


Feature #8464

Updated by Radhika Chippada over 8 years ago 

 "mounts": { 

 Add a new field to ContainerRunner called StdoutFile of type @io.WriteCloser@. 

 # In @SetupMounts@, on first time through runner.ContainerRecord.Mounts, if @bind@ is "stdout" then make sure it is of kind "file". Extend SetupMounts to support "file" kind. ignore it. 
 # Before starting arv-mount, check that the "path" field under"stdout" starts with OutputPath.    If not, it is an error 
 # strip off the leading "OutputPath" to get a relative path 
 # if there is a directory in the relative path, create the necessary subdirectories under "HostOutputDir" 
 # os.Open() the path for writing under HostOutputDir 
 # Assign the writer to ContainerRunner StdoutFile  
 # In @AttachStreams@, if StdoutFile is not nil, assign StdoutFile to @runner.Stdout@ instead of NewThrottledLogger (will need to change type of ContainerRunner.Stdout to be an io.WriteCloser) 

 That should be it. 
