

Tom Schoonjans

  • Login: tomschoonjans
  • Registered on: 10/04/2021
  • Last connection: 10/28/2022


open closed Total
Assigned issues 0 0 0
Reported issues 2 2 4



01:57 PM Arvados Task #19587 (New): arvados-python-client: remove dependency on future
The future package ( has not seen releases for almost three years and is currently th... Tom Schoonjans


12:35 PM Arvados Bug #19571 (Resolved): arvados-cwl-runner scattering bug
Hi all,
The attached simple CWL workflow and inputs file returns the following error when run with arvados-cwl-r...
Tom Schoonjans


09:35 AM Arvados Bug #18489: CWL: Intermittent Singularity startup failures
A PR has been opened at
Hope it gets merged in soon.
Many thanks...
Tom Schoonjans
09:32 AM Arvados Bug #18486: Docker containers are always removed
Peter Amstutz wrote:
> You want the (stopped) containers themselves to stick around, not just the images? In genera...
Tom Schoonjans


04:35 PM Arvados Bug #18489: CWL: Intermittent Singularity startup failures
Peter Amstutz wrote:
> Just to confirm, slurm is scheduling more than one job at a time on these nodes? E.g. with 4...
Tom Schoonjans
03:41 PM Arvados Bug #18489 (Resolved): CWL: Intermittent Singularity startup failures
We recently started testing a simple CWL workflow in Arvados Crunch 2.3.1. The jobs are executed on a Slurm cluster c... Tom Schoonjans
02:02 PM Arvados Bug #18486 (New): Docker containers are always removed
Observed in Arvados 2.3.1:
When trying to debug a CWL workflow running on the Docker container runtime, it appears...
Tom Schoonjans

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