

Abram Connelly


open closed Total
Assigned issues 7 41 48
Reported issues 44 139 183


Project Roles Registered on
Arvados Genomics Benchmark Manager 12/10/2015
GET-Evidence Manager 05/01/2014
Arvados Reporter 04/22/2014



01:07 PM Lightning Story #14085 (Closed): [CWL] Create VCF + BED to gVCF pipeline
I completely forgot this had already been done. See #13425.
* "CWL VCF + BED to gVCF":
Abram Connelly
12:15 PM Lightning Story #14085 (Closed): [CWL] Create VCF + BED to gVCF pipeline
Create a CWL pipeline to convert a VCF file with an associated BED file of homozygous reference regions to a gVCF fil... Abram Connelly


03:43 PM Lightning Story #13756: Convert 10 Harvard PGP GFF to CGF [CWL]
As a very very rough estimate, the cost should be in the ~$1.50 per genome processed.
The total runtime of the 100...
Abram Connelly
03:09 PM Lightning Story #13756 (Closed): Convert 10 Harvard PGP GFF to CGF [CWL]
Abram Connelly
03:09 PM Lightning Story #13756: Convert 10 Harvard PGP GFF to CGF [CWL]
Changes have been pushed and merged Abram Connelly
03:08 PM Lightning Story #13756: Convert 10 Harvard PGP GFF to CGF [CWL]
A test run of 100 was pushed through to test.
* "pipeline":
Abram Connelly
03:09 PM Lightning Task #13915 (Closed): Review #13756, branch 13756-test-10-harvard-pgp-gff-to-cgf
Abram Connelly


08:38 AM Lightning Story #13756: Convert 10 Harvard PGP GFF to CGF [CWL]
I think the expressiontool CWL pipelines don't show up in workbench and that's why I was having trouble finding the l... Abram Connelly


10:29 AM Lightning Task #13915 (Closed): Review #13756, branch 13756-test-10-harvard-pgp-gff-to-cgf
Abram Connelly
10:24 AM Lightning Story #13756: Convert 10 Harvard PGP GFF to CGF [CWL]
A test pipeline for the 10 datasets was successfully run. The "pipeline": Abram Connelly

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