New consent doc for Harvard PGPNew10.50.5
Install extension to allow password reset on RTNew1
Change 30 day release window to 31 daysNew1
Welcome e-mail featureNew10.50.5
Make sure that datasets which are served from Keep via get-evidence have collectionsNew1
If a dataset has been released to a user but they have not seen it yet, force-redirect to /specimen_analysis_data after they log inNew1
OH integration token appears to time out after a while, user is presented with 'refresh token'New1
upgrade to reCAPTCHA v2New10.50.5
Trait surveys incomplete listed on a lot of entries in the WGS data page. Sounds like a bug.New1
Improve sample tracking to allow for bulk marking of samplesNew12.02.0
Add an admin interface feature to export all enrolled users + shipping address as a csv file.New1
[Tapestry structural improv.]Comprehensive "Sectioning" of TapestryNew1
Configurable mini-consent form and validationsNew1
The "site override" feature is testedNew1
exam automated testsNew1
enrollment step automated testsNew1
upgrade to ruby 1.9.3New1
upgrade to rails 3.1New1
upgrade to ruby 2.1New1
upgrade to rails 3.2New1
fix FAQ linkResolved3
disable releasing genomes as cagi option. Do not release the cagi genomes yet.Resolved3
Simplify Tapestry/Open Humans account link flowResolved32.02.0
README that links to main repoResolved3
canceling link on OH integration redirects to https://my-dev.pgp-hms.org/auth/open-humans/callback?error=access_denied which throws a 500Resolved3
Always redirect Open Humans user back to OHResolved3
Suffix .bz2 missing on downloaded genome fileResolved3
[Publishing]Fix wrong column headers and "real name" content in /exports/users.csvResolved30.50.5
Users can connect their Tapestry account to Open Humans via OAuth2Resolved3
Upgrade oauth1 code for google doc/spreadsheet sync to oauth2Resolved32.02.0
When resigning consents (new version), the twin/recontact radioboxes should be prepopulated based on the previous consentResolved30.50.5
The safety questionnaire isn't redirecting people to the page they were planning to go toResolved30.50.5
Distinguish pgp-originated and other files on public profilesResolved30.50.5
Possible to disable Shipping Addresses as a sectionResolved3
As a participant, I can choose to reveal my real name on my public profile. I can also remove my real name from my public profile.Resolved31.01.0
[Tapestry maintenance/fixes]family relations page redirects to public profile when toggling to "No" optionResolved3
[Communication]user email address on contact form should be used for reply-to:, from: should be configurableResolved3
Can deploy in a sub URIResolved3
[Tapestry structural improv.]Configurable Signup ConditionsResolved3
Cells can also be overriddenResolved3
Basic clean-up of tests, as a foundation for working on specific onesResolved3
Make user-acceptance of TOS optionalResolved3
[Tapestry structural improv.]Make it possible to disable/enable "sections"Resolved3
[Tapestry structural improv.]Make all the site-specific labels configurableResolved3
Allow views and partials to be dynamically overriddenResolved3
Much more flexible consent formsResolved3
ci.curoverse.com automatically runs user model testsResolved3
Public profiles: add JSON for Enrollment HistoryNew10.50.5
Public profiles: add JSON for SamplesNew10.50.5
Incorporate coverage info from get-evidence dataset_reports in publication statisticsNew1
[Third party integration]Arvados job: download data from remote site into KeepIn Progress21.01.0
[Third party integration]Trigger an arvados job to retrieve the data and import it into KeepIn Progress21.01.0
[Publishing]Check for finished download/processing jobsIn Progress21.01.0
When UserFile data is updated, if it has a suitable data type, submit report-generator jobsNew12.02.0
Arvados job/pipeline generates ClinVar HTML report from VCFClosed52.02.0
Arvados job/pipeline generates GET-Evidence HTML report from VCFClosed52.02.0
[Publishing]Add report status/links to "show user_files" pageResolved31.01.0
[Third party integration]Accept authenticated API calls from data providers to add datasets to a public profileResolved32.02.0
Check UserFiles too when checking for Datasets that are ready to publishClosed50.50.5
Product Backlog
opt-in participant survey remindersNew1
Annotate l7g CWL pipelineNew1
"There are 4 third party activities currently seeking participants." - but there are 5New1
Provide link to project/colleciton that datasets reside in that are public from users profile pageNew1
Add "Genes for Good" support for genome reportNew1
Specimens showing up in profile but not in "/specimens" pageNew1
Fix bulk mail "send" linkNew1
Set up sandbox development environment with a dummy keep server and some real dataNew1
[Third party integration]Google survey participation link should work for newly created surveys, tooIn Progress2
improve open humans flowNew1
Edit history for some variants in GET-Evidence is brokenNew1
[Improvements for admins]Admin cannot use UserFilesController#reprocess unless admin account is marked "enrolled"New10.50.5
Add public facing database dump, cron job and Arvados uploadIn Progress2
'whget' still used in Tapestry. datasets.data_size is null.New1
Use warehouse download link instead of directly calling arv-get for downloadsNew1
Add 'nofollow' to download links for reportNew1
'data_type' field in profile JSON report does not correctly have typeNew1
Add huID to 'aaData' entries in 'public_genetic_data.json' requestNew1
[Tapestry maintenance/fixes]hard-code link to personalgenomes.org/peopleNew1
[Tapestry maintenance/fixes]attempting to authorize a disabled page should not redirectNew1
When a waitlisted user revisits the eligibility questionnaire and removes their obstacle for eligibility, they are not automatically removed from the waitlist.New11.01.0
broken links on /admin/removal_requestsNew1
add flag to choose localeNew1
when Tapestry fails to send e-mail, user should not be presented with an "sorry, something went wrong" messageNew1
make it possible to disable/skip the eligiblity questionnaireNew1
Make eligibility questionnaire customizable for a specific site's requirementsNew1
detect missing configuration variables on startupNew1
People who are not enrolled should not be able to use the 'withdraw' functionNew1
auto-enrollment feature should be configurableNew1
No feedback shown when failed Eligibility QuestionnaireNew1
nowhere to enter postal/zip codeNew1
[Improvements for researchers]Researcher > Kits table content loads very slowlyNew1
Firefox compatibility problem in kit_design creationNew1
When in /admin/users, menu choice for genetic data stats is messed upNew1
[Improvements for admins]On user info page, clicking "Promote" should reload that page, not load the edit user pageNew1
As an administrator, I can see the (not-actually-public) public profile page of a suspended participant / participant who withdrew and requested data removalNew11.01.0
Ruby 1.9 incompatibilitiesIn Progress2
slowness when accessing /genomes as admin userNew1
broken linkNew1
slowness accessing http://evidence.personalgenomes.org/hu43860CNew1
[Improvements for researchers]Selecting kit ranges at /kits should not be case-sensitiveNew11.01.0
Division by zero warning when computing progress percentageNew1
Add support for Family Tree DNA (FTDNA) dataNew1
Add support for deCODE dataNew1
Add non-reference variant counts to metadataNew1
Use compute cloud for back-end processingIn Progress2
handle xmlhttprequest timeouts gracefullyNew1
xmlrpc server is careless with huge temp filesNew1
latest-flat incorrectly displays non single-base substitution variantsNew1
allow “lab members” group to upload/view publication PDFsNew1
Keep "overall odds ratio" updated when editing individual sets of OR figuresNew1
NSF-Lys702Asn shows wrong hapmap frequencyNew1
Test Internet Explorer, possibly use Chrome Frame to make editing features work in IENew1
add “affects self (hom or dominant)” checkbox (vs “affects offspring”) on result pageNew1
Handle/prevent edit conflicts more effectivelyNew1
Figure out better solution to HNF1A-Ser574Gly (genomes) vs. HNF1A-Gly574Ser (omim)New1
Don't let users add variant pages for genes that aren't in knownGeneNew1
support publications without PMIDs (other namespaces? original contributions? OWW?)New1
Allow non-nsSNP variantsNew1
Classify web-hits as relevant/not-relevantIn Progress2
Variant and Gene RemovalNew1
Warning about automatic logoutNew1
Allele frequency missing for rs41281314New1
Import and process raw reads for Jay Flatley genomeNew1
Import and process raw reads for YRI trio dataNew1
Show nucleotide positions for all dbSNP-keyed variantsNew1
Merge rsids and AA-variant pagesNew1
Trait-o-matic GET-E importer "AttributeError: 'tuple' object has no attribute 'remove'"New1
GWAS - mark existing "not reviewed" variants as "pathogenic"New1
Update PGP2,3,5,7,8,10 on snp.med and evidence.PGNew1
Import aachanges starting with termination (eg. METTL8-X379R)New1
Import aachanges containing periods (eg. HGC6.3-N156S)New1
Standardize gene names (correctly)New1
Report of insufficiently evaluated variants meeting autoscore thresholdsNew1
Clean up runt variants imported by PharmGKBNew1
ereg Deprecated in PHP 5.3.0New1
'Undefined' noticesNew1
Add conservation track from ucscNew1
Genome links should indicate which data set(s) actually support the variant callNew1
Handle "data set is no longer public" during import_genomesNew1
Use "BED" / "BED Detail" format instead of GFFNew1
Interpret phased (haplotype) dataNew1
PGP11 genome report has error messagesNew1
call synonymous amino acids that match pathogenic reference alleles (e.g. F5 R534R)New1
Textile download link broken (404 Error) during installIn Progress2
Visualization improvementsNew1
Improve reporting of variant/allele frequenciesFeedback4
Find consensus nonref alleles & call when matching refNew1
Add Google Search APINew1
Add spam-control measuresNew1
https://evidence.personalgenomes.org/ should not show huPGP siteNew1
Error when saving edits or submittingNew1
Add EVS frequency dataIn Progress2
Update 1000 Genomes frequency dataIn Progress2
As a participant, I can remove traitwise survey results from my public profileNew12.02.0
[Enhance user interaction]As a participant, I can see a list of datasets contributed by 3rd party studies, which I can inspect (download) and release to my public profileNew15.05.0
Public profiles: add JSON for Absolute Pitch SurveyNew10.50.5
Public profiles: add JSON for PHR dataNew11.01.0