Task #7298
closedStory #5590: Document Lightning Specifications
Write documentation
Updated by Sarah Guthrie over 9 years ago
- Status changed from New to In Progress
- Start date set to 09/15/2015
Updated by Sarah Guthrie over 9 years ago
Querying and comparing tile sequences creates a new complication, since no calls exist.
For simplicity (for now), let us assume all queries and comparisons only want a match if the tile exists exactly in the population.
It is probably inadvisable to assume the user knows how Lightning deal with poorly sequenced regions in terms of hashing. Even if we provided a service to convert a sequence (with n's) into a MD5 hash that our system will recognize, this MD5 hash would now be subject to change, making it less consistent. Thus we must assume the user only has access to their sequence of interest and its MD5 hash (which is from the sequence with no calls represented as n's).
We should be able to pre-store these MD5 hashes (from the sequence with no calls represented as n's) as auxiliary information in addition to the tile library.
Updated by Sarah Guthrie over 9 years ago
- Status changed from In Progress to Closed
- Remaining (hours) changed from 4.0 to 0.0