Story #2985
Updated by Tim Pierce over 10 years ago
Workbench features/behavior:
* Handle gracefully adding two collections with the same name
* Edit links within metadata section of "Advanced" tab
* Show loading spinner when waiting for infinite scroll request
* Add "Move/copy to a different project..." actions to the selection dropdown on the project page (bring up folder chooser, just like the "move project..." button)
* Add explanatory text to the examples on the "Advanced" tab
* Display state of a pipeline instance (New, RunningOnServer, etc) when shown in folder contents view.
* Example pipeline should have link_name for all of the default inputs (samtools etc)
* Suggest "what to do next" when viewing a new/empty folder (instead of just an empty contents pane)
* Indicate difference between "queued" and "nothing submitted yet" jobs on pipeline instance status page
* List of my/shared projects should show project descriptions in the list, instead of tooltips
* List of shared projects should indicate which user owns each project