Feature #13753
[Navigation] Favorite view
Added by Chrystian Klingenberg over 6 years ago.
Updated over 6 years ago.
As a user I would like to see all content which I marked as "favorite"
so that I could read, filter and paginate all favorite kinds of data
Acceptance criteria:
- favorite content is visible
- connected contents api with data explorer
- provided filtering, sorting and pagination
- customized table for user needs (option to disable and enable columns: status, type, owner, file size, last modified)
- when file is already marked as favorite, in context menu is visible "Remove from favorite", instead of "Add to favorite"
User flow:
1. Click on "Favorite" tab in tree context menu.
2. "Favorite" view with table with favorite content appears.
Mockup: https://3czrf1.axshare.com/#g=1&p=8__favorite&c=1
As a user I would like to see all content which I marked as "favorite"
so that I could read, filter and paginate all favorite kinds of data
Acceptance criteria:
- favorite content is visible
- connected contents api with data explorer
- provided filtering, sorting and pagination
- customized table for user needs (option to disable and enable columns: status, type, owner, file size, last modified)
User flow:
1. Click on "Favorite" tab in tree context menu.
2. "Favorite" view with table with favorite content appears.
- Target version set to sprint 3
- Tracker changed from Story to Feature
- Target version deleted (
sprint 3)
- Target version set to sprint 4
- Status changed from New to In Progress
- Assigned To set to Pawel Kowalczyk
- Story points set to 1.0
- Status changed from In Progress to New
- Description updated (diff)
- Status changed from New to In Progress
- Assigned To changed from Pawel Kowalczyk to Daniel Kos
- Description updated (diff)
- Status changed from In Progress to Closed
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