



Feature #2428


upgrade to ruby 1.9.3

Added by Ward Vandewege almost 11 years ago. Updated over 10 years ago.

Assigned To:
Start date:
Due date:
% Done:


Estimated time:
(Total: 0.00 h)
Story points:

Subtasks 2 (1 open1 closed)

Task #2930: Make all tests pass and without deprecation warnings in 1.8.7ResolvedPhil Hodgson06/30/2014

Task #3225: Review 2930NewWard Vandewege06/30/2014

Actions #1

Updated by Ward Vandewege over 10 years ago

I ran the tests but still see some problems:

$ git checkout 2930-passing-tests
Branch 2930-passing-tests set up to track remote branch 2930-passing-tests from origin.
Switched to a new branch '2930-passing-tests'
$ RAILS_ENV=test bundle exec rake test
You did not specify how you would like Rails to report deprecation notices for your test environment, please set config.active_support.deprecation to :stderr at config/environments/test.rb
DEPRECATION WARNING: use: should allow_value. (called from /data/personal/data/2014/projects/sequencing/PGP/tapestry2/test/unit/baseline_traits_survey_test.rb:16)
DEPRECATION WARNING: use: should allow_value. (called from /data/personal/data/2014/projects/sequencing/PGP/tapestry2/test/unit/baseline_traits_survey_test.rb:16)
DEPRECATION WARNING: use: should allow_value. (called from /data/personal/data/2014/projects/sequencing/PGP/tapestry2/test/unit/baseline_traits_survey_test.rb:16)
DEPRECATION WARNING: use: should allow_value. (called from /data/personal/data/2014/projects/sequencing/PGP/tapestry2/test/unit/baseline_traits_survey_test.rb:16)
DEPRECATION WARNING: use: should allow_value. (called from /data/personal/data/2014/projects/sequencing/PGP/tapestry2/test/unit/baseline_traits_survey_test.rb:16)
DEPRECATION WARNING: use: should allow_value. (called from __bind_1405445537_147551 at /data/personal/data/2014/projects/sequencing/PGP/tapestry2/test/unit/family_survey_response_test.rb:38)
DEPRECATION WARNING: use: should_not allow_value. (called from __bind_1405445537_147551 at /data/personal/data/2014/projects/sequencing/PGP/tapestry2/test/unit/family_survey_response_test.rb:39)
DEPRECATION WARNING: use: should allow_value. (called from __bind_1405445537_147551 at /data/personal/data/2014/projects/sequencing/PGP/tapestry2/test/unit/family_survey_response_test.rb:41)
DEPRECATION WARNING: use: should_not allow_value. (called from __bind_1405445537_147551 at /data/personal/data/2014/projects/sequencing/PGP/tapestry2/test/unit/family_survey_response_test.rb:42)
DEPRECATION WARNING: use: should_not allow_value. (called from __bind_1405445537_147551 at /data/personal/data/2014/projects/sequencing/PGP/tapestry2/test/unit/family_survey_response_test.rb:52)
DEPRECATION WARNING: use: should_not allow_value. (called from __bind_1405445537_147551 at /data/personal/data/2014/projects/sequencing/PGP/tapestry2/test/unit/family_survey_response_test.rb:62)
DEPRECATION WARNING: use: should allow_value. (called from __bind_1405445537_147551 at /data/personal/data/2014/projects/sequencing/PGP/tapestry2/test/unit/family_survey_response_test.rb:64)
DEPRECATION WARNING: use: should_not allow_value. (called from __bind_1405445537_147551 at /data/personal/data/2014/projects/sequencing/PGP/tapestry2/test/unit/family_survey_response_test.rb:65)
DEPRECATION WARNING: use: should allow_value. (called from __bind_1405445537_374529 at /data/personal/data/2014/projects/sequencing/PGP/tapestry2/test/unit/informed_consent_response_test.rb:12)
DEPRECATION WARNING: use: should allow_value. (called from __bind_1405445537_374529 at /data/personal/data/2014/projects/sequencing/PGP/tapestry2/test/unit/informed_consent_response_test.rb:13)
DEPRECATION WARNING: use: should_not allow_value. (called from __bind_1405445537_374529 at /data/personal/data/2014/projects/sequencing/PGP/tapestry2/test/unit/informed_consent_response_test.rb:15)
DEPRECATION WARNING: use: should_not allow_value. (called from __bind_1405445537_374529 at /data/personal/data/2014/projects/sequencing/PGP/tapestry2/test/unit/informed_consent_response_test.rb:16)
DEPRECATION WARNING: use: should allow_value. (called from __bind_1405445537_752378 at /data/personal/data/2014/projects/sequencing/PGP/tapestry2/test/unit/privacy_survey_response_test.rb:33)
DEPRECATION WARNING: use: should_not allow_value. (called from __bind_1405445537_752378 at /data/personal/data/2014/projects/sequencing/PGP/tapestry2/test/unit/privacy_survey_response_test.rb:34)
DEPRECATION WARNING: use: should allow_value. (called from __bind_1405445537_752378 at /data/personal/data/2014/projects/sequencing/PGP/tapestry2/test/unit/privacy_survey_response_test.rb:36)
DEPRECATION WARNING: use: should_not allow_value. (called from __bind_1405445537_752378 at /data/personal/data/2014/projects/sequencing/PGP/tapestry2/test/unit/privacy_survey_response_test.rb:37)
DEPRECATION WARNING: use: should allow_value. (called from __bind_1405445537_752378 at /data/personal/data/2014/projects/sequencing/PGP/tapestry2/test/unit/privacy_survey_response_test.rb:39)
DEPRECATION WARNING: use: should_not allow_value. (called from __bind_1405445537_752378 at /data/personal/data/2014/projects/sequencing/PGP/tapestry2/test/unit/privacy_survey_response_test.rb:40) * DEFERRED: ShippingAddress should test that gmaps is working properly - currently it has been deactivated in the model for for Rails.env == 'test'.
DEPRECATION WARNING: use: should allow_value. (called from __bind_1405445538_282222 at /data/personal/data/2014/projects/sequencing/PGP/tapestry2/test/unit/user_test.rb:48)
DEPRECATION WARNING: use: should_not allow_value. (called from __bind_1405445538_282222 at /data/personal/data/2014/projects/sequencing/PGP/tapestry2/test/unit/user_test.rb:49)
DEPRECATION WARNING: use: should_not allow_value. (called from __bind_1405445538_282222 at /data/personal/data/2014/projects/sequencing/PGP/tapestry2/test/unit/user_test.rb:50)
DEPRECATION WARNING: use: should_not allow_value. (called from __bind_1405445538_282222 at /data/personal/data/2014/projects/sequencing/PGP/tapestry2/test/unit/user_test.rb:51) * DEFERRED: User should test last_completed_enrollment_step.
Loaded suite /home/ward/.rvm/gems/ree-1.8.7-2012.02/gems/rake-10.3.2/lib/rake/rake_test_loader
Finished in 121.264475 seconds.

370 tests, 505 assertions, 0 failures, 0 errors
You did not specify how you would like Rails to report deprecation notices for your test environment, please set config.active_support.deprecation to :stderr at config/environments/test.rb * DEFERRED: as a public visitor should deny access on get :show: see test/macros/login.rb. * DEFERRED: as an enrolled and logged in user on GET to show with some existing traits should find the existing trait with the rating we set (still baffled why this doesn't work). * DEFERRED: as an activated and logged in researcher should test the rest of the actions (claim, confirm_claim, returned, sent, etc.). * DEFERRED: as an activated and logged in user should GET authorize, GET revoke, GET index, GET get_access_token. * DEFERRED: as an activated and logged in researcher should test other actions: dup, prepare_layout_grid, mobile, etc.. * DEFERRED: SamplesController should test the other samples_controller actions: participant_note, update_participant_note, mark_as_destroyed, and many others. * DEFERRED: StudiesController should test the other actions: verify_participant_id, map, index_third_party, claim, users, etc..
Loaded suite /home/ward/.rvm/gems/ree-1.8.7-2012.02/gems/rake-10.3.2/lib/rake/rake_test_loader
.....................................................................................................................................................EEEE....................................................................................................................FFFFFFFFEFEFF.FF.FF..........FF.FF.................................................................................................................................................................ignoring attempt to close p with form
opened at byte 35029, line 617
closed at byte 76020, line 1329
attributes at open: {}
text around open: "t of the PGP.\n</p>\n\n<p>\n(f) <i>Return of"
text around close: "=\"Save Changes\" />\n\n</form><img src=\"htt"
ignoring attempt to close p with div
opened at byte 35029, line 617
closed at byte 76096, line 1332
attributes at open: {}
text around open: "t of the PGP.\n</p>\n\n<p>\n(f) <i>Return of"
text around close: "ng\" border=0>\n\n\n </div>\n\n <div cla"
ignoring attempt to close p with div
opened at byte 35029, line 617
closed at byte 76190, line 1340
attributes at open: {}
text around open: "t of the PGP.\n</p>\n\n<p>\n(f) <i>Return of"
text around close: "r\"></div>\n </div>\n\n <div id=\"f"
ignoring attempt to close p with body
opened at byte 35029, line 617
closed at byte 77159, line 1374
attributes at open: {}
text around open: "t of the PGP.\n</p>\n\n<p>\n(f) <i>Return of"
text around close: "ascript\"></script>\n\n</body>\n</html>\n"
ignoring attempt to close p with html
opened at byte 35029, line 617
closed at byte 77167, line 1375
attributes at open: {}
text around open: "t of the PGP.\n</p>\n\n<p>\n(f) <i>Return of"
text around close: "></script>\n\n</body>\n</html>\n"
.......ignoring attempt to close p with form
opened at byte 35483, line 621
closed at byte 76474, line 1333
attributes at open: {}
text around open: "t of the PGP.\n</p>\n\n<p>\n(f) <i>Return of"
text around close: "=\"Save Changes\" />\n\n</form><img src=\"htt"
ignoring attempt to close p with div
opened at byte 35483, line 621
closed at byte 76550, line 1336
attributes at open: {}
text around open: "t of the PGP.\n</p>\n\n<p>\n(f) <i>Return of"
text around close: "ng\" border=0>\n\n\n </div>\n\n <div cla"
ignoring attempt to close p with div
opened at byte 35483, line 621
closed at byte 76644, line 1344
attributes at open: {}
text around open: "t of the PGP.\n</p>\n\n<p>\n(f) <i>Return of"
text around close: "r\"></div>\n </div>\n\n <div id=\"f"
ignoring attempt to close p with body
opened at byte 35483, line 621
closed at byte 77613, line 1378
attributes at open: {}
text around open: "t of the PGP.\n</p>\n\n<p>\n(f) <i>Return of"
text around close: "ascript\"></script>\n\n</body>\n</html>\n"
ignoring attempt to close p with html
opened at byte 35483, line 621
closed at byte 77621, line 1379
attributes at open: {}
text around open: "t of the PGP.\n</p>\n\n<p>\n(f) <i>Return of"
text around close: "></script>\n\n</body>\n</html>\n"
....ignoring attempt to close p with form
opened at byte 35633, line 621
closed at byte 76624, line 1333
attributes at open: {}
text around open: "t of the PGP.\n</p>\n\n<p>\n(f) <i>Return of"
text around close: "=\"Save Changes\" />\n\n</form><img src=\"htt"
ignoring attempt to close p with div
opened at byte 35633, line 621
closed at byte 76700, line 1336
attributes at open: {}
text around open: "t of the PGP.\n</p>\n\n<p>\n(f) <i>Return of"
text around close: "ng\" border=0>\n\n\n </div>\n\n <div cla"
ignoring attempt to close p with div
opened at byte 35633, line 621
closed at byte 76794, line 1344
attributes at open: {}
text around open: "t of the PGP.\n</p>\n\n<p>\n(f) <i>Return of"
text around close: "r\"></div>\n </div>\n\n <div id=\"f"
ignoring attempt to close p with body
opened at byte 35633, line 621
closed at byte 77763, line 1378
attributes at open: {}
text around open: "t of the PGP.\n</p>\n\n<p>\n(f) <i>Return of"
text around close: "ascript\"></script>\n\n</body>\n</html>\n"
ignoring attempt to close p with html
opened at byte 35633, line 621
closed at byte 77771, line 1379
attributes at open: {}
text around open: "t of the PGP.\n</p>\n\n<p>\n(f) <i>Return of"
text around close: "></script>\n\n</body>\n</html>\n"
Finished in 789.272936 seconds.

1) Error:
test: A logged in admin on GET to show a user should link to #promote for each user. (Admin::UsersControllerTest):
ActionView::Template::Error: undefined method `length' for nil:NilClass
app/models/user.rb:579:in `unique_hash'
app/views/admin/users/show.html.erb:17:in `_app_views_admin_users_show_html_erb__1779423224_59322400_0'
test/functional/admin/users_controller_test.rb:21:in `__bind_1405445799_861653'
2) Error:
test: A logged in admin on GET to show a user should render template show. (Admin::UsersControllerTest):
ActionView::Template::Error: undefined method `length' for nil:NilClass
app/models/user.rb:579:in `unique_hash'
app/views/admin/users/show.html.erb:17:in `_app_views_admin_users_show_html_erb__1779423224_55122920_0'
test/functional/admin/users_controller_test.rb:21:in `__bind_1405445800_896492'
3) Error:
test: A logged in admin on GET to show a user should respond with 200. (Admin::UsersControllerTest):
ActionView::Template::Error: undefined method `length' for nil:NilClass
app/models/user.rb:579:in `unique_hash'
app/views/admin/users/show.html.erb:17:in `_app_views_admin_users_show_html_erb__1779423224_68737400_0'
test/functional/admin/users_controller_test.rb:21:in `__bind_1405445801_810198'
4) Error:
test: A logged in admin on GET to show a user should show that user's waitlists. (Admin::UsersControllerTest):
ActionView::Template::Error: undefined method `length' for nil:NilClass
app/models/user.rb:579:in `unique_hash'
app/views/admin/users/show.html.erb:17:in `_app_views_admin_users_show_html_erb__1779423224_57030500_0'
test/functional/admin/users_controller_test.rb:21:in `__bind_1405445803_42674'
5) Failure:
test: as an activated and logged in researcher on DELETE to destroy should not be able to find the survey. (GoogleSurveysControllerTest) [test/functional/google_surveys_controller_test.rb:247]:
&lt;ActiveRecord::RecordNotFound&gt; exception expected but none was thrown.
6) Failure:
test: as an activated and logged in researcher on DELETE to destroy should redirect appropriately. (GoogleSurveysControllerTest) [test/functional/google_surveys_controller_test.rb:257]:
Expected response to be a redirect to &lt;; but was a redirect to &lt;;gt;.
7) Failure:
test: as an activated and logged in researcher on DELETE to destroy should reduce the survey count. (GoogleSurveysControllerTest) [test/functional/google_surveys_controller_test.rb:253]:
&lt;0&gt; expected but was
8) Failure:
test: as an activated and logged in researcher on GET to edit should render template edit. (GoogleSurveysControllerTest)
expecting <"edit"> but rendering with <"">
9) Failure:
test: as an activated and logged in researcher on GET to edit should respond with 200. (GoogleSurveysControllerTest)
Expected response to be a 200, but was 302
10) Failure:
test: as an activated and logged in researcher on GET to new should render template new. (GoogleSurveysControllerTest)
expecting <"new"> but rendering with <"">
11) Failure:
test: as an activated and logged in researcher on GET to new should respond with 200. (GoogleSurveysControllerTest)
Expected response to be a 200, but was 302
12) Failure:
test: as an activated and logged in researcher on POST to create should increase the google survey count. (GoogleSurveysControllerTest) [test/functional/google_surveys_controller_test.rb:206]:
&lt;1&gt; expected but was
13) Error:
test: as an activated and logged in researcher on POST to create should redirect appropriately. (GoogleSurveysControllerTest):
ActionController::RoutingError: No route matches {:controller=>"google_surveys", :action=>"show"}
test/functional/google_surveys_controller_test.rb:202:in `__bind_1405445935_665560'
14) Failure:
test: as an activated and logged in researcher on POST to create should set the flash to /successfully created/i. (GoogleSurveysControllerTest)
Expected the flash to be set to /successfully created/i, but no flash was set
15) Error:
test: as an activated and logged in researcher on PUT to update should have updated the description. (GoogleSurveysControllerTest):
NoMethodError: undefined method `[]' for nil:NilClass
test/functional/google_surveys_controller_test.rb:233:in `__bind_1405445936_944932'
16) Failure:
test: as an activated and logged in researcher on PUT to update should redirect appropriately. (GoogleSurveysControllerTest) [test/functional/google_surveys_controller_test.rb:229]:
Expected response to be a redirect to &lt;; but was a redirect to &lt;;gt;.
17) Failure:
test: as an activated and logged in researcher on PUT to update should set the flash to /successfully updated/i. (GoogleSurveysControllerTest)
Expected the flash to be set to /successfully updated/i, but no flash was set
18) Failure:
test: as an activated and logged in user but not a researcher on GET to index should render template index. (GoogleSurveysControllerTest)
expecting <"index"> but rendering with <"">
19) Failure:
test: as an activated and logged in user but not a researcher on GET to index should respond with 200. (GoogleSurveysControllerTest)
Expected response to be a 200, but was 302
20) Failure:
test: as an activated and logged in user but not a researcher on GET to show should render template show. (GoogleSurveysControllerTest)
expecting <"show"> but rendering with <"">
21) Failure:
test: as an activated and logged in user but not a researcher on GET to show should respond with 200. (GoogleSurveysControllerTest)
Expected response to be a 200, but was 302
22) Failure:
test: without a logged in user on GET to index should render template index. (GoogleSurveysControllerTest)
expecting <"index"> but rendering with <"">
23) Failure:
test: without a logged in user on GET to index should respond with 200. (GoogleSurveysControllerTest)
Expected response to be a 200, but was 302
24) Failure:
test: without a logged in user on GET to show should render template show. (GoogleSurveysControllerTest)
expecting <"show"> but rendering with <"">
25) Failure:
test: without a logged in user on GET to show should respond with 200. (GoogleSurveysControllerTest)
Expected response to be a 200, but was 302
26) Failure:
test: POST to create when user exists should send an email. (PasswordsControllerTest) [test/functional/passwords_controller_test.rb:33]:
&lt;1&gt; expected but was
27) Error:
test: as an activated and logged in researcher on DELETE to destroy should not be able to find the plate. (PlatesControllerTest):
NameError: uninitialized constant Longupload::Target
app/models/ability.rb:64:in `initialize'
test/functional/plates_controller_test.rb:160:in `__bind_1405446162_817155'
28) Error:
test: as an activated and logged in researcher on DELETE to destroy should redirect appropriately. (PlatesControllerTest):
NameError: uninitialized constant Longupload::Target
app/models/ability.rb:64:in `initialize'
test/functional/plates_controller_test.rb:160:in `__bind_1405446163_551938'
29) Error:
test: as an activated and logged in researcher on DELETE to destroy should reduce the plate count. (PlatesControllerTest):
NameError: uninitialized constant Longupload::Target
app/models/ability.rb:64:in `initialize'
test/functional/plates_controller_test.rb:160:in `__bind_1405446165_149414'
30) Error:
test: as an activated and logged in researcher on GET to show should render template show. (PlatesControllerTest):
NameError: uninitialized constant Longupload::Target
app/models/ability.rb:64:in `initialize'
test/functional/plates_controller_test.rb:130:in `__bind_1405446165_690685'
31) Error:
test: as an activated and logged in researcher on GET to show should respond with 200. (PlatesControllerTest):
NameError: uninitialized constant Longupload::Target
app/models/ability.rb:64:in `initialize'
test/functional/plates_controller_test.rb:130:in `__bind_1405446166_294284'
32) Error:
test: as an activated and logged in researcher on POST to create should increase the plate count. (PlatesControllerTest):
NameError: uninitialized constant Longupload::Target
app/models/ability.rb:64:in `initialize'
test/functional/plates_controller_test.rb:117:in `__bind_1405446167_618288'
33) Error:
test: as an activated and logged in researcher on POST to create should set the flash to /successfully created/i. (PlatesControllerTest):
NameError: uninitialized constant Longupload::Target
app/models/ability.rb:64:in `initialize'
test/functional/plates_controller_test.rb:117:in `__bind_1405446168_224076'
34) Error:
test: as an activated and logged in researcher on PUT to update should have updated the description. (PlatesControllerTest):
NameError: uninitialized constant Longupload::Target
app/models/ability.rb:64:in `initialize'
test/functional/plates_controller_test.rb:140:in `__bind_1405446169_437700'
35) Error:
test: as an activated and logged in researcher on PUT to update should redirect appropriately. (PlatesControllerTest):
NameError: uninitialized constant Longupload::Target
app/models/ability.rb:64:in `initialize'
test/functional/plates_controller_test.rb:140:in `__bind_1405446170_83620'
36) Error:
test: as an activated and logged in researcher on PUT to update should set the flash to /successfully updated/i. (PlatesControllerTest):
NameError: uninitialized constant Longupload::Target
app/models/ability.rb:64:in `initialize'
test/functional/plates_controller_test.rb:140:in `__bind_1405446171_506403'
37) Error:
test: as an activated and logged in user but not a researcher on POST to create should not increase the plate count. (PlatesControllerTest):
NameError: uninitialized constant Longupload::Target
app/models/ability.rb:64:in `initialize'
test/functional/plates_controller_test.rb:78:in `__bind_1405446172_913952'
38) Error:
test: as an activated and logged in user but not a researcher on POST to create should not set the flash to /successfully created/i. (PlatesControllerTest):
NameError: uninitialized constant Longupload::Target
app/models/ability.rb:64:in `initialize'
test/functional/plates_controller_test.rb:78:in `__bind_1405446173_948595'
39) Error:
test: as an activated and logged in user but not a researcher on POST to create should redirect appropriately. (PlatesControllerTest):
NameError: uninitialized constant Longupload::Target
app/models/ability.rb:64:in `initialize'
test/functional/plates_controller_test.rb:78:in `__bind_1405446175_747569'
40) Error:
test: as an activated and logged in user but not a researcher on PUT to update should not have updated the description. (PlatesControllerTest):
NameError: uninitialized constant Longupload::Target
app/models/ability.rb:64:in `initialize'
test/functional/plates_controller_test.rb:95:in `__bind_1405446176_478027'
41) Error:
test: as an activated and logged in user but not a researcher on PUT to update should not set the flash to /successfully updated/i. (PlatesControllerTest):
NameError: uninitialized constant Longupload::Target
app/models/ability.rb:64:in `initialize'
test/functional/plates_controller_test.rb:95:in `__bind_1405446177_211899'
42) Error:
test: as an activated and logged in user but not a researcher on PUT to update should redirect appropriately. (PlatesControllerTest):
NameError: uninitialized constant Longupload::Target
app/models/ability.rb:64:in `initialize'
test/functional/plates_controller_test.rb:95:in `__bind_1405446178_940994'
43) Failure:
test: as an activated and logged in researcher on DELETE to destroy should not be able to find the sample. (SamplesControllerTest) [test/functional/samples_controller_test.rb:260]:
&lt;ActiveRecord::RecordNotFound&gt; exception expected but none was thrown.
44) Failure:
test: as an activated and logged in researcher on DELETE to destroy should redirect appropriately. (SamplesControllerTest) [test/functional/samples_controller_test.rb:270]:
Expected response to be a redirect to &lt;; but was a redirect to &lt;;gt;.
45) Failure:
test: as an activated and logged in researcher on DELETE to destroy should reduce the sample count. (SamplesControllerTest) [test/functional/samples_controller_test.rb:266]:
&lt;0&gt; expected but was
46) Failure:
test: as an activated and logged in researcher on GET to edit should render template edit. (SamplesControllerTest)
expecting <"edit"> but rendering with <"">
47) Failure:
test: as an activated and logged in researcher on GET to edit should respond with 200. (SamplesControllerTest)
Expected response to be a 200, but was 302
48) Failure:
test: as an activated and logged in researcher on GET to new should render template new. (SamplesControllerTest)
expecting <"new"> but rendering with <"">
49) Failure:
test: as an activated and logged in researcher on GET to new should respond with 200. (SamplesControllerTest)
Expected response to be a 200, but was 302
50) Failure:
test: as an activated and logged in researcher on GET to show should render template show. (SamplesControllerTest)
expecting <"show"> but rendering with <"">
51) Failure:
test: as an activated and logged in researcher on GET to show should respond with 200. (SamplesControllerTest)
Expected response to be a 200, but was 302
52) Failure:
test: as an activated and logged in researcher on POST to create should increase the sample count. (SamplesControllerTest) [test/functional/samples_controller_test.rb:209]:
&lt;1&gt; expected but was
53) Error:
test: as an activated and logged in researcher on POST to create should redirect appropriately. (SamplesControllerTest):
ActionController::RoutingError: No route matches {:controller=>"samples", :action=>"show"}
test/functional/samples_controller_test.rb:205:in `__bind_1405446239_110690'
54) Failure:
test: as an activated and logged in researcher on POST to create should set the flash to /successfully created/i. (SamplesControllerTest)
Expected the flash to be set to /successfully created/i, but no flash was set
55) Error:
test: as an activated and logged in researcher on PUT to update should have updated the researcher_note. (SamplesControllerTest):
NoMethodError: undefined method `[]' for nil:NilClass
test/functional/samples_controller_test.rb:246:in `__bind_1405446241_832116'
56) Failure:
test: as an activated and logged in researcher on PUT to update should redirect appropriately. (SamplesControllerTest) [test/functional/samples_controller_test.rb:242]:
Expected response to be a redirect to &lt;; but was a redirect to &lt;;gt;.
57) Failure:
test: as an activated and logged in researcher on PUT to update should set the flash to /successfully updated/i. (SamplesControllerTest)
Expected the flash to be set to /successfully updated/i, but no flash was set
58) Failure:
test: as an activated and logged in user but not a researcher on GET to index should render template index. (SamplesControllerTest)
expecting <"index"> but rendering with <"">
59) Failure:
test: as an activated and logged in user but not a researcher on GET to index should respond with 200. (SamplesControllerTest)
Expected response to be a 200, but was 302
60) Failure:
test: without a logged in user on GET to index should render template index. (SamplesControllerTest)
expecting <"index"> but rendering with <"">
61) Failure:
test: without a logged in user on GET to index should respond with 200. (SamplesControllerTest)
Expected response to be a 200, but was 302
62) Error:
test: as an activated and logged in researcher on DELETE to destroy should not be able to find the study. (StudiesControllerTest):
NameError: uninitialized constant Longupload::Target
app/models/ability.rb:64:in `initialize'
test/functional/studies_controller_test.rb:147:in `__bind_1405446348_420075'
63) Error:
test: as an activated and logged in researcher on DELETE to destroy should redirect appropriately. (StudiesControllerTest):
NameError: uninitialized constant Longupload::Target
app/models/ability.rb:64:in `initialize'
test/functional/studies_controller_test.rb:147:in `__bind_1405446349_340401'
64) Error:
test: as an activated and logged in researcher on DELETE to destroy should reduce the study count. (StudiesControllerTest):
NameError: uninitialized constant Longupload::Target
app/models/ability.rb:64:in `initialize'
test/functional/studies_controller_test.rb:147:in `__bind_1405446350_927734'
65) Error:
test: as an activated and logged in researcher on GET to new should render template new. (StudiesControllerTest):
NameError: uninitialized constant Longupload::Target
app/models/ability.rb:64:in `initialize'
test/functional/studies_controller_test.rb:90:in `__bind_1405446351_803912'
66) Error:
test: as an activated and logged in researcher on GET to new should respond with 200. (StudiesControllerTest):
NameError: uninitialized constant Longupload::Target
app/models/ability.rb:64:in `initialize'
test/functional/studies_controller_test.rb:90:in `__bind_1405446353_37341'
67) Error:
test: as an activated and logged in researcher on GET to show should render template edit. (StudiesControllerTest):
NameError: uninitialized constant Longupload::Target
app/models/ability.rb:64:in `initialize'
test/functional/studies_controller_test.rb:117:in `__bind_1405446353_555142'
68) Error:
test: as an activated and logged in researcher on GET to show should respond with 200. (StudiesControllerTest):
NameError: uninitialized constant Longupload::Target
app/models/ability.rb:64:in `initialize'
test/functional/studies_controller_test.rb:117:in `__bind_1405446354_526931'
69) Error:
test: as an activated and logged in researcher on POST to create should increase the study count. (StudiesControllerTest):
NameError: uninitialized constant Longupload::Target
app/models/ability.rb:64:in `initialize'
test/functional/studies_controller_test.rb:100:in `__bind_1405446356_555478'
70) Error:
test: as an activated and logged in researcher on POST to create should redirect appropriately. (StudiesControllerTest):
NameError: uninitialized constant Longupload::Target
app/models/ability.rb:64:in `initialize'
test/functional/studies_controller_test.rb:100:in `__bind_1405446357_445064'
71) Error:
test: as an activated and logged in researcher on POST to create should set the flash to /successfully created/i. (StudiesControllerTest):
NameError: uninitialized constant Longupload::Target
app/models/ability.rb:64:in `initialize'
test/functional/studies_controller_test.rb:100:in `__bind_1405446359_16398'
72) Error:
test: as an activated and logged in researcher on PUT to update should have updated the participant_description. (StudiesControllerTest):
NameError: uninitialized constant Longupload::Target
app/models/ability.rb:64:in `initialize'
test/functional/studies_controller_test.rb:127:in `__bind_1405446359_617903'
73) Error:
test: as an activated and logged in researcher on PUT to update should redirect appropriately. (StudiesControllerTest):
NameError: uninitialized constant Longupload::Target
app/models/ability.rb:64:in `initialize'
test/functional/studies_controller_test.rb:127:in `__bind_1405446360_802022'
74) Error:
test: as an activated and logged in researcher on PUT to update should set the flash to /successfully updated/i. (StudiesControllerTest):
NameError: uninitialized constant Longupload::Target
app/models/ability.rb:64:in `initialize'
test/functional/studies_controller_test.rb:127:in `__bind_1405446362_260726'
75) Failure:
test: as an activated and logged in user on DELETE to destroy should send an email. (UsersControllerTest) [test/functional/users_controller_test.rb:60]:
&lt;1&gt; expected but was

908 tests, 1577 assertions, 38 failures, 37 errors
Errors running test:functionals!


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