Feature #17609
closedarvados-client subcommand to run diagnostics on already installed cluster
This is the list of tests will do
Then once we have the list will include it to the arvados-client test
- Run the tests that can be run:
- If config.yml is available, check that
- If cypress can be run, run browser-based tests
- Warn about what can be run / cannot be run
- put everything into a diagnostics project
Ward's 3 electric rails:
- uploading through keepproxy
- running workflows
- properly configured keep-web
- uploading via webdav
- downloading via webdav and s3
Nico's tests:
- Fetching discovery document / public config
- Check hostnames, ports, certificates of service ExternalURL are valid
- Check nginx geo section
Tom's modes:
- User option to run assuming it is inside (check that things treat you as inside)
- User option to run assuming it is outside (check that things treat you as outside)
- Use healthcheck endpoints, see if some tests can be part of healthcheck
- Any check that can be done as a healthcheck, probably should be
- Needs management token
- Use healthcheck aggregator
$ arvados-client diagnostics --inside Checking connectivity to https://api.arvados.example.com ...OK Checking TLS certificate on https://api.arvados.example.com ...FAIL
- run
arvados-server check-config
as early as possible. - verbose mode that communicates as much as possible about what each test is trying to do
- be very explicit about failures
Updated by Peter Amstutz almost 4 years ago
- Subject changed from Installed cluster diagnostic test to arvados-client subcommand to run diagnostics on already installed cluster
Updated by Peter Amstutz almost 4 years ago
- Related to Story #16444: Improved error detection/reporting added
Updated by Tom Clegg almost 4 years ago
For discussion:
$ arvados-client diagnostics INFO discovery document: ok, BlobSignatureTTL is 1209600 INFO exported config: ok, Collections.BlobSigning = true INFO api call (get current user): ok, uuid = ce8i5-tpzed-ol81h55xqo4i23l INFO http connection: https://keep.ce8i5.arvadosapi.com/: ok INFO http connection: https://*.collections.ce8i5.arvadosapi.com/: ok ERRO http connection: error: Make-coffee "": x509: cannot validate certificate for because it doesn't contain any IP SANs WARN service url path seems unlikely to work: wss://ws.ce8i5.arvadosapi.com/websocket INFO http connection: wss://ws.ce8i5.arvadosapi.com/websocket: ok INFO http connection: https://workbench.ce8i5.arvadosapi.com/: ok INFO http connection: https://workbench2.ce8i5.arvadosapi.com/: ok INFO cors header: https://ce8i5.arvadosapi.com/: ok INFO cors header: https://keep.ce8i5.arvadosapi.com/d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e+0: ok ERRO cors header: error: Get "": x509: cannot validate certificate for because it doesn't contain any IP SANs INFO api call (list projects): ok, using existing project, uuid = ce8i5-j7d0g-tqax6h79xj5884w INFO api call (create collection): ok, uuid = ce8i5-4zz18-viqkal3gsqajo9s ERRO webdav upload: error performing http request: Put "": x509: cannot validate certificate for because it doesn't contain any IP SANs INFO webdav external url https://*.collections.ce8i5.arvadosapi.com/ looks ok INFO webdav download https://d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e-0.collections.ce8i5.arvadosapi.com/foo: ok INFO webdav download https://d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e-0.collections.ce8i5.arvadosapi.com/testfile: ok ERRO webdav download Get "": x509: cannot validate certificate for because it doesn't contain any IP SANs ERRO webdav download Get "": x509: cannot validate certificate for because it doesn't contain any IP SANs ERRO webdav download https://d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e-0.collections.ce8i5.arvadosapi.com/testfile: unexpected response status: 404 Not Found ERRO webdav download Get "": x509: cannot validate certificate for because it doesn't contain any IP SANstbd
- exit non-zero on warnings/errors?
- machine-readable output?
- highlight errors/warnings with color or other ascii art?
Updated by Peter Amstutz almost 4 years ago
Nico: in order to run diagnostics, the user must specify the situation it is being run from:
- Inside the cluster, with config.yml available
- Inside the cluster, without config.yml
- Outside the cluster, without config.yml
Updated by Peter Amstutz almost 4 years ago
- exactly what is each check doing
- if something failed, explain the implication of that failure
Can offer different verbose levels: only failures, all tests, tests + lots of extra debug info
Assign ids to individual tests, have ability to run specific tests
Updated by Peter Amstutz almost 4 years ago
- Status changed from New to In Progress
Updated by Peter Amstutz almost 4 years ago
- Target version changed from 2021-05-26 sprint to 2021-06-09 sprint
Updated by Tom Clegg over 3 years ago
- ability to catch a couple of configuration problems we see in the wild when troubleshooting (internal/external client detection, wildcard dns/tls, unreachable service URLs)
- enough log detail that if someone sends me their output via email/chat I'll have a decent chance of figuring out what's wrong with their setup
- run a container
- explain the implications of any given thing being broken
- explain how to fix any given thing
- read cluster config from /etc/arvados/ (as an alternative to using env vars and exported config)
I don't have "run a container" yet. In the meantime here is some sample output:
$ arvados-client diagnostics -external-client INFO 10 getting discovery document from https://ce8i5.arvadosapi.com/discovery/v1/apis/arvados/v1/rest INFO 20 getting exported config from https://ce8i5.arvadosapi.com/arvados/v1/config INFO 30 getting current user record INFO 40 connecting to service endpoint https://keep.ce8i5.arvadosapi.com/ INFO 41 connecting to service endpoint https://*.collections.ce8i5.arvadosapi.com/ INFO 42 connecting to service endpoint https://download.ce8i5.arvadosapi.com/ INFO 43 connecting to service endpoint wss://ws.ce8i5.arvadosapi.com/websocket INFO 44 connecting to service endpoint https://workbench.ce8i5.arvadosapi.com/ INFO 45 connecting to service endpoint https://workbench2.ce8i5.arvadosapi.com/ INFO 50 checking CORS headers at https://ce8i5.arvadosapi.com/ INFO 51 checking CORS headers at https://keep.ce8i5.arvadosapi.com/d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e+0 INFO 52 checking CORS headers at https://download.ce8i5.arvadosapi.com/ INFO 60 checking internal/external client detection INFO 61 reading+writing via keep service at https://keep.ce8i5.arvadosapi.com:443/ INFO 80 finding/creating "scratch area for diagnostics" project INFO 90 creating temporary collection INFO 100 uploading file via webdav INFO 110 checking WebDAV ExternalURL wildcard (https://*.collections.ce8i5.arvadosapi.com/) INFO 120 downloading from webdav (https://d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e-0.collections.ce8i5.arvadosapi.com/foo) INFO 121 downloading from webdav (https://d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e-0.collections.ce8i5.arvadosapi.com/testfile) INFO 122 downloading from webdav (https://download.ce8i5.arvadosapi.com/c=d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e+0/_/foo) INFO 123 downloading from webdav (https://download.ce8i5.arvadosapi.com/c=d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e+0/_/testfile) INFO 124 downloading from webdav (https://3ec3d27e95a51d659178f6350fd8d9bf-52.collections.ce8i5.arvadosapi.com/testfile) INFO 125 downloading from webdav (https://download.ce8i5.arvadosapi.com/c=ce8i5-4zz18-vn7r69bv85902ow/_/testfile) INFO 130 getting list of virtual machines INFO 140 getting workbench1 webshell page INFO 150 connecting to webshell service ERROR connecting to webshell service (10009ms): Post "https://webshell.ce8i5.arvadosapi.com/shell.ce8i5.arvadosapi.com?": context deadline exceeded INFO 9990 deleting temporary collection --- cut here --- error summary --- ERROR connecting to webshell service (10009ms): Post "https://webshell.ce8i5.arvadosapi.com/shell.ce8i5.arvadosapi.com?": context deadline exceeded exit status 1
Updated by Tom Clegg over 3 years ago
- Status changed from In Progress to New
Added "run a container" test. For now it's just an easy way to check whether it works. We will certainly want to add more features to illuminate why it fails, when it fails.
Example output:
$ arvados-client diagnostics -log-level=debug INFO 10: getting discovery document from https://ce8i5.arvadosapi.com/discovery/v1/apis/arvados/v1/rest DEBUG ... BlobSignatureTTL = 1209600 DEBUG 10: getting discovery document from https://ce8i5.arvadosapi.com/discovery/v1/apis/arvados/v1/rest (1010 ms): ok INFO 20: getting exported config from https://ce8i5.arvadosapi.com/arvados/v1/config DEBUG ... Collections.BlobSigning = true DEBUG 20: getting exported config from https://ce8i5.arvadosapi.com/arvados/v1/config (123 ms): ok INFO 30: getting current user record DEBUG ... user uuid = ce8i5-tpzed-ol81h55xqo4i23l DEBUG 30: getting current user record (152 ms): ok INFO 40: connecting to service endpoint https://keep.ce8i5.arvadosapi.com/ DEBUG 40: connecting to service endpoint https://keep.ce8i5.arvadosapi.com/ (310 ms): ok INFO 41: connecting to service endpoint https://*.collections.ce8i5.arvadosapi.com/ DEBUG 41: connecting to service endpoint https://*.collections.ce8i5.arvadosapi.com/ (382 ms): ok INFO 42: connecting to service endpoint https://download.ce8i5.arvadosapi.com/ DEBUG 42: connecting to service endpoint https://download.ce8i5.arvadosapi.com/ (376 ms): ok INFO 43: connecting to service endpoint wss://ws.ce8i5.arvadosapi.com/websocket DEBUG 43: connecting to service endpoint wss://ws.ce8i5.arvadosapi.com/websocket (454 ms): ok INFO 44: connecting to service endpoint https://workbench.ce8i5.arvadosapi.com/ DEBUG 44: connecting to service endpoint https://workbench.ce8i5.arvadosapi.com/ (1624 ms): ok INFO 45: connecting to service endpoint https://workbench2.ce8i5.arvadosapi.com/ DEBUG 45: connecting to service endpoint https://workbench2.ce8i5.arvadosapi.com/ (367 ms): ok INFO 50: checking CORS headers at https://ce8i5.arvadosapi.com/ DEBUG 50: checking CORS headers at https://ce8i5.arvadosapi.com/ (115 ms): ok INFO 51: checking CORS headers at https://keep.ce8i5.arvadosapi.com/d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e+0 DEBUG 51: checking CORS headers at https://keep.ce8i5.arvadosapi.com/d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e+0 (106 ms): ok INFO 52: checking CORS headers at https://download.ce8i5.arvadosapi.com/ DEBUG 52: checking CORS headers at https://download.ce8i5.arvadosapi.com/ (104 ms): ok INFO 60: checking internal/external client detection DEBUG ... controller returned only proxy services, this host is treated as "external" DEBUG 60: checking internal/external client detection (162 ms): ok INFO 61: reading+writing via keep service at https://keep.ce8i5.arvadosapi.com:443/ DEBUG 61: reading+writing via keep service at https://keep.ce8i5.arvadosapi.com:443/ (258 ms): ok INFO 80: finding/creating "scratch area for diagnostics" project DEBUG ... using existing project, uuid = ce8i5-j7d0g-tqax6h79xj5884w DEBUG 80: finding/creating "scratch area for diagnostics" project (145 ms): ok INFO 90: creating temporary collection DEBUG ... ok, uuid = ce8i5-4zz18-3qrqhs7u0uy2vau DEBUG 90: creating temporary collection (178 ms): ok INFO 100: uploading file via webdav DEBUG ... ok, status 201 Created DEBUG ... ok, pdh 3ec3d27e95a51d659178f6350fd8d9bf+52 DEBUG 100: uploading file via webdav (397 ms): ok INFO 110: checking WebDAV ExternalURL wildcard (https://*.collections.ce8i5.arvadosapi.com/) DEBUG 110: checking WebDAV ExternalURL wildcard (https://*.collections.ce8i5.arvadosapi.com/) (0 ms): ok INFO 120: downloading from webdav (https://d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e-0.collections.ce8i5.arvadosapi.com/foo) DEBUG 120: downloading from webdav (https://d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e-0.collections.ce8i5.arvadosapi.com/foo) (104 ms): ok INFO 121: downloading from webdav (https://d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e-0.collections.ce8i5.arvadosapi.com/testfile) DEBUG 121: downloading from webdav (https://d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e-0.collections.ce8i5.arvadosapi.com/testfile) (102 ms): ok INFO 122: downloading from webdav (https://download.ce8i5.arvadosapi.com/c=d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e+0/_/foo) DEBUG 122: downloading from webdav (https://download.ce8i5.arvadosapi.com/c=d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e+0/_/foo) (103 ms): ok INFO 123: downloading from webdav (https://download.ce8i5.arvadosapi.com/c=d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e+0/_/testfile) DEBUG 123: downloading from webdav (https://download.ce8i5.arvadosapi.com/c=d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e+0/_/testfile) (101 ms): ok INFO 124: downloading from webdav (https://3ec3d27e95a51d659178f6350fd8d9bf-52.collections.ce8i5.arvadosapi.com/testfile) DEBUG 124: downloading from webdav (https://3ec3d27e95a51d659178f6350fd8d9bf-52.collections.ce8i5.arvadosapi.com/testfile) (364 ms): ok INFO 125: downloading from webdav (https://download.ce8i5.arvadosapi.com/c=ce8i5-4zz18-3qrqhs7u0uy2vau/_/testfile) DEBUG 125: downloading from webdav (https://download.ce8i5.arvadosapi.com/c=ce8i5-4zz18-3qrqhs7u0uy2vau/_/testfile) (119 ms): ok INFO 130: getting list of virtual machines DEBUG 130: getting list of virtual machines (203 ms): ok INFO 140: getting workbench1 webshell page DEBUG ... url https://workbench.ce8i5.arvadosapi.com/virtual_machines/ce8i5-2x53u-submlh2cc0lnkvg/webshell/testusername DEBUG 140: getting workbench1 webshell page (1863 ms): ok INFO 150: connecting to webshell service DEBUG ... url https://webshell.ce8i5.arvadosapi.com/shell.ce8i5.arvadosapi.com? ERROR 150: connecting to webshell service (10000 ms): Post "https://webshell.ce8i5.arvadosapi.com/shell.ce8i5.arvadosapi.com?": context deadline exceeded INFO 160: running a container DEBUG ... container request uuid = ce8i5-xvhdp-ta72wgo7cj0j3ei DEBUG ... container uuid = ce8i5-dz642-wx76ibvve58bfxf INFO ... container request submitted, waiting up to 10m for container to run DEBUG ... container state = Queued DEBUG ... container state = Locked DEBUG ... container state = Running DEBUG ... container request state = Final DEBUG ... container state = Complete DEBUG 160: running a container (196973 ms): ok INFO 9990: deleting temporary collection DEBUG 9990: deleting temporary collection (179 ms): ok --- cut here --- error summary --- ERROR 150: connecting to webshell service (10000 ms): Post "https://webshell.ce8i5.arvadosapi.com/shell.ce8i5.arvadosapi.com?": context deadline exceeded exit status 1
17609-diagnostics-cmd @ 08c8b9cc496627bc3fd3d87ae333fadce4797eaa
Updated by Peter Amstutz over 3 years ago
- Status changed from New to In Progress
Updated by Peter Amstutz over 3 years ago
- Target version changed from 2021-06-09 sprint to 2021-06-23 sprint
Updated by Ward Vandewege over 3 years ago
Reviewing 08c8b9cc496627bc3fd3d87ae333fadce4797eaa:
- moving the NoPrefixFormatter to lib/cmd is nice. We should also remove the copy in lib/deduplicationreport.
- the NoPrefixFormatter that was used in lib/costanalyzer did not have a trailing newline. Since you switched to the one in lib/cmd the output for costanalyzer is now a bit wonky. Can we have a flag to NoPrefixFormatter that indicates if a newline should be added or not? Or is there another/better way to do this in costanalyzer?
- the `runtests()` function is very long, but I'm not sure what can be done about that that wouldn't just add needless boilerplate/overhead.
LGTM otherwise!
Updated by Tom Clegg over 3 years ago
Ward Vandewege wrote:
- remove the copy in lib/deduplicationreport.
- the NoPrefixFormatter that was used in lib/costanalyzer did not have a trailing newline
Oh right, I forgot to follow up on that. Now removed the newlines from the format strings in the logger.Info() etc. calls in costanalyzer.
I changed two recently-added fmt.Print to logger.Debug since they seemed a bit repetitive:
-Considering ce8i5-xvhdp-jn8lm49n18abkix
-Processing ce8i5-xvhdp-jn8lm49n18abkix
Collecting child containers for container request ce8i5-xvhdp-jn8lm49n18abkix (2021-05-04 23:28:33.846312 +0000 UTC)
Since logging is line-oriented, the "print a dot for each child" progress meter doesn't fit very well. Rather than open things up and pass stdout/stderr through to the right place for that purpose, I added a thing that prints "... 123 of 456" every 5 seconds. Do you think that's a reasonable alternative?
17609-diagnostics-cmd @ 056b3d2368b151a626fbf79025d9989a4d29a018 -- developer-run-tests: #2519
- the `runtests()` function is very long, but I'm not sure what can be done about that that wouldn't just add needless boilerplate/overhead.
Yeah, I think we will need to split this up sooner or later. I'm thinking one big section to do the initial staging setup (current user, scratch project/collection) and then something more modular for an ever-growing set of test funcs that are independent of one another. Not sure whether I should do it right now, or put it on the todo list. Something like this might work, with minimal repetition:
type testenv struct {
project arvados.Group
collection arvados.Collection
var _ = addtest(1234, "testing some stuff", func(env *testenv) error { ... })
Updated by Ward Vandewege over 3 years ago
Tom Clegg wrote:
Ward Vandewege wrote:
- remove the copy in lib/deduplicationreport.
- the NoPrefixFormatter that was used in lib/costanalyzer did not have a trailing newline
Oh right, I forgot to follow up on that. Now removed the newlines from the format strings in the logger.Info() etc. calls in costanalyzer.
I changed two recently-added fmt.Print to logger.Debug since they seemed a bit repetitive:
Thanks that's good.
Since logging is line-oriented, the "print a dot for each child" progress meter doesn't fit very well. Rather than open things up and pass stdout/stderr through to the right place for that purpose, I added a thing that prints "... 123 of 456" every 5 seconds. Do you think that's a reasonable alternative?
Yes, that even provides a bit more information (the 'total' is known up front) so it's a nice improvement.
17609-diagnostics-cmd @ 056b3d2368b151a626fbf79025d9989a4d29a018 -- developer-run-tests: #2519
- the `runtests()` function is very long, but I'm not sure what can be done about that that wouldn't just add needless boilerplate/overhead.>
Yeah, I think we will need to split this up sooner or later. I'm thinking one big section to do the initial staging setup (current user, scratch project/collection) and then something more modular for an ever-growing set of test funcs that are independent of one another. Not sure whether I should do it right now, or put it on the todo list. Something like this might work, with minimal repetition:
That sounds better yeah, up to you if you want to fit that in before this merge.
Updated by Tom Clegg over 3 years ago
- Status changed from In Progress to Resolved
- % Done changed from 0 to 100
Applied in changeset arvados|e627df2797dae0d6fa95da61f1a58bb9fafe8240.