Bug #18584
Collection's "Make a copy" action fails
Added by Lucas Di Pentima about 3 years ago.
Updated about 3 years ago.
Estimated time:
(Total: 0.00 h)
Release relationship:
We've received a report from a customer alerting us that the "Make a copy" action on collection doesn't work.
This is probably related to the changes we made on #18484, removing manifest_text
storage on almost all the app sections. There're some operations that need the whole collection record, like this one.
The error RailsAPI responds when attempting this is:
//railsapi.internal/arvados/v1/collections: 422 Unprocessable Entity: Portable data hash 'e17195ab99769e6064628cd7004ea287+1316341' does not match computed hash 'd41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e+0' (req-xb2p9p88bgui7qppcf29)
- Related to Bug #18484: Direct links to Collections are retrieving the full manifest_text for no reason added
- Status changed from New to In Progress
- Related to Bug #18587: "Copy selected into collection" incorrect behavior added
Updates at arvados-workbench2|401e3b5 - branch 18584-collection-copy-fix
Test run: developer-tests-workbench2: #541
- Fixes collection's "Make a copy" action. Adds test.
- Fixes collection's "Move to" action. Adds test.
- Fixes manifest handling code of collection's "partial copy" actions. There're still some issues with these, but unrelated to the bugs being addressed here, so they're left for #18587.
18584-collection-copy-fix @ 401e3b5a6339e8f8a1d8edacdca86b98cfaeda4e
- "Make a copy" works
- "Move to" works
- "Create new collection from files" - Copying a single file out of a collection with two files, I got the error 'Collection has been copied but may contain incorrect files.'. The new collection did have the correct contents.
Updates at arvados-workbench2|dce0888
Test run: developer-tests-workbench2: #546
- Fixes the error when creating a new collection with selected files.
- As requested in chat: disabled the "copy selected into collection" feature (with its test) because it can cause data corruption in some cases. This should be addressed in #18587.
Lucas Di Pentima wrote:
Updates at arvados-workbench2|dce0888
Test run: developer-tests-workbench2: #546
- Fixes the error when creating a new collection with selected files.
- As requested in chat: disabled the "copy selected into collection" feature (with its test) because it can cause data corruption in some cases. This should be addressed in #18587.
this LGTM, thanks!
- Status changed from In Progress to Resolved
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