


Story #8876

Updated by Brett Smith almost 9 years ago

Baseline: Job show tab becomes more like the Pipeline Instance show tab.    This is how it renders child work units. 

 Follow the structure in #8651 to implement work unit proxies for job and pipeline instance.    Work Unit methods needed: 

 * A @label@ method 
 * A @components@ method that returns real objects in a ??? (Array?    Hash?) 
 * A @parameters@ method that returns @script_parameters@ for jobs and @nil@ for pipeline instances 
 * A method to indicate where there are logs, if any 
 * script 
 * script_repository 
 * script_version 
 * supplied_script_version 
 * docker_image 
 * runtime_constraints 
 * modified_by_user_uuid 
 * priority 
 * nondeterministic 
 * created_at 
 * started_at 
 * finished_at 
 * state 
 * progress 
 * output 
