Task #2315
closedStory #1971: When a job output contains a single image file, show a thumbnail image inline on Workbench pipeline_instance and job pages.
Review 1971-show-image-thumbnails branch for Peter
Assigned To:
Target version:
Start date:
Due date:
% Done:
Estimated time:
1.00 h
Updated by Tom Clegg about 11 years ago
- Status changed from New to In Progress
- Start date set to 03/07/2014
Updated by Tom Clegg about 11 years ago
- Doesn't do quite what the story says
- Still counts as progress
- Don't see any reason not to merge
- Not a big fan of commit message "In theory this works but I need a keep server to test it." (Fair enough to add this as a 2nd paragraph disclaimer, but the first paragraph should describe the [expected] change in behavior.)
- Aside: Finding it hard to make git give me the diff I want -- possibly just because 2049 was merged into this branch, but isn't in master?
Updated by Tom Clegg about 11 years ago
- Assigned To changed from Tom Clegg to Peter Amstutz
- Parent task set to #1971
Updated by Peter Amstutz almost 11 years ago
- Assigned To changed from Peter Amstutz to Tom Clegg
Updated by Tim Pierce almost 11 years ago
- Assigned To changed from Tim Pierce to Peter Amstutz
Updated by Peter Amstutz almost 11 years ago
- Assigned To changed from Peter Amstutz to Tim Pierce
Updated by Peter Amstutz almost 11 years ago
- Status changed from In Progress to Resolved
- Assigned To changed from Tim Pierce to Peter Amstutz
- Remaining (hours) changed from 1.0 to 0.0