabulary
17942 Bug [arv-mount] requests manifest text multiple times when mounting collection
17941 Bug [ws] memory management issues
17940 Bug [controller] memory management issues
17938 Bug [deployment][arvados-formula] shell node centos-7 packages
17937 Bug [workbench] uploader is hardcoded to X-Keep-Desired-Replicas: 2
17878 Bug [container shell] confusing error "channel 3: bad ext data" when forwarding tcp traffic into a container with API: false
17859 Bug When @AutoSetupNewUsers: true@ new users' username is added as email
13766 Bug [API] bug in libyaml / Pysch used by API server to parse yaml
15051 Feature [a-d-c] EC2 driver supports AssumeRole 2.0
14952 Story [crunchstat-summary] Add arv-mount FUSE ops time 0.5
12990 Bug [FUSE] Access shared/ is inefficient
12082 Bug [SDKs] Improve wording of Keep error messages in Python SDK
12170 Bug crunch-run handling non-group readable files in output directory
12331 Bug [CWL] Does not distinguish between keep references to File and Directory when selected in Workbench template
12295 Bug [nodemanager] Only looking at first 100 queued jobs
12465 Bug [crunchv2] Improve crunch-run environment reporting
12510 Bug [API] Don't create an index if it exists already. Will break install if we manually added it,
12558 Bug [Workbench] Bad dashboard time formatting - 60m == 1h
13077 Story R SDK submit to Bioconductor
13142 Bug crunch-dispatch-slurm uses a surprising number of file descriptors, and stops dispatching when it gets a "too many open files" error
13322 Bug keepstore -help entry for -dump-config is unclear
13343 Bug arvbox warn if running as root or on OS X
12900 Feature [Crunch2] [crunch-run] Prune old images before installing image for current container 3.0
15175 Story Upgrade jQuery to a supported version 3.0
15457 Feature [Controller] Delegate new container requests to other clusters based on location of input data 3.0
15476 Story Switch all Workbench tests from PhantomJS to Selenium/Firefox 1.0
15535 Story [CWL] Run from original CWL, not packed 3.0
15588 Bug [API] "DefaultReplication: 0" should be an error
15757 Bug [FUSE] occasional deadlock in tests.test_unmount.UnmountTest.test_replace
15727 Bug [FUSE] Unhandled exception while getting discovery doc
15879 Story Out of the box routing (NGINX) standard as part of basic install
16744 Feature [keep-web] Support more S3 write APIs: DeleteObjects, POST object
16830 Bug [keep-web] S3 PutObject response should have content MD5
17070 Feature [packaging][centos] build packages for centos8
16852 Bug [keep-balance] replication level distribution should account for volumes' built-in replication
17684 Feature [deployment][arvados-formula] add sudo examples to use arvados as a pam source for shell nodes
12198 Bug Copying a project with a docker image doesn't copy the docker metadata
12089 Story Javascript SDK
12692 Feature [keep-web] Accept /t=token/c=collection/path (currently only /c=collection/t=token/path)
12854 Bug [crunchstat-summary] broken option for skip child jobs?
12239 Story Allow templating of the collection sharing web page
13126 Feature [keep] Investigate using signed URLs to delegate access to cloud buckets
12360 Bug Document how to add EBS tmp disk to nodemanager configuration
13005 Bug [Crunch2] All stdout gets the same timestamp and other logging problems
13102 Bug containers are not reused unless runtime constraints (including RAM) match exactly
13096 Story Investigate packrat to lock down R package dependencies
12191 Story Support SLURM parameter passthrough from CWL jobs 2.0
13522 Story [keepproxy] document limiting maximum number of HTTP connections 0.5
14922 Feature [crunch-dispatch-cloud] Run multiple containers concurrently on a single VM 2.0
13272 Feature [keep-web] read/write support for /by_id and /users 2.0
14374 Story Multi-site (federated) object search in controller 3.0
13351 Bug Benchmark container_request creation and see if there are opportunities for optimization
13789 Bug Document web socket server API (v0) 1.0
13874 Story [CLI] arvados-server "health" subcommand 2.0
13048 Story Refactor crunch2 logging 2.0
13403 Feature [crunch-run] Cancel container on FUSE error 2.0
13162 Bug [SDKs] Remove arvadosclient and keepclient libraries
14912 Feature [Crunch2] Azure driver supports attaching extra storage 2.0
14944 Support skip python/go env setup, don't print skipped tests
13110 Story [WebDAV] WebDAV performance enhancements
14996 Story Log crunch-run resource usage statistics 2.0
15528 Story [docs] better explain the relationship between API server, controller and nginx in install docs
13390 Story Document API in API discovery document
15176 Bug Update AngularJS to a supported version 2.0
13607 Bug [arv-mount] avoid excessive memory consumption of idle arv-mounts
15397 Story Deprecate & remove human, specimens and traits tables 2.0
15455 Story Outputs of workflow runs get put into a default location other than the user's home project 2.0
15317 Feature [Keep] expose backend latency stats in the Prometheus metrics 2.0
13956 Bug [keep-web] (webdav) Support COPY and MOVE between collections
13218 Story Support browsing of projects shared with me in WebDAV 2.0
13916 Bug Discovery document inconsistencies
13925 Story Default keep cache scales with requested container size
13982 Bug crunch-dispatch-slurm / Go SDK Dispatcher not able to "let go" of deleted containers
13995 Story [Controller] Port "collection update" functional tests from Rails API to controller test suite
15372 Story Revise group permissions to separate them from permissions on managed objects 5.0
15732 Story Update group sync tool for new group permission scheme 1.0
13998 Bug [keepstore] Cached block fetch for federation
15885 Story Integrate status dashboard
15880 Story Deprecate hosted git service
15537 Bug Clarify that Arvados CLI tools are Linux only
14001 Story [Spike] [Controller] Port "update workflow" API to controller
14004 Story [Controller] Keep database in tune
16851 Bug [keep-balance] "underreplicated blocks" are overcounted in log messages
14016 Feature [API] Container request can provide existing collection UUID that will accept CR output
17468 Feature [controller] Skip repetitive OIDC UserInfo calls if access token validates as an ID token 1.0
17345 Bug [boot] handle dependency upgrades better in "arvados-package build" 1.0
14168 Feature [Running a workflow] Input presets
14405 Bug [API] Avoid long-running transactions when sweeping trashed objects
14488 Bug [keepstore] Do not try to trash blocks that were already trashed in previous sweep
16462 Feature Expand arvados-controller to expose forecast features
14650 Bug [arvados-cwl-runner] Inaccessible collection causes long traceback
13643 Feature [CWL] Requirement for storage classes of data
13557 Feature Copying a container request should link to the original container request
12178 Bug Activating an account (setting is_active from false to true) does not email the new user
14906 Support [SDK] Maintain Arvados SDKs in Bioconda
12571 Story arv-mount by_tag directory support for properties
12527 Story [Composer] Refactor to separate vendor-specific pieces and all them to be replaced
15259 Story Invalidate tokens federation-wide on when invalidated on home cluster
15436 Story can run offline
15580 Story [CWL] Register workflow and run from git repo
12791 Bug [API] fix race between arrival of trash time and next sweep
15692 Bug [CWL] test_with_arvbox integration tests use tests inside image
15697 Story [doc] explain lifecycle of Keep blocks, and how it affects storage backend usage/cost
15758 Feature [keep-balance] [keepstore] Report blocks/bytes in trash
15925 Story Separate arvados-git-sync from API server
13062 Feature [SDK] Reduce collection class memory footprint
16426 Bug [arv-put] should calculate (worst case) manifest size up front before upload, and abort when it is too large
16566 Bug [cli] can't create a token when using a token created with create_superuser_token.rb
13326 Story As a data provider, I would like the ability to provide metered access to my data on Arvados, including start/end dates, bandwidth caps, and % of file accessed
13325 Story As a CWL learner, I would like to be able to run CWL workflows easily on playground
12666 Story --ignore-docker-for-reuse not passed to crunch v2 jobs started via --submit --no-wait
13388 Feature [Epic] Zero-downtime upgrade
17413 Bug [arv-mount] Exit (instead of undefined behavior) after unhandled exception
17428 Bug [deployment] arvados-api-server fails to re-install/upgrade if the postgresql-client and the server versions differ
17490 Feature [workbench2] make filter groups creatable/editable
12684 Bug [Python SDK] Retry on HTTP 5xx errors
13636 Bug crunch-run takes a very long time for CWL steps with large numbers of File inputs - could use a new kind of mounts entry to address this
13644 Bug [STORAGE-CLASES] Report the storage classes used by a pipeline
13675 Feature [Composer/Workbench] Import of public git repo to a new Arvados repository
13760 Story Provide more information to SLURM to make scheduling decisions on HPC
13384 Story [Workbench] Search users by email address and shell account
17759 Bug [Keep] azure blob driver 404 errors are weird
13763 Bug [API] groups#contents response should obey caller-provided order (not sort on type first)
13794 Story Build Docker images without requiring Docker on client
17764 Bug [arv-put] progress update does not refresh frequently enough
17775 Bug [a-d-c] the user should be able to see when preemptible nodes get shut down and the running container requeued
13972 Bug Listing collections by PDH and name can be very slow
13981 Bug Make keep-web documentation available on
13991 Bug crunch-dispatch-slurm does not warn when slurm MaxJobCount reached
17827 Feature [deployment][provision] rename the *_TAG variables to *_FORMULA_TAG
13997 Story [Controller] Port "collection update" API from Rails
17814 Feature Send "invite" or "friend request" to connect with other users
17805 Feature [fuse] access containers and container_requests through by_id directory in sitefs
14030 Feature [CWL] Use streamable flag as a hint to use keep output
14021 Feature [crunch-dispatch-slurm] option to set job priority directly instead of using nice values
17786 Bug [deployment][webshell][shellinabox] centos 7's shellinabox is not pam-enabled
14200 Feature [API] Reduce privilege exposure via API tokens in multi-cluster workflows
14257 Feature [controller] refresh manifest API
17478 Story Port Rails controller and integration tests for Groups to controller
14457 Feature [api] send e-mail notification to user when their arvados account is activated
17773 Feature support token OIDC token introspection
17674 Bug add profiling infrastructure to Rails API server
14997 Story [crunchstat-summary] Support multiple data series per graph (e.g. TX/RX, user/sys CPU, etc)
17681 Bug [controller] seems to have a really long timeout for its db connection
17718 Story Standalone JWT token support for OIDC
15025 Feature [arvados-dispatch-cloud] GCE driver (Google Compute Engine)
14923 Story [CWL] Reduce memory footprint by using webdav to get file/dir listings in collections (instead of Python SDK)
15070 Story Update search API to support OR queries across text and vocabulary IDs
15082 Feature [controller] [all services] Publish entire config including secrets
15125 Feature [keep-balance] [keepstore] Procedure to halt/reverse/investigate a suspected data loss incident
15364 Story Better CWL onboarding
15135 Feature [Crunch2] Post-run hooks
15118 Bug [keepstore] Return 5xx (not 4xx) if block is not found due to transient backend device failure
15249 Feature [cwl] a-c-r supports --js-console
15204 Feature Federation diagnostic tools/APIs
15279 Feature [cwl] expressions in keep_cache
15183 Bug [Workbench2] No errors reported when file is missing a block
15320 Feature [API] add integration test for new user signup
17768 Feature Special file/path in collection that indicates a folder shouldn't be expanded by default
15339 Story ExpressionTool can be explicitly run under a CR
15382 Story Synthetic database generator tool
15381 Story can populate/use local package cache directories
15540 Story Paginate crunchstat-summary HTML output
15579 Bug Staging a large number of files with "loadListing: no_listing" still takes more than 30 mins
17751 Feature [arvados-dispatch-cloud] expose rate-limiting condition in metrics
17741 Bug Golang SDK CollectionFileSystem uses time.Now() as default Last-Modified for all collections identified by portable data hash
15783 Story Add Arvados services go docs
15909 Story Systematic review of documentation gaps
17699 Story Design new keepstore internal architecture that supports efficient streaming & range requests
16738 Feature [a-d-c] introduce concept of "quota partition"
16802 Feature [packaging] create an arvados-shell-node package
16843 Feature [a-d-c] admin cli
17314 Bug [API] [controller] [Workbench] 404 on foreign user UUID in admin interface
17695 Feature [costanalyzer] make an accurate report for spot instances on AWS
17694 Feature [Keep][keep-web] improve observability of buffer cache
17693 Feature [keep-web] Improve cache efficiency for a mix of fast and slow clients
17518 Feature Workbench2 lets users auto-login and access dialogs through direct links
17745 Bug [config] arvados-server config-dump with ec2 driver has confusing output
17613 Feature "created_by_uuid" field
17597 Bug [keep-web] Improve error response when AnonymousUserToken not configured and no token provided by client
17586 Feature Merge collections
17771 Bug [a-d-c] when a cluster supports preemptible nodes, there should be a knob to allow the user to choose the use of preemptible nodes, or not
17780 Bug [a-d-c] when toggling UsePreemptibleInstances, existing containers that are runnable generate lots of errors
17584 Bug Permission dialog should indicate that permissions are inherited
17581 Feature Improvement: hierarchy in workflow selection in WB2
17578 Bug Global search results presentation in WB2
17575 Bug "Shared with me" Tree keeps expanding even if I closed it intentionally
17561 Bug [arvados-dispatch-cloud] inst.SetTags() and inst.Destroy() should respect rate-limiting responses from cloud provider
17461 Feature Flag to make turn file format mismatches from an error to a warning
17520 Feature Option to delete a container and all associated child containers, logs and outputs.
17494 Bug Still updating users from login cluster when nothing changed
17472 Story Architecture for displaying container metrics in workbench
17320 Support Explain what additonal configuration is needed for to go to production
17433 Bug Long picklists hide typing field in WB2
17424 Bug [API] group contents endpoint edge cases with filter on uuid
17416 Bug Make sure dev packages don't get included when making the production build
17401 Feature VS code plugin for Arvados
17400 Bug Directly shared collections are displayed as "read-only"
17396 Bug Favorites copy dialog further issues
17381 Bug [playground] [wb2] add a redirect
17348 Story Example workflow template which streams data from S3 in first step, does some computation steps, and uploads results back to S3.
17347 Bug crunch-run --list fatal error out of memory
17073 Bug Permission links originating from users should only update that user
17310 Feature SAML support
17309 Feature Keep “Shared with me" collapsed unless opened manually
17304 Feature Allow setting properties on processes
17303 Feature List properties and allow filtering by them in the project listings
17300 Bug array of array of File causes 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'resolved'
17292 Feature Merging collections feature
17291 Bug Copy selected to collection issue
17287 Story Ruby 2.5 will be EOLed soon, make sure to be ready for 2.6
17275 Bug Move Go Arvados RPC module into Go SDK & migrate to new API
17206 Feature crunch-run reverse proxies HTTP requests to container
17244 Bug Make sure cgroupsV2 works with Arvados
16673 Support Document using OpenID Connect support for AAI
17214 Story Investigate using tracing
17251 Feature Investigate mypyc for arvados-cwl-runner
17274 Story Add "" DNS alias
17209 Feature Controller forwards web requests to crunch worker nodes
17195 Bug workbench2/static/js/main.ad432f16.js has hardcoded
17194 Feature support Amazon Linux
17186 Bug [dispatch] broken node logs should also be copied to a-d-c logs
17185 Feature [adc] add broken node metrics
17160 Bug [packaging] upgrade to use twine for upload to PyPI
17159 Bug [build] make build-packages-python-ruby run on a Jenkins satellite
17149 Feature Checkpoint / snapshot to support migrating tasks when more memory is needed
17148 Feature add logging middleware to lib/cmd
17116 Story Consider excluding api_client_authorization from audit logs by default.
17112 Feature Store unsigned collection manifests in keep
17110 Feature Container reuse on sub-workflows and chunks of scatter inputs
17100 Feature Audit logs should include current/logged in user
16614 Bug Submitting workflows with large numbers of file inputs is very slow
17052 Bug arvados-server replaces
17041 Bug Upload doesn't work on arvbox-demo
17038 Feature [controller] Option to request additional scopes, and verify additional claims, during OpenID Connect auth
17037 Feature [controller] Improve use of given_name/family_name fields for generic OpenID Connect providers
16832 Bug replace linkchecker in our build environment
17166 Support Set up CWL project jenkins server
17005 Bug CWL v1.2 Conformance test 83 failed twice on the new Arvados Playground
16867 Bug Rust SDK
16866 Feature Support OpenAPI
16853 Bug [arvbox] various bugs
16849 Feature Investigate / document using Rabix Composer + arv-mount + arvados-cwl-runner
16784 Feature Roles view
16771 Bug [keepstore,arvados-dispatch-cloud] Driver parameter should be specified consistently
16741 Story Upload verification tool
16728 Story Migrate federated workflow and federation user migrate tests to use arvados-boot
16701 Feature Tool to compare contents of a local file system to contents of a collection
16682 Bug Missing nodejs should not be a fatal error for submitting a workflow
16658 Bug [Bug] "Move/Copy To" Dialog does not list all possible target locations.
16656 Bug Arvados bug (GUI): Favorites not displayed in ARV move function
16651 Feature Show sharing dialog also for users with read and write permissions
16650 Feature Downloading and open in new tab for subfolders in data collection
16644 Feature Move files into existing collection
16643 Feature Notification functionality
16642 Feature Processes page
16639 Feature Display number of hits for search function
16633 Bug "Arvados VM" is not defined in the docs
16617 Feature Improve arv-copy for workflows
16590 Feature support dynamic arvados users on shell nodes (NSS)
16574 Feature Can limit which users can submit container requests.
16571 Feature Permission system supports seeing & sharing with a group without having access to group contents.
16567 Feature GCP support in arvados-dispatch-cloud
16563 Feature All services support TLS directly
16562 Feature SDKs ask API server for preferred "Services" config based on whether you are "internal" or "external"
16556 Bug Template for Workflow Displaying Last Step instead of Main on Workbench
16519 Feature [keepstore] optimize md5sum calculations
16227 Bug Downloading folders gets HTML page from WebDAV not data
16518 Feature [keep] Allow clients to set a header to disable md5sum calculations in keepstore
16515 Feature Display keep-balance block count stats in grafana dashboard
16532 Support Write a troubleshooting page with debugging advice for configuration issues
16491 Feature Local/Samba/NFS Arvados uploads in pure Golang
16453 Story [controller] Expand config comment about LDAP search filters 0.5
16448 Bug Validation should detect input/output parameter name collisions.
16436 Bug [install] Ensure postgresql has en_US.UTF-8 collation
16409 Bug User tool runs out of memory and is killed ; job still reported as being successful
16401 Bug Provenance graph not correctly capturing scatter/gather
16400 Bug Project Description editing lacks preview mode and lacks formatting instructions
16390 Feature [k8s] add support for Azure AKS
16386 Feature [k8s] make the docker images for our golang binaries much leaner
16372 Feature Vertical autoscaling
16371 Bug <ArvadosModel::UnresolvableContainerError: docker image "arvados/jobs" not found> (req-3ni7i1prpb9v3ii8ux3b) [API: 422]
16368 Bug should redirect to
16367 Bug forced download of arvados/jobs to client
16348 Feature Better metrics of keepstore bandwidth usage (especially on back end)
16346 Bug Determine best practices for error wrapping in Go
16338 Bug no way to see the CWL input object
16337 Bug is empty
16336 Feature arv keep put: accept a URL for server side loading
16335 Bug update arvados-cwl-runner to work with Python 3.8
16334 Feature side-load public docker containers, if possible
16333 Feature Export workflows+provenance as Workflow RO-Crate w/ CWLProv
16332 Bug The user interface for approving users doesn't make sense
16251 Bug Workflows unable to show inputs
16250 Bug API Endpoint not found when opening advanced menu of collection
16249 Bug Workflow does not allow entering inputs
16228 Bug NullPointerException while uploading file using Java SDK
16224 Bug [tests] Jenkins isn't testing the python SDK on python3
16222 Story Handle container live logs in a more scalable way
16160 Feature controller exports metrics per endpoint
16213 Feature Default metrics dashboard for grafana
16182 Bug Prevent login from old email addresses
16179 Bug "Move/Copy To" Dialog does not list all possible target locations.
16120 Feature [arvados-server] Add profiling flag to service components
12917 Story Users should be able to see if a container failed from the container_request method 2.0
13327 Story Use new API container_request?include=container
16069 Story [boot] start a dev cluster 5.0
16062 Support Record demo videos
16008 Feature API to query permissions (for use by 3rd party integrations)
15938 Bug [API] requesting collections via POST with _method=GET returns one result
15918 Feature [API] Support GA4GH WES as a core API
14726 Bug [CWL] Propagating input file to output gets confusing error
15906 Bug Issues with collection manifest in Java SDK v2
15865 Story [arvados-dispatch-cloud] Cumulative instance time and cost metrics
15846 Feature [Workbench2] Data explorer page navigation
15844 Feature [Workbench2] Indicate when a DataExplorer filter is active
15843 Feature Order container_requests by container exit_code and state
15788 Story Improve Arvados services go docs
15689 Feature Add the ability to start arvbox with a specific arvados repo
15650 Bug Superscript element brackets showing in header
15641 Story [keep-balance] [SDKs] rendezvous by volume UUID instead of server UUID
15602 Bug Workbench Integration tests errors
15582 Feature [API] [Controller] Per-user client login permissions
15532 Bug [Workbench] Fiddlesticks on users activity page when jobs api disabled
15517 Story Improve pagination of very long lists
15503 Bug Display hashes of CWL secrets in workbench
15501 Bug Update help documentation links
15456 Feature Search/filtering in chooser
13813 Bug [CLI] arv traceback on simple timeout
14513 Feature [Workbench] Add "Share" button next to the shared folders breadcrumbs
15178 Bug Potential security issues with Report a Problem dialog
15173 Story Integrate arvados-tools repository into curoverse repo
15005 Feature [arv-mount] Fuse operations longer than the crunchstat interval
14972 Bug [arv-mount] mount-tmp flag does not start in read/write mode
14882 Bug Upgrading to 1.3.0-1 Error: no proxy available for cluster
14766 Bug ResourceRequirement disk space ask should be shown in workbench / API response
14693 Bug [arvbox] runsv fatal: unable to lock supervise/lock
14705 Bug Weird container rerun on fail?
14429 Bug [CWL] Initial work dir error
14311 Support [idea] jenkins-style dashboard UI
14147 Bug error page with (very) old layout on api server
14117 Bug c-d-s reniceAll sets nice on jobs that are not pending
14116 Bug c-d-s reniceAll does not wait for complete information on Arvados jobs
14115 Bug c-d-s reniceAll takes a very long time and holds up SqueueChecker updates and initial job submission
14070 Bug API DB needs an index on collections name
14067 Story Moving or Copying collections in workbench should have an input uuid field
14022 Bug [Tests] Timeouts causing build failures on jenkins
14011 Bug build/ version_from_git function dumps environment when not in a git repo
14005 Bug arv-copy will not create a new collection if copied within the same project
13876 Story [CLI] arvados-server "status" subcommand
13875 Story [CLI] arvados-server "metrics" subcommand
13871 Support please tag git revisions that result in deployed packages for -dev streams
13812 Bug arv cli continues to cache broken discovery document
13795 Bug crunch-dispatch-slurm too polite about killing containers
13772 Bug Rerunning a container_request that has a failed child CR should restart the failed CR
13758 Bug [Documentation] Full text search filters page
13709 Bug [[Proxy]] How to visit API service with proxy?
16034 Bug ---- bookmark ---
13688 Feature [API] optional asynchronous flag for create/update operations
13685 Bug support "kind": "text" for workflow and cwl inputs mounts in a-c-r
13676 Bug better error dialog for un-allowed repo names
13630 Bug locking api_client_authorizations for update can deadlock ContainersController#update
13642 Feature keepstore backend for ceph librados
13533 Feature option to specify vcpu runtime constraints on arvados-cwl-runner when using --submit
13574 Story [Controller] Update container priorities asynchronously
13515 Bug keepproxy memory usage limit?
13514 Feature Add arvswitch to shell accounts by default
15603 Story [Workbench 2] Update Fileupload component to new error reporting & unit test architecture 3.0
13454 Bug [Documentation] Add how to work with IGV and keep
13484 Story Support multiple load-balanced API server nodes 2.0
13422 Bug High cache thrashing should warn the user that their job will take longer than expected
13372 Feature "trash current collection" button from inside a collection
13305 Bug keepstore starts returning 401 Unauthorized in the middle of a workflow
13252 Bug [CWL] RunInSingleContainer requirement errors on DockerRequirement even when no such requirement is specified
13080 Story Create/upload workflows through Workbench
13047 Bug Log apiClientAuth UUIDs in keep-web, keepproxy, etc.
13053 Bug [CWL] discover_secondary_files not processing expressions
13007 Story [API] Review Postgres index usage
12996 Feature [SDKs] CollectionFS should repack highly fragmented files
12978 Feature Add method uuid() to collections
12903 Bug arvados-cwl-runner only loads cwl $import directives when run with `--local`
12873 Bug arvados-cwl-runner does not allow keep locators in command line input arguments
12868 Story Rearrange packages so "arv" runs a Go program that shells out to Python/Ruby code only if needed
12430 Feature Crunch2 limit output collection to glob patterns
12349 Bug [API] Validate container requests "output_path must be in a writable mount"
12345 Feature [CWL] Use arv-put collection caching for file uploads
12317 Feature [FUSE] unable to rename a subproject
12314 Feature [FUSE] Incremental collection subdirectory load
12244 Feature API server bulk transfers for keep-balance collection retrieval
14467 Story [SDK] Merge Go ArvadosClient and arvados.Client and migrate to arvados.Client
15681 Feature wb2 workflows run in "Workflow runs" project by default
12308 Story [FUSE] Golang-based fuse driver
15730 Story [Workbench 2] Implement UI for new group permission scheme 4.0
16431 Story Write draft of stories / requirements / ideas for accessing external data
16344 Bug Better logging of token rejection
16161 Feature easy aggregate metrics with prometheus
16664 Story Remove legacy config loading
16800 Feature PAM sets Arvados environment vars
16389 Feature [k8s] add support for Amazon EKS
17272 Story Doc site feedback
17313 Feature [Documentation] improve federation documentation
17327 Feature Go codegen for reading/writing CWL
16058 Support wiki
17993 Feature [deduplication-report] supports storage classes
17953 Story [api] Remove unused "node" object
18464 Feature Batch update endpoint for permission changes
18724 Bug Collection file_names should contain full paths for substring matching
18973 Story Test combinations of federation scenarios

Closed Sprints