


Story #2985

Updated by Tom Clegg over 10 years ago

 * Edit links within metadata section of "Advanced" tab 
 * Add explanatory text to the examples on the "Advanced" tab 
 * -Style Style the "View log" and "job details" links on pipeline instance page- page 
 * Display pipeline state in folder view. 
 * Example pipeline should have link_name for all of the default inputs (samtools etc) 
 * Suggest "what to do next" when viewing a new/empty folder 
 * Difference between "queued" and "nothing submitted yet" jobs on pipeline instance status page 
 * List of shared folders should say who owns each one (or description) 
 * Indicate datatype in folder content list 
 * Fix infinite scroll in pipeline template chooser 
 * "Pick folder" drop-down in collection chooser 
 * -Rename Rename folders to projects- 
 * "Delete folder" should always be there. Confirm before deleting. Delete all contents. 
 * Add two collections with the same name - OK? 
 * Vertical spacing on "recent jobs/pipelines" table on home page projects 
