



Feature #14714


[keep] keep-balance uses cluster config file

Added by Peter Amstutz about 6 years ago. Updated about 5 years ago.

Assigned To:
Eric Biagiotti
Target version:
Start date:
Due date:
% Done:


Estimated time:
(Total: 0.00 h)
Story points:
Release relationship:


Should include: Should not include:
  • Load keep services list from config file instead of arvados/v1/keep_services endpoint (seems unsafe to do this until we can be assured the config is fully migrated; meanwhile, the keep_services endpoint is safe to use throughout the migration)
  • Rendezvous by volume instead of by server (see #15641)

Subtasks 1 (0 open1 closed)

Task #15480: Review 14714-keep-balance-configResolvedEric Biagiotti09/26/2019


Related issues 3 (2 open1 closed)

Related to Arvados - Story #13648: [Epic] Use one cluster configuration file for all componentsResolved

Related to Arvados - Feature #9255: [keep] drain mode for a keepstore serviceNew05/23/2016

Related to Arvados - Story #15641: [keep-balance] [SDKs] rendezvous by volume UUID instead of server UUIDNew

Actions #1

Updated by Peter Amstutz about 6 years ago

  • Related to Story #13648: [Epic] Use one cluster configuration file for all components added
Actions #2

Updated by Peter Amstutz about 6 years ago

  • Tracker changed from Bug to Feature
Actions #3

Updated by Lucas Di Pentima about 6 years ago

Based on documentation at

As I believe there's only one instance of keep-balance per cluster, I think it would be appropriate to add its specific configs inside a NodeProfile instead of having a separate section as the dispatchers on #14713

  KeepbalanceRunPeriod: 10m
      Listen: :9005
      ManagementToken: xyzzy
      CollectionBatchSize: 100000
      CollectionBuffers: 1000
        1: disk
Actions #4

Updated by Tom Morris about 6 years ago

  • Target version changed from To Be Groomed to Arvados Future Sprints
  • Story points set to 1.0
Actions #5

Updated by Tom Morris over 5 years ago

  • Target version changed from Arvados Future Sprints to 2019-07-31 Sprint
Actions #6

Updated by Lucas Di Pentima over 5 years ago

  • Assigned To set to Lucas Di Pentima
Actions #7

Updated by Lucas Di Pentima over 5 years ago

  • Target version changed from 2019-07-31 Sprint to 2019-08-14 Sprint
Actions #8

Updated by Eric Biagiotti over 5 years ago

  • Assigned To changed from Lucas Di Pentima to Eric Biagiotti
Actions #9

Updated by Eric Biagiotti over 5 years ago

  • Status changed from New to In Progress
Actions #10

Updated by Eric Biagiotti over 5 years ago

  • Target version changed from 2019-08-14 Sprint to 2019-08-28 Sprint
Actions #11

Updated by Eric Biagiotti over 5 years ago

  • Status changed from In Progress to New
Actions #12

Updated by Eric Biagiotti over 5 years ago

  • Target version changed from 2019-08-28 Sprint to 2019-09-11 Sprint
Actions #13

Updated by Eric Biagiotti over 5 years ago

Some questions/comments about keep-balance flags and config options.


  • KeepServiceTypes: In the config wiki KeepServiceTypes is mapped to Volumes. I'm assuming this is meant to map to Volume.Driver types? This seems contingent on keepstore cluster config work.
  • CollectionBatchSize/CollectionBuffers: These are both mapped to API.MaxItemsPerResponse on the wiki, but it seems like we would be removing potentially useful resource usage tweaking. Are we sure we want to simplify this? See keep-balance/usage.go for more info.
  • LostBlockFile: Not on the wiki, but Collections.KeepBalanceLostBlockFile would be a good place unless we want to make a new KeepBalance section in the config.


I plan on keeping all the flag options since keep-balance can be run once instead of as a service.

  • KeepServiceList: Right now this is only a command line option. Unless we think its worth specifying a set of keep services to balance in the config, this will stay the same.
  • commit-pulls/commit-trash: These are mapped to Collections.BlobReplicateConcurrency/Collections.BlobTrashConcurrency respectively, but we might want to consider settings these to false by default if keep-balance is run with --once to avoid a one-time op accidentally committing changes. We could also require these to be set explicitly if --once is used.


There is lots of good info in keep-balance/usage.go. Was planning on putting most of it in the install doc, but maybe a user guide page is more appropriate?

Actions #14

Updated by Eric Biagiotti over 5 years ago

  • Status changed from New to In Progress
Actions #15

Updated by Tom Clegg over 5 years ago

  • KeepServiceTypes: In the config wiki KeepServiceTypes is mapped to Volumes. I'm assuming this is meant to map to Volume.Driver types? This seems contingent on keepstore cluster config work.

KeepServiceTypes supports filtering by service_type in the keep_services table, typically "disk" or "proxy". KeepServiceList supports using a specified (cached/fake/customized) set of keep_services rows.

I think we still need to support KeepServiceTypes until everyone has migrated their keepstore configs. After that,
  • keepstore/keepproxy server addresses will be listed separately in the Services section typical installs won't need to specify KeepServiceTypes.
  • for debugging/special situations, the list of servers can be controlled by using an altered version of the cluster config file.

We should check with ops to see whether there's still a need for specifying a subset or alternate list of services. If so, it should probably be done with per-volume flags (enable pull/trash) rather than per-server.

  • CollectionBatchSize/CollectionBuffers: These are both mapped to API.MaxItemsPerResponse on the wiki, but it seems like we would be removing potentially useful resource usage tweaking. Are we sure we want to simplify this? See keep-balance/usage.go for more info.

CollectionBatchSize might not be especially useful (keep-balance uses much less memory than apiserver for a given page size anyway). CollectionBuffers is hard to use effectively (anything far enough from 0 to affect performance uses arbitrary amounts of memory, and performance impact is minimal anyway).

That said, yes, at least for now let's just move these to Collections.BalanceCollectionBatch and Collections.BalanceCollectionBuffers.

  • LostBlockFile: Not on the wiki, but Collections.KeepBalanceLostBlockFile would be a good place unless we want to make a new KeepBalance section in the config.

Added Collections.BlobMissingReport to wiki.

I plan on keeping all the flag options since keep-balance can be run once instead of as a service.

  • KeepServiceList: Right now this is only a command line option. Unless we think its worth specifying a set of keep services to balance in the config, this will stay the same.

Currently KeepServiceList can also be given literally in the keep-balance config file though, right? (see above re keeping/dropping)

  • commit-pulls/commit-trash: These are mapped to Collections.BlobReplicateConcurrency/Collections.BlobTrashConcurrency respectively, but we might want to consider settings these to false by default if keep-balance is run with --once to avoid a one-time op accidentally committing changes. We could also require these to be set explicitly if --once is used.

If we were starting fresh I'd say a "-n" (dry run) flag would be good -- but we're not, and changing the default from "don't commit" to "commit" seems iffy. Perhaps some input from ops?

There is lots of good info in keep-balance/usage.go. Was planning on putting most of it in the install doc, but maybe a user guide page is more appropriate?

Sure, it looks like it can be split between config.default.yml, install doc, and ... a new page on the admin guide?

Actions #16

Updated by Nico César over 5 years ago

Tom Clegg wrote:

  • KeepServiceTypes: In the config wiki KeepServiceTypes is mapped to Volumes. I'm assuming this is meant to map to Volume.Driver types? This seems contingent on keepstore cluster config work.

KeepServiceTypes supports filtering by service_type in the keep_services table, typically "disk" or "proxy". KeepServiceList supports using a specified (cached/fake/customized) set of keep_services rows.

I think we still need to support KeepServiceTypes until everyone has migrated their keepstore configs. After that,
  • keepstore/keepproxy server addresses will be listed separately in the Services section typical installs won't need to specify KeepServiceTypes.
  • for debugging/special situations, the list of servers can be controlled by using an altered version of the cluster config file.

We should check with ops to see whether there's still a need for specifying a subset or alternate list of services. If so, it should probably be done with per-volume flags (enable pull/trash) rather than per-server.

For most clusters the approach for wait-for-the-migration of keepstore configs is great.
Listing separate keepstore and keeproxy sounds good.

Per volume flags sounds great. Specially in scenarios that "we need to migrate a volume" like switching them to read only, or future expansions of draining volumes feature.

As an special case that some cluster have: sometimes, specially on prem, we have a keepstore service running on the compute nodes. How does global configuration affects this? I'm just pointing out a potential problem, maybe I'm over thinking.

That said, yes, at least for now let's just move these to Collections.BalanceCollectionBatch and Collections.BalanceCollectionBuffers.

From the Ops perspective: In the future I think this configuration knobs should have a recommended value at run-time based on the data available (an also auto select that value if needed and reporting the value in the logs). Specially useful with clusters that we don't have access to the keepstore servers, but we know that they could use resources more efficiently

I plan on keeping all the flag options since keep-balance can be run once instead of as a service.

  • KeepServiceList: Right now this is only a command line option. Unless we think its worth specifying a set of keep services to balance in the config, this will stay the same.

Currently KeepServiceList can also be given literally in the keep-balance config file though, right? (see above re keeping/dropping)

  • commit-pulls/commit-trash: These are mapped to Collections.BlobReplicateConcurrency/Collections.BlobTrashConcurrency respectively, but we might want to consider settings these to false by default if keep-balance is run with --once to avoid a one-time op accidentally committing changes. We could also require these to be set explicitly if --once is used.

If we were starting fresh I'd say a "-n" (dry run) flag would be good -- but we're not, and changing the default from "don't commit" to "commit" seems iffy. Perhaps some input from ops?

I don't mind personally having changes in keep-balance flags. As long as we document it well and we have a version that shows it as deprecated.

There is lots of good info in keep-balance/usage.go. Was planning on putting most of it in the install doc, but maybe a user guide page is more appropriate?

Sure, it looks like it can be split between config.default.yml, install doc, and ... a new page on the admin guide?

I like a new page in the admin page. Also adding a section "before you begging... think about your storage layer" that explains why you should have several keepstore servers. Talk a little about throughput and N-to-M connections. The audience for this section should be sysadmins that they've been managing NFS servers and RAIDs or similar technology and replication in Arvados is a hard concept to grasp.

Actions #17

Updated by Tom Clegg over 5 years ago

  • Related to Feature #9255: [keep] drain mode for a keepstore service added
Actions #18

Updated by Tom Morris over 5 years ago

  • Target version changed from 2019-09-11 Sprint to 2019-09-25 Sprint
Actions #19

Updated by Tom Clegg over 5 years ago

  • Description updated (diff)
Actions #20

Updated by Tom Clegg over 5 years ago

  • Related to Story #15641: [keep-balance] [SDKs] rendezvous by volume UUID instead of server UUID added
Actions #21

Updated by Eric Biagiotti over 5 years ago

  • Target version changed from 2019-09-25 Sprint to 2019-10-09 Sprint
Actions #22

Updated by Eric Biagiotti over 5 years ago

  • Target version deleted (2019-10-09 Sprint)

Latest at ac74894758f1b56c449022810b45f833adcfefa7

- Now uses cluster config.
- Reorganizes the Server struct to use lib/service to do generic service things.
- Removes dumpconfig flag.
- Removes the options to specify a keep service list or type. Keep-balance will now balance all keep services of type disk reported by the keep_services endpoint.
- Debug flag removed. Uses SystemLogs.LogLevel from cluster config instead.

Didn't add keep-balance start-up in CheckHealth or ServeHttp (like dispatcher does). Unless I am missing something, it doesn't seem to make sense to start keep-balance that way. By the time command.RunCommand calls CheckHealth, it should have a setup keep-balance via newHandler.

Also, I haven't actually run keep-balance outside of its tests. Working on getting something working in arvbox.

Actions #23

Updated by Eric Biagiotti over 5 years ago

Latest at: 8a879fd6ffb38927150be85c63d926cd6a4c0d42

Rebased on master with the keepstore merge.

- Updated to use the prometheus registry passed in with newHandler
- Updated the test logging to use the ctxlog TestLogger.

Also kicked off tests:

Actions #24

Updated by Eric Biagiotti over 5 years ago

  • Target version set to 2019-10-09 Sprint
Actions #25

Updated by Tom Clegg over 5 years ago

lib/config/config.default.yml: I think a better default for BalanceCollectionBatch might be 0 (effectively "same as MaxItemsPerResponse").

lib/config/config.default.yml: BlobMissingReport comment is due for a word wrap

lib/config/deprecated.go: "please update to the cluster config." → "please update the cluster config." Come to think of it, I think this needs a bit more detail. What kind of update would accomplish this ("balance specific keep services")? Would it be better to say something like "keep-balance operates on all configured volumes"?

lib/config/deprecated.go: "not longer supported" → "no longer supported"

lib/config/deprecated.go: if KeepServiceTypes is provided, rather than warn, I think it would be better to either ignore it silently (if it's the recommended value ["disk"], in which case we'd end up doing that anyway) or throw an error (if it's something else, in which case we'd end up doing something different than what was configured).

services/keep-balance/main.go: I think we should lose the "If using the legacy keep-balance.yml config, ..." bit. Maybe this whole error message could be "cannot start service: Collections.BalancePeriod is zero (if you want to run once and then exit, use the -once flag)"? Might help to emphasize normal usage first.

services/keep-balance/main.go: "debugf = log.Printf" bypasses the log formatting config -- how about replace the two uses of debugf() with bal.Logger.Debugf(), and remove debugf entirely?

other globals to get rid of:
  • version -- we already have lib/cmd.version for this, except that it looks like we (I) didn't update the package scripts, or provide a way to log "starting X version Y" at startup (I can work on this)
  • command -- seems like it could be deleted, and just call service.Command(...).RunCommand(...) at the end of runCommand()
  • options -- if newHandler() becomes an inline func inside runCommand(), then options can be a local var in runCommand()

services/keep-balance/server.go: Start() is only called once from one place, and only has one LOC, so setupOnce and Start itself seem superfluous -- could newHandler just say "go srv.Run()"?


Actions #26

Updated by Eric Biagiotti over 5 years ago

Latest at 52b7b2934d5d74ee67ca13f8d1cc95f1379faddc
Dev tests running:

Tom Clegg wrote:

lib/config/config.default.yml: I think a better default for BalanceCollectionBatch might be 0 (effectively "same as MaxItemsPerResponse").

lib/config/config.default.yml: BlobMissingReport comment is due for a word wrap

lib/config/deprecated.go: "please update to the cluster config." → "please update the cluster config." Come to think of it, I think this needs a bit more detail. What kind of update would accomplish this ("balance specific keep services")? Would it be better to say something like "keep-balance operates on all configured volumes"?

lib/config/deprecated.go: "not longer supported" → "no longer supported"

lib/config/deprecated.go: if KeepServiceTypes is provided, rather than warn, I think it would be better to either ignore it silently (if it's the recommended value ["disk"], in which case we'd end up doing that anyway) or throw an error (if it's something else, in which case we'd end up doing something different than what was configured).

services/keep-balance/main.go: I think we should lose the "If using the legacy keep-balance.yml config, ..." bit. Maybe this whole error message could be "cannot start service: Collections.BalancePeriod is zero (if you want to run once and then exit, use the -once flag)"? Might help to emphasize normal usage first.

All of the above fixed in c8bfd534fc6e33b0b37f9fed1ee6232159edb631

services/keep-balance/main.go: "debugf = log.Printf" bypasses the log formatting config -- how about replace the two uses of debugf() with bal.Logger.Debugf(), and remove debugf entirely?

other globals to get rid of:
  • version -- we already have lib/cmd.version for this, except that it looks like we (I) didn't update the package scripts, or provide a way to log "starting X version Y" at startup (I can work on this)
  • command -- seems like it could be deleted, and just call service.Command(...).RunCommand(...) at the end of runCommand()
  • options -- if newHandler() becomes an inline func inside runCommand(), then options can be a local var in runCommand()

services/keep-balance/server.go: Start() is only called once from one place, and only has one LOC, so setupOnce and Start itself seem superfluous -- could newHandler just say "go srv.Run()"?


I left in setupOnce in case I was missing something regarding CheckHealth; but yea, it doesn't need to be there. Fixed in 8db3a110976bbb9288214eeb3064d31cb12c1c82

I also updated docs and made a new admin keepbalance page. Seems like the keepstore install page "Notes on storage management" section has a good explanation of keep-balance. Maybe I should move that language into the keepbalance page and link to it from "Notes on storage management" instead of linking to the keepbalance install docs?

I also noticed that running with -once, keep-balance doesn't actually exit. Not sure how that would work with the new service lib, but I'll looking into it more. Let me know if you have some insight into this. Thanks!

Actions #27

Updated by Tom Clegg over 5 years ago

Eric Biagiotti wrote:

I also noticed that running with -once, keep-balance doesn't actually exit. Not sure how that would work with the new service lib, but I'll looking into it more. Let me know if you have some insight into this. Thanks!

Maybe add an os.Exit() to (*Server)run():

         if err != nil {
+                os.Exit(1)
+        } else {
+                os.Exit(0)
Actions #28

Updated by Tom Clegg over 5 years ago

Now that keep-balance uses lib/service.Command(), it doesn't need to serve /metrics itself, so
  • (*Server)setup() can go away (in fact it looks like it's already unused, except from tests -- I suppose the tests will need some other way to access the metrics registry, perhaps pass s.Metrics.reg to a helper based on that writes to a buffer instead of a file on disk)
  • (*Server)httpHandler can be set to http.NotFoundHandler() when initializing in main.go since (currently) keep-balance doesn't have any APIs other than the ones handled by lib/service
  • (*Server)httpHandler could be embedded as just "http.Handler" instead, and the ServeHTTP() forwarding func wouldn't be needed at all
Actions #29

Updated by Tom Clegg over 5 years ago

services/keep-balance/balance.go: could remove the now-overbuilt okTypes argument and "ok" map from DiscoverKeepServices() -- just test srv.ServiceType == "disk" in the loop.

Actions #30

Updated by Eric Biagiotti over 5 years ago

Latest at e86ee860d99036ff4ac61f6635b738f3a408e446

- Removes metrics serving
- Updates test gathering of metrics
- Simplifies balancer keep service discovery
- Moves keep-balance info from keepstore install docs to the new admin page
- Keepbalance now exits correctly when using -once

Actions #31

Updated by Tom Clegg over 5 years ago

Even the pared-down "Note on storage management" on the "install keepstore" guide seems like a non sequitur (why is this being mentioned now? what am I supposed to do about it?) ... otoh I'm not sure where it should be moved to, and this is already tangential to the issue at hand, so I'm inclined leave it here for now.

LGTM, thanks

(test failures are surely the ones already fixed in master)

Actions #32

Updated by Eric Biagiotti over 5 years ago

  • Status changed from In Progress to Resolved
Actions #33

Updated by Eric Biagiotti over 5 years ago

  • Status changed from Resolved to Feedback

Latest at 5ffded80f04bc1b38574b0a4eee54c6ceb9b9112

- Updated the error message for invalid legacy config options to point to the upgrade notes.
- Also updated the upgrade notes to be more clear about how keep-balance determines what to balance.

Actions #34

Updated by Tom Clegg over 5 years ago

all volumes of service type disk

...should probably be "all keepstore servers with service_type disk" (that endpoint doesn't list volumes, only services)

otherwise LGTM, thanks

Actions #35

Updated by Eric Biagiotti over 5 years ago

  • Status changed from Feedback to Resolved
Actions #36

Updated by Peter Amstutz about 5 years ago

  • Release set to 22

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