Feature #13753
closed[Navigation] Favorite view
As a user I would like to see all content which I marked as "favorite"
so that I could read, filter and paginate all favorite kinds of data
Acceptance criteria:
- favorite content is visible
- connected contents api with data explorer
- provided filtering, sorting and pagination
- customized table for user needs (option to disable and enable columns: status, type, owner, file size, last modified)
- when file is already marked as favorite, in context menu is visible "Remove from favorite", instead of "Add to favorite"
User flow:
1. Click on "Favorite" tab in tree context menu.
2. "Favorite" view with table with favorite content appears.
Updated by Chrystian Klingenberg over 6 years ago
As a user I would like to see all content which I marked as "favorite"
so that I could read, filter and paginate all favorite kinds of data
Acceptance criteria:
- favorite content is visible
- connected contents api with data explorer
- provided filtering, sorting and pagination
- customized table for user needs (option to disable and enable columns: status, type, owner, file size, last modified)
User flow:
1. Click on "Favorite" tab in tree context menu.
2. "Favorite" view with table with favorite content appears.