


2015-08-05 sprint

08/05/2015 (Sprint start date 07/23/2015)


108 issues   (108 closed — 0 open)

2015-08-05 sprint

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Platform Overview

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Key Components

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Time tracking
Estimated time 8.50 hours
Issues by








Related issues
# Subject Story Points
Story #6277 [API] Make manifest format validation more strict, to make "munge" methods simpler and safer. 1.0
Bug #6663 [Documentation] Document git repository setup 1.0
Story #6588 [Workbench] UX - webshell login button placement 5.0
Story #6476 [Workbench] actions#show should be implemented without requiring an API token 0.5
Bug #6157 [Documentation] Explain extra steps needed when compute hostnames are not fooN 0.5
Feature #6838 Configurable docker binary location 0.5
Bug #6676 [Documentation] Fully document the SSO installation process 0.5
Bug #6674 [Documentation] Don't recommend nginx16 Software Collection 0.5
Bug #6591 [Documentation] Improve suggested nginx configuration 0.5
Bug #6221 [Data Manager] implement Delete 0.5
Bug #6847 [Crunch] Move Docker DNS configuration to Docker daemon 0.5
Bug #6598 [Crunch] Fix crunch-job's update_progress_stats post-5717 0.5
Bug #6590 [Documentation] Improve documentation of API server configuration variables 0.5
Bug #6592 [Crunch] crunch-job should handle cleanup step failures like install step failures 1.0
Bug #6602 [Workbench] Pipeline components tab preloads all tasks; times out for jobs with many tasks 0.5
Bug #6657 [SDKs] arv-copy has an unhelpful error message when `git` command is not available 0.5
Bug #6681 [SDK] arv-put fails with invalid seek when input is piped in 0.5
Bug #6643 [FUSE] Crash on del self._by_uuid[obj.cache_uuid] 0.5
Story #6691 [Deployment] Build packages for Ubuntu 14.04 ("trusty") 2.0
Bug #5990 [SDKs] arv-run defaults to using arvados/jobs, without checking that it exists or is recent 0.5
Bug #6593 [SDKs] arv-get should use the stdout FD directly, rather than opening /dev/stdout 0.5
Bug #6706 [FUSE] Crash in forget() 0.5
Bug #6682 [Deployment] Fix centos6 build image 1.0
Bug #6705 [API] Websockets denial of service requesting past logs 0.5
Bug #6687 [Documentation] Improve flow of manual installation guide 2.0
Bug #6750 [API] Reconcile our API server package with the new SSO configuration method 0.5