

Peter Grandi


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Arvados Reporter 10/15/2015



08:02 AM Arvados Bug #9304 (Closed): WB: slight improvement to copy-and-paste env token setup
When @HISTIGNORE@ is not set this can be slightly inappropriate (e.g. in scripts run with option '-u' to BASH):
Peter Grandi


09:30 AM Arvados Story #8997: Keep: rethink role of "signature tokens"
Sorry for the long delay, but I though I had understood your reply, but I was recently asked to explain when stuff is... Peter Grandi


03:09 PM Arvados Story #8997: Keep: rethink role of "signature tokens"
For me the question here is not just whether something is broken now, but also whether it is error prone or fragile o... Peter Grandi


01:47 PM Arvados Bug #8998: [API] Memory overflow when dumping a 25TB collection as JSON
Also note that the specific error message printed by @arv-put@ says "arv-put: Error creating Collection on project:",... Peter Grandi
01:44 PM Arvados Bug #8998: [API] Memory overflow when dumping a 25TB collection as JSON
Sorry, but this memory overflow happened many weeks ago, so most state is no longer available. Logs and backtraces ha... Peter Grandi
09:16 AM Arvados Story #8997: Keep: rethink role of "signature tokens"
To belabor this point with different wording...
Using the "signature token" to imply lifetime of blocks is analogo...
Peter Grandi


01:43 PM Arvados Story #8997: Keep: rethink role of "signature tokens"
A different approach could be halfway: instead of having the API server check whether all the hashes in a manifest to... Peter Grandi
09:13 AM Arvados Bug #8998: [API] Memory overflow when dumping a 25TB collection as JSON
Attached backtrace of the likely overflow.
Peter Grandi
09:10 AM Arvados Bug #8998 (Resolved): [API] Memory overflow when dumping a 25TB collection as JSON
When uploading a collection of nearly 25TiB in a bit over 3,000 files with @arv-put@ the outcome was:... Peter Grandi
08:28 AM Arvados Feature #8993: arv-put: options for 3 modes of "resumption"
Added a slightly different argument in "just-in-case". Peter Grandi

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