Story #8662
closed[GATK Queue] Support separate runtime constraints for different tools
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% Done:
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(Total: 0.00 h)
Story points:
In a GATK Queue Job, runtime_constraints should just be sufficient to run the Queue process itself. It should find runtime constraints for individual tools in the Job's script_parameters like:
"script_parameters": { "runtime_constraints": { "value": { "RealignerTargetCreator": { "min_cores_per_node": 4, … }, "IndelRealigner": { "min_cores_per_node": 1, … }, … } }, … }
- In ArvadosJobRunner.scala, capture the tool name explicitly (the tool is already matched from the command line using the regxes on lines 213-217)
- Use the tool name as a key into job.script_parameters.runtime_contraints.
- Update the top level runtime constraints with any keys supplied the tool-specific runtime constraints.
- Use the updated runtime constraints to submit the job using that tool.
Updated by Brett Smith about 9 years ago
- Status changed from New to In Progress
- Assigned To set to Brett Smith
- Target version changed from 2016-03-30 sprint to 2016-03-16 sprint
- Story points set to 0.5
Updated by Brett Smith almost 9 years ago
Our test job wx7k5-8i9sb-i1e9xo681jdzfwm shows the new code working as intended. There was a failure at the lower levels.
Updated by Peter Amstutz almost 9 years ago
8662-separate-runtime-constraints-wip @ commit:df47b15 LGTM
Updated by Bryan Cosca almost 9 years ago
The test job has completed after fixing the failures before: wx7k5-8i9sb-7dkisf8ad84prqv
Updated by Brett Smith almost 9 years ago
- Status changed from In Progress to Resolved