

Piotr Mrzygłowski

  • Login: piotr
  • Registered on: 01/14/2020
  • Last connection: 02/28/2020


open closed Total
Assigned issues 0 1 1
Reported issues 5 3 8


Project Roles Registered on
Arvados Reporter 01/14/2020
Arvados Workbench 2 Hacker+ 01/14/2020



06:37 AM Arvados Bug #16252: Upload speed indicator shows wrong information
16252-upload-speeds-indicator Piotr Mrzygłowski
06:29 AM Arvados Bug #16252 (Closed): Upload speed indicator shows wrong information
When creating a data collection and uploading data the upload process shows the speed of data transfer. However this ... Piotr Mrzygłowski
06:28 AM Arvados Bug #16251 (New): Workflows unable to show inputs
In the process view the "Outputs" redirects to the final collection. However the "Inputs" link below does not work at... Piotr Mrzygłowski
06:26 AM Arvados Bug #16250 (New): API Endpoint not found when opening advanced menu of collection
This is not happening with all collection but in one situation, when trying to open the advanced Menu in a collection... Piotr Mrzygłowski
06:25 AM Arvados Bug #16249 (New): Workflow does not allow entering inputs
In the creation of a workflow the Dialog does not allow entering input collections, files or values. The form is comp... Piotr Mrzygłowski


08:49 AM Arvados Feature #16180 (Resolved): Add a "Copy to Clipboard" Button for the token
Users setting up their shell for accessing the Arvados API always need to copy their tokens from the dialog. A little... Piotr Mrzygłowski
08:48 AM Arvados Bug #16179 (New): "Move/Copy To" Dialog does not list all possible target locations.
When trying to copy a collection to some target location I noticed that the target could not be selected in the "Shar... Piotr Mrzygłowski
08:47 AM Arvados Bug #16178 (Closed): Arvados bug (GUI): Favorites not displayed in ARV move function
From Annegret:
checking the Arvados release v2.0.0. I realized that not all projects marked as favorites c...
Piotr Mrzygłowski


09:57 AM Arvados Bug #16170 (New): Uploading of folder structure into collection is not working
I tried uploading a folder structure via drag and drop to arvados but this only returns an error that the collection ... Piotr Mrzygłowski


05:46 PM Arvados Story #16029: Investigate Cypress testing framework for Workench2 integration tests
Integration with Jenkins might be conducted using example jenkinsfile:
Piotr Mrzygłowski

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