


Bug #12199

Updated by Tom Clegg about 7 years ago

Add cloud node size and price info to site configuration object: 
 * cloud instance id 
 * price 
 * cores 
 * ram 
 * disk 

 Add Go package (server/dispatch_cloud) that exports a node size calculator. 
 * Load cluster config 
 * Given an arvados.Container record, return the appropriate instance type (not just a string, but the whole type record from the config) 
 * Return a predictable error (ErrInstanceTypesNotConfigured?) if none are listed 
 * Return a predictable error (ErrConstraintsNotSatisfiable?) if no instance type is big enough 

 In crunch-dispatch-slurm, before submitting a slurm job, use the dispatch_cloud calculator to determine the appropriate instance type. Add it to the sbatch command line in "--constraints". Omit constraints if calculator returns ErrInstanceTypesNotConfigured. Cancel the container if calculator returns ErrConstraintsNotSatisifiable. 

 In nodemanager, for each slurm job with constraints, use the indicated instance type for the wishlist. 

 In the node boot script, use scontrol to set the slurm feature/constraint to match whatever in the Arvados node record. 

 Optional (or not?): In nodemanager, load the site configuration file, and use the instance types found there instead of the ones in the "sizes" section of nodemanager's own config file. 
