


Story #3138

Updated by Tom Clegg over 10 years ago

When At least most of the time (ideally always) when navigating inside Workbench (at least sometimes, but ideally always), Workbench, the top nav should stay stable and the page content area should indicate "loading". (Currently, after clicking a link, the user experiences a delay, then the entire page goes blank, then the next page appears.) 

 An easy strategy to solve [most of] this problem is to replace regular links with Javascript code to 
 # Display "loading" indication, 
 # Do an AJAX call to load just the "body-content DIV" part of the desired page, 
 # Replace the current body-content div with the new one. 

 The "wiselinks" gem can do most of this work for us, and lets us enable it selectively so we don't unwittingly break a bunch of stuff (which is what will happen if we turn on "turbolinks"). 

 * This tends to break the javascript-embedded-in-page pattern (especially (only?) with @content_for :footer_js@). Temporary solution: don't use wiselinks when linking to pages that use that pattern. Long term solution: Don't use the javascript-embedded-in-page pattern. 
 * Also won't play well with "change breadcrumbs depending on which page you're looking at" system 
