Bug #5045
open[Workbench] reports "oops, request failed" rendering projects with very large collections
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Story points:
Viewing a project that contains many collections with extremely large manifests yields this response from the API server:
#<ArvadosApiClient::ApiErrorResponseException: #<ActiveRecord::StatementInvalid: PG::OutOfMemory: ERROR: out of memory DETAIL: Failed on request of size 134217728. : SELECT "collections".* FROM "collections" WHERE (expires_at IS NULL or expires_at > CURRENT_TIMESTAMP) AND ((collections.owner_uuid = '4xphq-tpzed-0s3ii2p2j20edz6')) AND ((collections.owner_uuid ilike '%%' OR collections.modified_by_client_uuid ilike '%%' OR collections.modified_by_user_uuid ilike '%%' OR collections.portable_data_hash ilike '%%' OR collections.redundancy_confirmed_by_client_uuid ilike '%%' OR collections.uuid ilike '%%' OR ilike '%%' OR collections.description ilike '%%' OR ilike '%%' OR collections.file_names ilike '%%') AND (collections.uuid like '_____-4zz18-_______________')) ORDER BY collections.created_at desc LIMIT 200 OFFSET 0> [API: 422]>
Updated by Tim Pierce about 10 years ago
- Target version changed from Bug Triage to Deferred
Resolved on 4xphq with #3021. Moving this to Deferred on the expectation that this particular failure is unlikely to happen for this particular reason again, and ongoing database schema improvements will make it less likely in general, without needing to address this specific request.