Story #19463
Updated by Peter Amstutz over 2 years ago
+Organize the current fields+
Current design has the details panel in a two-column view when shown as a card in the central panel, and a single-column view (same fields) when shown on the right side info popout panel.
+Additional fields+
* modified_by_user_uuid (user that authored the container)
* runtime_user_uuid (user the container actually ran as, usually the same as modified_by but could be different)
* workflow cost (two values, individual container & sum of subprocesses)
** brainstorm: column in subprocess list with cost
* cost / time (avg cost per hour)
* resources requested, the actual node that was allocated (on cloud)
* breadcrumbs view for subprocesses & collections associated with containers
** when looking at a workflow step, or a collection associated with workflow step like a log or intermediate output, can show you the step and parent workflow that it belongs to