2023-02-01 sprint open over 2 years late (02/01/2023) 18% 66 issues (12 closed — 54 open) Related issues Feature #16316: a-c-r handles resource range requests (especially CPU) and adjusts requests based on what is in InstanceTypes list Actions Feature #19320: Get actual instance price information by calling AWS APIs Actions Feature #19385: a-c-r uploads workflow files + dependencies to a collection & executes from that instead of packed workfows Actions Feature #19886: crunch-run commits log collection at container start Actions Task #16354: Review Actions Task #18368: Notification banner Actions Task #19392: Add exported config for banner URL Actions Task #19395: Review Actions Task #19399: Review 18368-workbench-banner-config Actions Task #19405: Review Page Text Actions Task #19407: Review: Content for Reproduciblity Website Actions Task #19447: Review Actions Task #19503: Need Review Actions Task #19509: Review Actions Task #19614: Group review - schedule meeting? Actions Task #19641: Review: Personas Actions Task #19643: Review Actions Task #19855: Review 19792-pysdk-cookbook Actions Task #19901: Review 19900-process-404-handling Actions Task #19903: Review 19886-crunch-run-early-log-commit Actions Task #19905: Review Actions Task #19913: Review 15557-rerun-workflow Actions Task #19924: Review 19715-preserve-url-autologout Actions Task #19941: Review Actions Task #19942: Review Actions Task #19943: Review Actions Task #19944: Review Actions Task #19945: Review Actions Task #19946: Review Actions Task #19947: Review Actions Task #19948: Review Actions Task #19949: group review Actions Task #19950: Review Actions Task #19951: Review Actions Story #16379: SaltStack install integrates with prometheus/grafana Actions Story #17168: Add some basic documentation about wb2 to user guide Actions Story #19463: Redesign process info panel Actions Story #19578: Update wb2 Use Cases and Personas Actions Story #19613: Establish guidelines for wb2 UI design Actions Story #19792: Python SDK cookbook explains its examples better Actions Story #19846: Use collection properties instead of links to tag docker images Actions Story #19923: keep-balance experimental single-chunk mode Actions Story #19954: Update API documentation re permission link deduplication Actions Arvados Workbench 2 - Feature #19841: New WB2 Features Actions Arvados Workbench 2 - Task #19834: Notification with email Actions Arvados Workbench 2 - Task #19835: Share allows to send optional email to person Actions Arvados Workbench 2 - Task #19836: Tooltip Actions Arvados Workbench 2 - Task #19837: Wizard Actions
2023-03-01 sprint open about 24 months late (03/01/2023) 0% 1 issue (0 closed — 1 open) Related issues Story #19833: Untag arvados/jobs:latest from docker hub Actions
To be scheduled open Due in over 11 years (01/01/2037) 5% 36 issues (2 closed — 34 open) Related issues Feature #19295: Show container request "reused" status Actions Feature #19378: Can select folder to recursively upload all the files to Collection Actions Feature #19675: Panel that lists configured instance types Actions Task #19323: Review Actions Task #19398: Review Actions Task #19646: Review Actions Task #19805: Review Actions Story #19636: Access to editing inputs on "draft" tasks Actions Story #19820: Write docstrings for arvados.cache Actions Story #19822: Write docstrings for arvados.config Actions Story #19823: Write docstrings for arvados.crunch Actions Story #19824: Write docstrings for arvados.errors Actions Story #19826: Write docstrings for arvados module Actions Story #19827: Write docstrings for arvados.keep Actions Story #19828: Write docstrings for arvados.stream Actions Story #19829: Write docstrings for arvados.timer Actions Story #19831: Write docstrings for arvados.vocabulary Actions Story #19832: Re-work picking dialog into 3 panel view Actions Story #19843: arv-federation-migrate supports LoginCluster type migrations Actions
To be groomed open Due in over 12 years (01/01/2038) 6% 82 issues (5 closed — 77 open) Related issues Feature #15250: a-c-r set TTL on final output collection Actions Feature #15768: Support multi-select operations Actions Feature #16369: Should be possible to promote a workflow run via arvados-cwl-runner to a published workflow with one click Actions Feature #16385: add prebuilt container images for Arvados releases Actions Feature #16583: Can programmatically distinguish between final outputs (results of top-level containers) and intermediate outputs. Actions Feature #18563: Simplify/streamline InternalURLs/ExternalURL situation Actions Feature #18573: packer compute image builder script should take an explicit arvados package version to install instead of latest in selected package repository Actions Feature #18968: Should be able to pick directories within collections Actions Feature #19080: Offer to un-trash items, instead of "not found" dialog Actions Feature #19181: Workbench 2 uses replace_files API Actions Feature #19369: Update browser title to reflect current main panel view Actions Feature #19386: --create-workflow creates or updates collection with metadata Actions Feature #19482: Linkable view panel for registered workflows Actions Feature #19637: Recursive delete of workflow & associated intermediates Actions Feature #19860: Support "pull image" container request Actions Feature #19871: Rendering user names in project columns Actions Feature #19887: Include modified_by_user_uuid in project details Actions Feature #19919: Copy workflow Actions Task #17459: Review Actions Task #18041: Review Actions Task #18709: Review Actions Task #18817: review Actions Task #19118: Review 16583-intermediate-collections on Workbench 2 Actions Task #19121: Review Actions Task #19151: Review 19143-project-list-workflows Actions Task #19160: Review Actions Task #19162: Add tests Actions Task #19163: Write rake task Actions Task #19173: Review rake task branch Actions Task #19174: Review tests branch Actions Task #19188: Review Actions Task #19242: Engineering discussion about desired solution Actions Task #19397: Review Actions Task #19679: Review "data-mgtmt" branch in arvados-www Actions Task #19724: group review Actions Story #9044: [Crunch2] [Workbench] Browse and show tools using the GA4GH tool registry API Actions Story #18860: Display count of container attempts and make it easy to access past logs Actions Story #18997: ability to migrate arvbox to arvados-server boot dev mode Actions Story #19612: Frozen project UI follow-up improvements Actions Story #19615: Evaluate ideas for integrating help into wb2 Actions Story #19633: UX redesign ideas Actions Story #19676: Turn data organization patterns deck into documentation page and/or blog post Actions Story #19818: Write docstrings for arvados.api Actions Story #19819: Write docstrings for arvados.arvfile Actions Story #19821: Write docstrings for arvados.collection Actions Story #19825: Write docstrings for arvados.events Actions Story #19830: Write docstrings for arvados.util Actions Story #19935: Document arv-copy usage and format Actions Arvados Workbench 2 - Feature #19387: Support picking workflows uploaded as collections with type: workflow. Actions Arvados Workbench 2 - Feature #19885: Collapse middle breadcrumbs with ellipse when window too narrow Actions Arvados Workbench 2 - Story #16071: [Collection view] Provenance, used by for collections Actions Arvados Workbench 2 - Story #19154: Sharing dialog improvements followup Actions Arvados Workbench 2 - Story #19584: Can we use better terms for a group_filter and projects Actions