Story #2612
closedWorkbench displays user usage in logs
- Total Read Size: The sum of the byte sizes of all collections they have permission to read (not counting replication).
- Weighted Read Size: Same as above, but for each collection we divide by the number of readers. So that summing across users results in the total collection size (not counting replication).
- Total Persist Size: The disk usage of all collections they have requested to persist. This is the sum of the collection size times the replication level the user requested for that collection.
- Weighted Persist Size: Above size weighted by how much replication they requested, so that summing this across all users it sums to the total disk usage for those collections.
These will appear as four columns in a table at /users/storage. It will look similar to /user/activity.
Updated by Misha Zatsman almost 11 years ago
- Target version set to 2014-05-07 Storing and Organizing Data
Updated by Tom Clegg almost 11 years ago
- Only complaint I see is that
is superfluous in@user_storage[user.uuid][key].to_s
(<%= blah %>
does that implicitly) - Route, view, controller stuff all looks right to me
Updated by Misha Zatsman almost 11 years ago
Tom Clegg wrote:
As of 7f7cd27d5fc31dc5bbec7f95905fd394a5b317c7, taking into account "work in progress" caveat
- Only complaint I see is that
is superfluous in@user_storage[user.uuid][key].to_s
(<%= blah %>
does that implicitly)
Ok great, I fixed that.
- Route, view, controller stuff all looks right to me
I made it prettier, and now it's ready for a real review.
I don't think my page is reachable from any existing pages. Where and how do I add a link to it?
Updated by Tom Clegg almost 11 years ago
Looks great. Only complaint I could find:
Some "tab in indent" complaints from git. has ways to make git report whitespace errors (git diff --check
) and prevent you from committing them (although this means you have to use --no-verify to commit or merge Go code -- we figured Go's strong 8-char-tab convention trumps our preference for no tabs). And emacs/vim bits to tell them to auto-indent with spaces.
I don't think my page is reachable from any existing pages. Where and how do I add a link to it?
For the moment, closest we have to a good place to put it: apps/workbench/app/views/users/_show_activity.html.erb
Updated by Misha Zatsman almost 11 years ago
Tom Clegg wrote:
Looks great. Only complaint I could find:
Some "tab in indent" complaints from git. has ways to make git report whitespace errors (
git diff --check
) and prevent you from committing them (although this means you have to use --no-verify to commit or merge Go code -- we figured Go's strong 8-char-tab convention trumps our preference for no tabs). And emacs/vim bits to tell them to auto-indent with spaces.
Thanks. I have those bits in my .emacs but added the git config stuff. The tabs seem to have come from activity.html.erb from which I pasted in pieces.
I don't think my page is reachable from any existing pages. Where and how do I add a link to it?
For the moment, closest we have to a good place to put it:
Cool, I added it in. I'm weirded out by ruby creating magic strings like storage_users_url and not defining them anywhere I can grep for them, but it seems to work.
Updated by Anonymous almost 11 years ago
- Status changed from New to Resolved
- % Done changed from 25 to 100
Applied in changeset arvados|commit:416374d4bbf381f5689fe2d1c72705d0796e8382.