Story #2836
closedWorkbench UI improvements
- Move "help" to top nav, merge with ssh/tokens stuff, change to gear icon, call it "settings".
- Show current login in top nav (click -> drop-down with option to log out).
- Tags should be same color everywhere.
- Persistent top nav between pages. (wiselinks?)
- Sortable columns on tables.
- Show date-or-time instead of age.
- "Loading" indication during ajax and page transitions.
- White out content/pane area and show centered spinner during page/tab transition.
- Darken background and show "loading" in modal while loading modal content.
- "Do stuff with selection" widget has no reason to be a split button
- The "run this pipeline" button on the template#show page should bring up the project chooser, allowing you to choose where to put the new pipeline instance.
- Color structure.
- Consistent spacing, table style.
- Standardize error/alert display.
- Dashboard.
Updated by Radhika Chippada over 10 years ago
- Assigned To set to Radhika Chippada
Updated by Radhika Chippada over 10 years ago
- Story points changed from 8.0 to 5.0
Subtracted 3 story points since the following are implemented using other smaller stories:
- Move "help" to top nav, merge with ssh/tokens stuff, change to gear icon, call it "settings".
- Show current login in top nav (click > drop-down with option to log out). (Radhika - This, I think, was already there)
- Show date-or-time instead of age.
- "Loading" indication during ajax and page transitions.
White out content/pane area and show centered spinner during page/tab transition.
Darken background and show "loading" in modal while loading modal content.
- The "run this pipeline" button on the template#show page should bring up the project chooser, allowing you to choose where to put the new pipeline instance.
Updated by Radhika Chippada over 10 years ago
- Story points changed from 5.0 to 2.0
Reduced story points as the individual items are split into separate stories. Most of the items listed are either addressed or being addressed. The remaining:
- Tags should be same color everywhere: We decided to not work on this at this time until we have suggestions from Tom O'Keefe
- Sortable columns on tables: Moved into future sprint.