Task #7299
closedStory #5590: Document Lightning Specifications
Review documentation
Added by Sarah Guthrie over 9 years ago. Updated over 9 years ago.
Ensure its legible, easy to access, and complete
Lightning.pdf (218 KB) Lightning.pdf | Sarah Guthrie, 10/05/2015 08:29 PM |
Updated by Sarah Guthrie over 9 years ago
- Assigned To set to Abram Connelly
Ready! Checked into the master branch of lightning. Installing sphinx and/or running make html should render html pages in the lightning/docs/_build/ directory. You can also browse the restructured text in your favourite text editor. The specifications are in data_structures and api.
Updated by Abram Connelly over 9 years ago
- Status changed from New to In Progress
- Start date set to 10/05/2015
Updated by Abram Connelly over 9 years ago
I assume http://lightning-dev4.curoverse.com/pad/p/lightning-api is the most up to date and the one I should primarily be looking at.
All API requests should have an example associated with them: GET /tiles/{version-int}
, GET /tiles/{version-int}/{path-int}
, GET /tiles/{version-int}/{path-int}/{step-int}
, GET /callsets/{callset-name}/gvcf
, GET /callsets/{callset-name}/vcf
, POST /callsets/filter-phase-insensitive
, POST /callsets/filter-phase-sensitive
A short description of non-intuitive return parameters should be given. For example, POST /tile-variants/loci
has as it's return value [['hg19','chr1',0,300,3248]]
. I would add a note here with something like "returned is reference locus for 'hg19' on chromosome 1, 0 indexed (as specified by the third return value), starting at 3000 and ending at 3248 (exclusive). See the "Locus" section above for more details". In general, making each description of the API functions as self contained as possible is better.
What does "acts like a POST" mean? Please explain in the document.
Otherwise seems like a good initial attempt at a Lightning API.
Updated by Sarah Guthrie over 9 years ago
Unfortunately, the link you provide is the Lightning API attempt we designed last march and the one I used as inspiration for the current API. The most recent API specs are in https://github.com/curoverse/lightning/ under the 'docs' directory.
Updated by Sarah Guthrie over 9 years ago
- File Lightning.pdf Lightning.pdf added
For simplicity, here's the compiled Latex PDF for the documentation of Lightning. It seems to have a good deal of whitespace, but it also has all the info.
Updated by Abram Connelly over 9 years ago
As requested, I'm focusing on the "Data Structures ..." and the "Lightning API.." sections.
Some points:
- All API queries should have an example including the request example. I notice a lot of responses but few have requests. Even if it's obvious it still should be provided to provide some context.
- I don't know what
POST /callsets
is doing. If this is future functionality maybe it should be taken out of this spec. If you want to keep it please document what it's doing, what each of the parameters means and what the behavior is. - Searches can be specified and queried without any credential information? Doesn't this pose security risks? Won't searches accumulate? Why have this in the first place?
- Provide a detailed description of the response to
8.2.2 POST /tile-variants/loci
describing what the vector['hg19', 'chr1', 0, 3000, 3248]
represents. A brief "third parameter is the index (0 in this case), start position, end position (non-inclusive)". - Provide examples for each of the data types in the
Data Structures Specifications
section. - What is the
fromGET /tile-library/tag-sets/{tag-set-identifier}
(section 8.1.4)? Give a brief explanation. - In section 8.1.5, make it clear that the "BRCA Lightning Instance" is a Lightning server only serving those two tile paths and nothing else.
- What is the
in 8.1.6? Explain briefly what that number represents.
Maybe premature for this document but having concrete examples (via a 'wget', 'curl' or some other facility) helps with understanding. In general, having each section or sub-section be as self contained as possible is something I would strive for. The way I read API documents is as a reference, often jumping to the section that I want to understand. Usually, an example is good enough for me to understand what it does and how to use it. I consider it undesirable to bounce around in the document looking up definitions or terminology so that I can understand what a particular API call does.
I also think we should hold off on providing facilities to create objects via the API. I'm happy to hear otherwise but this has some implications that we might not want to address right now.
Otherwise it looks good as an initial API.
Updated by Sarah Guthrie over 9 years ago
- Status changed from In Progress to Closed
- Remaining (hours) changed from 2.0 to 0.0