



Story #10816


[AP] [spike] Implement permission lookups as a recursive graph query in Postgres instead of computing in Ruby

Added by Tom Clegg about 8 years ago. Updated about 8 years ago.

Assigned To:
Target version:
Start date:
Due date:
% Done:


Estimated time:
(Total: 0.00 h)
Story points:

Subtasks 3 (0 open3 closed)

Task #10820: Determine minimum PostgreSQL versionResolvedTom Clegg01/04/2017

Task #10822: Implement recursive graph viewResolvedTom Clegg01/04/2017

Task #10823: Review 10816-postgres-permissionsResolvedRadhika Chippada01/04/2017


Related issues 3 (0 open3 closed)

Related to Arvados - Bug #8787: [API] repositories/get_all_permissions method is too slowResolved03/24/2016

Related to Arvados - Feature #10267: Permission-monitoring service keeps a flattened permissions table up to dateRejected10/12/2016

Related to Arvados - Story #12032: [API] Allow projects to be deleted (ie placed in the trash can)ResolvedPeter Amstutz08/08/2017

Actions #1

Updated by Tom Clegg about 8 years ago

  • Target version set to 2017-01-18 sprint
  • Story points set to 2.0
Actions #2

Updated by Tom Clegg about 8 years ago

  • Postgres can do permission lookups on the fly using a single (large) recursive query. However, this is too slow: >500 ms† to check whether a single collection is readable.
  • Building a flattened permission table (user_uuid, object_uuid, access_level) takes about two seconds, and makes permission lookups faster (<50ms to check a single object, <500ms to list all readable collections)
  • Indexing the flattened permission table takes about 12 seconds using "create index concurrently", but permission lookups are much faster (<1ms to check a single object) afterwards.

† Times given are for a production system with 170K collections, 28K groups, 500 permission links.

Proposed approach:
  • Use a flattened permission table to do permission lookups.
  • Rebuild the table (build new and rename into place) whenever a group's owner_uuid changes or a permission link is created/updated/deleted.
  • Return from the "write" operation as soon as the table is rebuilt.
  • Rebuild the index in a background thread after returning. (While this is happening, some queries will use the unindexed version.)
Proposed implementation plan (naïve):
  • In API server, rebuild the flattened permission table at startup and wherever we currently run "invalidate permission cache".
  • Start a background thread to index the resulting table.
Proposed implementation plan (race-safe):
  • Use database synchronization facilities to avoid re-building and re-indexing the permission table multiple times, or replacing new data with old data during races.
  • In API server:
    • During each commit that requires permissions to be rebuilt, notify a PostgreSQL "perm_rebuild_needed" channel with a random string.
    • After the commit, wait for the same random string to appear on the "perm_rebuild_done" channel.
  • In permission updater:
    • Lock the "perm_rebuild_worker" table (this ensures there is only one permission updater running at a time).
    • Let pending_rebuilds = [ ]
    • Start listening to the "perm_rebuild_needed" channel.
    • Rebuild the permission table.
    • Send each item in pending_rebuilds to the "perm_rebuild_done" channel.
    • If the perm_rebuild_needed channel has nothing new yet, start re-indexing the new permission table in a separate thread while waiting for the next rebuild.
    • Wait for the next notification on the "perm_rebuild_needed" channel.
    • Let pending_rebuilds = payloads from all notifications that are ready (possibly more than one).
    • Repeat from "rebuild the permission table".
Actions #3

Updated by Tom Clegg about 8 years ago

Build a flattened permission cache (~1.5s):

DROP TABLE IF EXISTS permission_cache;
CREATE TABLE permission_cache_new AS
perm_value (name, val) AS (
     ('can_read', 0),
     ('can_login', 1),
     ('can_write', 2),
     ('can_manage', 3)
perm_edges (tail_uuid, head_uuid, val, follow) AS (
       SELECT links.tail_uuid, links.head_uuid,
              ( = 'can_manage' OR groups.uuid IS NOT NULL) AS follow
              FROM links
              LEFT JOIN groups ON groups.uuid = links.head_uuid
              LEFT JOIN perm_value pv ON =
              WHERE links.link_class = 'permission'
       UNION ALL
       SELECT owner_uuid, uuid, 999, true FROM groups
perm (val, follow, user_uuid, target_uuid) AS (
     SELECT 999, true, users.uuid, users.uuid FROM users
     SELECT LEAST(perm.val, edges.val) AS val,
            edges.follow               AS follow,
            perm.user_uuid             AS user_uuid,
            edges.head_uuid            AS target_uuid
            FROM perm
            INNER JOIN perm_edges edges
            ON edges.tail_uuid = perm.target_uuid
            WHERE perm.follow
ALTER TABLE permission_cache_new RENAME TO permission_cache;

Index the permission cache (~12s):

CREATE INDEX CONCURRENTLY permission_cache_idx ON permission_cache USING btree (user_uuid, target_uuid);

Use the permission cache to check read permission on a single item:

SELECT max(collections.uuid)
       FROM collections
       INNER JOIN permission_cache pc
       ON pc.target_uuid IN (collections.uuid, collections.owner_uuid)
       WHERE pc.user_uuid = 'su92l-tpzed-e3x3046g0tzruhk'
       AND collections.uuid = 'su92l-4zz18-zzzjtierdgrvw70'

Use the permission cache to count writable objects:

SELECT max(collections.uuid)
       FROM collections
       INNER JOIN permission_cache pc
       ON pc.target_uuid IN (collections.uuid, collections.owner_uuid)
       AND pc.val >= 2
       WHERE pc.user_uuid = 'su92l-tpzed-e3x3046g0tzruhk'

Approximate times

index ready? count readable count writable test single object for readable or writable
no 500ms 260ms 50ms
yes 500ms 260ms 2ms
Actions #4

Updated by Tom Clegg about 8 years ago

  • Status changed from New to In Progress
Actions #5

Updated by Tom Clegg about 8 years ago

10816-postgres-permissions @ f301a70fdcfda9872965835b26d1400a53d584a1

I used a temporary view, created in each session on first use (instead of a database migration) so we can fine-tune the view more easily and safely in future. We could switch to storing it permanently in the database, but the view is really just shorthand for a verbose query, and in that sense it seems better to keep it in the application instead of the database.

Actions #6

Updated by Radhika Chippada about 8 years ago

@ f301a70f

  • Do we want to rescue from any errors during create_permission_view.sql or ‘ROLLBACK TO SAVEPOINT’ ?
  • Wondering if ‘ROLLBACK SAVEPOINT’ should be invoked when the rescue block is executed as well?
  • Can perms_for_val be created once and reused rather than creating for each invocation of calculate_group_permissions, (may be a static)?
  • This is the first time I came across with exec_query usage and it took me a while to understand how [[nil, uuid]] works in the exec_query statement. May be a link to exec_query documentation and / or comment explaining nil is column and uuid is the value in the binds usage might be good for code maintenance
Actions #7

Updated by Tom Clegg about 8 years ago

Radhika Chippada wrote:

  • Do we want to rescue from any errors during create_permission_view.sql or ‘ROLLBACK TO SAVEPOINT’ ?

I don't think so... is there an error condition you have in mind that we could recover from gracefully?

  • Wondering if ‘ROLLBACK SAVEPOINT’ should be invoked when the rescue block is executed as well?

Ah, if you mean RELEASE, yes -- I was thinking ROLLBACK also released, but it doesn't. Changed the "else" to an "ensure" so RELEASE happens after rollback as well.

  • Can perms_for_val be created once and reused rather than creating for each invocation of calculate_group_permissions, (may be a static)?

Yes, moved this to a class constant.

  • This is the first time I came across with exec_query usage and it took me a while to understand how [[nil, uuid]] works in the exec_query statement. May be a link to exec_query documentation and / or comment explaining nil is column and uuid is the value in the binds usage might be good for code maintenance

Yeah, information about exec_query and binds was relatively hard to find. Updated:

    conn.exec_query('SELECT target_owner_uuid, max(perm_level)
                    FROM permission_view
                    WHERE user_uuid = $1
                    AND target_owner_uuid IS NOT NULL
                    GROUP BY target_owner_uuid',
                    # "name" arg is a query label that appears in logs:
                    "group_permissions for #{uuid}",
                    # "binds" arg is an array of [col_id, value] for '$1' vars:
                    [[nil, uuid]],
                    ).rows.each do |group_uuid, max_p_val|

Now at fe1b0b43931dcefbf9308dc7b0a3639a4410ca53

Actions #8

Updated by Radhika Chippada about 8 years ago

Thanks for the update and clarifications. LGTM

Actions #9

Updated by Tom Clegg about 8 years ago

  • Status changed from In Progress to Resolved

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